I am going for a full MS set but it has multiple levels for me. Miracle warriors is actually a great game. My avatar name Soera stemmed from that game. Ultima IV is the best Ultima game out there. I also really enjoyed Ys and Golvellius (more action RPG than traditional but still good games). R-type is my favorite shooter. Basketball nightmare and Rocky are also fun nostalgia games for me. The SMS is the system I grew up with. My mom refused to ever let me own an NES but actually bought me an SMS for Christmas one year. I was the only person in my entire group of friends that owned one and Im glad I did.
The NES isnt a beast for RPGs but they do have 2 of the biggest series that started there. DQ and FF. Destiny of an Emperor is a really unique experience as well. I will be the first to say however that the NES has one of the biggest libraries of shovelware ever though. Out of 765 total games, I would say that 10% max is actually decent.
When compared to the PS1 & 2 though, the N64 and Dreamcast simply lose. There isnt even a comparison. 
Golvellius. I got that game a while back and played it and beat it in a few days. I will say Golvellius is a very fun and exciting game. In the first 10 minutes, I was so iffy about it and about to turn it off but played a little longer and began to love it!

I actually think they should of made a sequel to Golvellius. I will say that I enjoyed Golvellius more than Phantasy Star on the SMS.
You mentioned Destiny of an Emperor. I actually have this game in the box sitting on my shelf and never played it. I looks very cool on the back with the screen shots but never tried it. I have confidence now that I will enjoy it.
Per the Dreamcast being compared to the PS1 and PS2. To me, it's fair to say that if the Dreamcast got the love and more time, it would have been on top. I love the Dreamcast controller, the small portion of games that did come out, the sound, the graphics, I think its amazing!
Now, the N64 just was so fun to me as a kid. It was the first system that I could play with more than 1 friend for hours and hours. At the time compared to the Saturn and PS1, the 64 had the best sports games and multiplayer. Mario Kart, Duke Nukem, GOLDENEYE, I mean so much on the 64 that is so precious in my opinion..
But of course, sales wise, the ps2 has the most sales ever