Author Topic: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!  (Read 3886 times)


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Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2014, 12:03:02 am »
Heh the Dreamcast's uber suckfest is only surpassed in horribleness by the thing known as the N64. :)

HA  ;)  The N64 is awesome too!   ;D  I'm surprised tho' that some one who like the SMS and Nintendo stuff you dont like the Dreamcast or n64?


Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2014, 08:29:24 am »
There are 2 things a system must have to be considered "good or cool".

1- Rpgs
2- Controllers not the size of basketballs.


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Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2014, 08:35:08 am »
There are 2 things a system must have to be considered "good or cool".

1- Rpgs
2- Controllers not the size of basketballs.

1 only applys to harley riding rpg players  ;)


Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2014, 08:49:52 am »
My vote is the only one that counts!  8)


Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2014, 11:15:49 am »
There are 2 things a system must have to be considered "good or cool".

1- Rpgs
2- Controllers not the size of basketballs.

Aren't you going for a full set on the Master System? This system has 1 good RPG. The others aren't even decent. Miracle Warriors and Ultima iv are a level of garbage just a tad better than Black Onyx. The rest are adventure games.

In the same way the Dreamcast has Skies of Arcadia. But then the RPGs after that are at least more enjoyable than Miracle Warriors and Ultima.

Grandia 2
Record of the Lodoss War
Evolution 2
Dragon Riders
Time Stalkers

This is an RPG every two months. In all honesty, a decent showing for Sega's last system. And granted , I realize you are just having a bit of fun with this post. But it does make me wonder, why do you collect for the master system? It's garbage for RPGs. Honestly, when you get down to it, the NES is not a great RPG machine either. Why have full sets? Is it just the idea of a full set? What makes Soera tick?
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2014, 02:11:31 pm »
I am going for a full MS set but it has multiple levels for me. Miracle warriors is actually a great game. My avatar name Soera stemmed from that game. Ultima IV is the best Ultima game out there. I also really enjoyed Ys and Golvellius (more action RPG than traditional but still good games). R-type is my favorite shooter. Basketball nightmare and Rocky are also fun nostalgia games for me. The SMS is the system I grew up with. My mom refused to ever let me own an NES but actually bought me an SMS for Christmas one year. I was the only person in my entire group of friends that owned one and Im glad I did.

The NES isnt a beast for RPGs but they do have 2 of the biggest series that started there. DQ and FF. Destiny of an Emperor is a really unique experience as well. I will be the first to say however that the NES has one of the biggest libraries of shovelware ever though. Out of 765 total games, I would say that 10% max is actually decent.

When compared to the PS1 & 2 though, the N64 and Dreamcast simply lose. There isnt even a comparison. :)


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Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2014, 02:21:24 pm »
I am going for a full MS set but it has multiple levels for me. Miracle warriors is actually a great game. My avatar name Soera stemmed from that game. Ultima IV is the best Ultima game out there. I also really enjoyed Ys and Golvellius (more action RPG than traditional but still good games). R-type is my favorite shooter. Basketball nightmare and Rocky are also fun nostalgia games for me. The SMS is the system I grew up with. My mom refused to ever let me own an NES but actually bought me an SMS for Christmas one year. I was the only person in my entire group of friends that owned one and Im glad I did.

The NES isnt a beast for RPGs but they do have 2 of the biggest series that started there. DQ and FF. Destiny of an Emperor is a really unique experience as well. I will be the first to say however that the NES has one of the biggest libraries of shovelware ever though. Out of 765 total games, I would say that 10% max is actually decent.

When compared to the PS1 & 2 though, the N64 and Dreamcast simply lose. There isnt even a comparison. :)

Golvellius.  I got that game a while back and played it and beat it in a few days.  I will say Golvellius is a very fun and exciting game.  In the first 10 minutes, I was so iffy about it and about to turn it off but played a little longer and began to love it!   :) I actually think they should of made a sequel to Golvellius.  I will say that I enjoyed Golvellius more than Phantasy Star on the SMS. 

You mentioned Destiny of an Emperor.  I actually have this game in the box sitting on my shelf and never played it.  I looks very cool on the back with the screen shots but never tried it.  I have confidence now that I will enjoy it.

