Author Topic: Playstation move gun alternatives  (Read 1409 times)

Playstation move gun alternatives
« on: March 27, 2014, 11:36:54 am »
Hello all ^_^

I recently picked up a playstation move for $20. It's really fun to mess around with but the move controller/wand is atrocious for rail shooters. Does anyone know a reliable light gun alternative that works for House of the Dead Overkill and Galgun?


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Re: Playstation move gun alternatives
« Reply #1 on: March 27, 2014, 01:54:52 pm »
You can't use PS1 accessories on the PS3? I'm really not sure, I don't own one. But the PS2 can use PS1 accessories, and I know you can play PS1 games on the PS3.

If you can, then just use the Namco GunCon controller. It works great and was created for the Time Crisis games. The GunCon2 is even better, as it has a d-pad right on the back of the gun (which works great for Resident Evil: Dead Aim).


Re: Playstation move gun alternatives
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2014, 03:57:44 pm »
You can't use PS1 accessories on the PS3? I'm really not sure, I don't own one. But the PS2 can use PS1 accessories, and I know you can play PS1 games on the PS3.

If you can, then just use the Namco GunCon controller. It works great and was created for the Time Crisis games. The GunCon2 is even better, as it has a d-pad right on the back of the gun (which works great for Resident Evil: Dead Aim).

The GunCon 1/2 and other light guns are not compatible with HDTV systems.

And the GunCon 3 only works with three games. Ugh...

Re: Playstation move gun alternatives
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2014, 08:35:18 pm »
Not sure if still looking, but I was in Toys r Us a few days a go and they had the PS Move rifle, (sharpshooter I think it is called), at $10, and then I think it was also 50% off, so only maybe $5.