You do video editing? We should get a PM conversation going as I moonlight in film/editing myself!

I'm in the opposite boat right now. I've spent enough money on film gear (lights, audio, cameras, software) over the last 5 years that at this point I feel like I've used that stuff more for other peoples projects than for my own projects and enjoyment. It kinda killed a lot of the incentive for me.
For me getting back into retro games after a nearly 15 year hiatus is me finally doing something just for me. I went from just wanting a couple of the games I used to have as a kid to an insane (in my mind) amount of research, cataloging and wishlisting items, and pulling U-turns when running errands to stop and check out garage sales for deals.
It's not practical or economical but I'm enjoying the hell out of it. It's even something I've been able to get my 11 year old into.

I'm not saying you should keep collecting. I actually agree with everyone elses advice here. If it's not making you happy and it's just a habit and money pit at this point, perhaps it's time to devote more to your Film aspirations.
Take some time off from adding to the collection and see how it feels. The games will still be around if you decide to come back.

I'd hold off on selling stuff you already have though. The stuff that vexes me the most is the games/accessories I once had but lost. I hate the feeling I get when purchasing something again that I had before.