Per the Dreamcast being compared to the PS1 and PS2.  To me, it's fair to say that if the Dreamcast got the love and more time, it would have been on top.  I love the Dreamcast controller, the small portion of games that did come out, the sound, the graphics, I think its amazing!   

Now, the N64 just was so fun to me as a kid.  It was the first system that I could play with more than 1 friend for hours and hours.  At the time compared to the Saturn and PS1, the 64 had the best sports games and multiplayer.  Mario Kart, Duke Nukem, GOLDENEYE, I mean so much on the 64 that is so precious in my opinion.. 

But of course, sales wise, the ps2 has the most sales ever


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Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2014, 02:22:51 pm »
Ultima IV is the best Ultima game out there.

When compared to the PS1 & 2 though, the N64 and Dreamcast simply lose. There isnt even a comparison. :)

I have never played Ultima.  I turned off on it when I realize the first of the series was on pc or something.  I have always been curious about it tho'.


Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2014, 06:18:53 pm »
My mom refused to ever let me own an NES but actually bought me an SMS for Christmas one year. I was the only person in my entire group of friends that owned one and Im glad I did.

Herein lies most of the dreamcast love I see. Most fans grew up with the Genesis. The dreamcast was at the exact right time to be our first system that we saved up for. If you are a SEGA fan, you are probably an arcade fan first and foremost. The arcade is what SEGA is known for. And in the late 90s, the Naomi system was the king of the arcades. It supported all of the big Namco, Capcom, and SEGA games, which were probably over half of the arcades being produced. Most of these came to the dreamcast. 250 games for the first year of a systems release is impressive. This is due to the arcade game ports.

So, the SEGA dreamcast being the last SEGA console, at the time most of the kids growing up with the Genesis could afford it, being the last true arcade experience at home, and embodying the arcade scene in it's final glory days, combine with a short but prolific era of quality arcade ports, creates a very fondly remembered machine that outlasts what its actual legacy is.

Take a poll of die hard dreamcast fans, most of them will be in their late 20s. People older or younger won't have the same nostalgia for it. It's a personal story, just like your master system.
UPDATED 01/22/2016 New Ages of SEGA "Space Slalom" is now on....


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Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2014, 09:50:48 pm »
My mom refused to ever let me own an NES but actually bought me an SMS for Christmas one year. I was the only person in my entire group of friends that owned one and Im glad I did.

Herein lies most of the dreamcast love I see. Most fans grew up with the Genesis. The dreamcast was at the exact right time to be our first system that we saved up for. If you are a SEGA fan, you are probably an arcade fan first and foremost. The arcade is what SEGA is known for. And in the late 90s, the Naomi system was the king of the arcades. It supported all of the big Namco, Capcom, and SEGA games, which were probably over half of the arcades being produced. Most of these came to the dreamcast. 250 games for the first year of a systems release is impressive. This is due to the arcade game ports.

So, the SEGA dreamcast being the last SEGA console, at the time most of the kids growing up with the Genesis could afford it, being the last true arcade experience at home, and embodying the arcade scene in it's final glory days, combine with a short but prolific era of quality arcade ports, creates a very fondly remembered machine that outlasts what its actual legacy is.

Take a poll of die hard dreamcast fans, most of them will be in their late 20s. People older or younger won't have the same nostalgia for it. It's a personal story, just like your master system.

What's true is that I am in my late 20s; however, I don't know much about the arcade ports.  My love for the dreamcast is this.  During the Genesis era, I owned an NES and SNES but my best friend owned a Genesis.  I played hours upon hours of the Genesis at his house.  I fell in love with Sonic.  Sonic was tied with Mario for me as a kid in the early 90s.  So when I first played Sonic 3D Blast for the Saturn, I love it!   The very first time I played a Dreamcast,  It was the friend of a friends.  He had a ton of games and accessories.  So the first game I played was Sonic Adventure, which I enjoyed being a fan of sonic.  Second game I played with the legendary SHENMUE.  I was so amazed at that game and I could not believe what I playing.  He got mad because I played for so long.  After that I played Crazy Taxi, Jet Grind Radio, Ready 2 Rumble, and so much more.  He had at least 20 games.  I loved all them!!   :) :)  I remember at that time that I was stunned at the Dreamcast.  The graphics, gameplay, the games, everything.  It made me feel cool to play it. 

Then, maybe a year later or so, I remember being at school.  At my school, we had your usual drug dealers, but we also had game dealers.  They would sell bootleg playstation 1 games and dreamcast games.  I remember trying to get a Dreamcast system from someone because I really wanted the system.  I found out from this one dealer that he stopped selling Dreamcast games.  I asked why and he said "they dont sell them no more".  I was heart broken  :'(

So I eventually got a ps2 from my mom as a christmast gift and even tho' I loved the ps2, my heart always remembered the Dreamcast.  It kind of disappeared at that time and no one talked about it but I never forgot it.  When I got older and had a job, I did not hesitate to buy my first Dreamcast for 40 bucks at my flea market  :)


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Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #25 on: February 12, 2014, 11:48:15 am »
Im curious at the title of this thread. It says Dreamcast "begins" to fail. That junk system failed the day it was released! :)

It's not an unusual title at all. Almost anyone who plays said system can't believe that it failed. Some people, such as the original poster, go in denial... thinking that it is only beginning to fail. Some people angrily revolt, much like a teenager turning to drugs, and become RPG players. We all have our ways of coping with the loss of sega and its awesome arcade ports.

Beta, dont feed into Soera's comment.  He's just mad because he never got to experience the true power of the Phoenix Mirror...He never got to skate wild on buildings and in the streets tagging everything in site very colorful...He unfortunately first met Shadow on some bogus system called the PS2...He never got to play Resident Evil on a console that showed the first RE games in the best detail...He will probably say that Shenmue was not the first open world game made on a console...He can't admit that even without the help of EA Sports, Sega was so brilliant that they came out with their own line of sports called 2K which made some of the best sports games of that era...He will never pick up taxi fairs the original way they were intended...He probably thinks that a playstation 2 memory card is a real memory card...He will never know that the Dreamcast controller is one of the best controllers ever to be held by man...He prob forget that the Dreamcast introduced online gaming (for those who like online gaming) so on and so forth...You get the point

 ;) ;) ;) ;)

WOW, I've been a few days out! So sorry for a late reply. 90nostalga, totally agree with you except for the controller... great console, but a horrible controller... it's to big for me and the triggers just dont feel good, the analogue stick it's in a weird position for my hand... at least it's pretty lightweight for its size.

About the recalibration... tried to turn it a little bit to the clockwise and no difference... A little more and it just doesn't load the games. Counter clockwise does more or less the same... It's difficult reproduce the reading errors... so i would need more time... maybe the best it's to wait till dreamcast became unplayable. Because in some playing sessions (3-4 hours) sometimes works perfect.


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Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #26 on: February 12, 2014, 02:28:09 pm »
Tweaking the Dreamcast is a pain at times, and definitely hard to test and see if your tweaking helped.

I love the Dreamcast debate going on in this thread. I love the Dreamcast because it was the last gaming system I had bought before college, work, and wife became too much for me to invest any more time in gaming. (just to note since Sin2Beta brought it up - I am 34 right now - so a little older than the proposed age range for loving this system) The games I played on my Dreamcast were amazing though. I had just played about every RPG known to man on my PS1 and I was ready to just play some games that were simply fun and not 50 hour story adventures.

My wife later on surprised me with a PS2 and Final Fantasy X even though I thought we were broke. Yet I was sad that I had missed out on the Dreamcast's swan song. It is like when someone in your family dies and you just replay the thoughts that if you had only spent more time with them, only learned more about them while they were alive. I have the same kind of feelings about Dreamcast. If I had only spent more time online, bought more games, relished in Sega's final console.

There are definitely better consoles before and after the Dreamcast, but the Dreamcast was put to rest way before it had time to truly shine.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


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Re: Dreamcast begins to fail, Suggestions? HELP!
« Reply #27 on: February 12, 2014, 02:36:25 pm »
I forgot to even mention that the E3 shows were amazing for Dreamcast. I used to spend more time at the Sega booth than any other. Well until the year Sega made their booth invite only. That was when everyone knew it was the beginning of the end.

Also it was cool to see grown men waking around the university with VMUs playing Pinta's Quest and taking their Chaos for a walk. Too funny!
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01