holy Optimus Prime riding My little Pony Batman I found a lot of stuff this weekend.

Stopped at a Toy R Us and picked up more Bargins at 80% off.
Had many finds for classic games at garage sales.
WiiU- 007 Legends (sealed $10)
- ESPN Sports Connnaction (sealed $6)
- Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 2013 (sealed $6)
- NES Remix (free download from Club Nintendo Award, wish they would release a psychical copy of this.)
VITA- Lumines (sealed $4)
- Fifa Soccer (sealed $4)
Wii- Think Smart Family (sealed $2)
PSP- Socom US Navy Seals: Fireteam Bravo ($2)
- From Russia with Love 007 ($2)
PS2- Cake Mania (sealed $2)
- PDC World Championship Darts ($2)
- Carol Vorderman's Sudoku (sealed .60c)
- G-Force ($1)
- Catworman ($1)
- World Poker Tour ($1)
- Namco Museum 50th Anniversary (GH) ($1)
- Midway Arcade Treasures 2 ($1)
- Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones ($1)
- Tomb Raider Anniversary ($1)
- Nascar 06 Total Team Control ($1)
- Eye Toy (.50c)
XB- World Poker Tour ($2)
An X-Men Rogue large action figure NIB for $2
GBAA red Game Boy Advance SP (001) with charger for $1
- Dexter's Laboratory: Chess Challenge ($1)
- Sodoku Fever ($1)
- Jimmy Neutron: Jimmy Negatron ($1)
- Green Eggs and Ham ($1)
- Hello Kitty (with manual $1)
- Strawberry Shortcake (with manual $1)
- My Little Pony (with a messed up manual $1)
- Barbie and the Magic Pegasus ($1)
PS1 - Heart of Darkness ($1)
- Rayman (GH) ($1)
- Descent Maximum ($1)
- Populous the Beginning ($1)
- The X Files (.50c)
- Resident Evil 3 (.50c)
- Silent Hill (.50c)
- Power Replay III (free)
N64- Golden Nugget ($2)
- Wheel of Fortune ($2)
SNESA Super Scope CIB for $10
- Space Invaders (CIB $5)
- UN Squadron (CIB $5)
- Tetris & Dr. Mario (CIB $5)
- Top Gear ($1)
- Toy Story ($1)
- Suzuka 8 Hours ($3)
- Super Pinball Behind the Mask ($1)
- Combatribes ($2.50)
- Chester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest ($3)
- Chester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool ($1)
- Bugs Bunny: Rabbit Rampage ($1)
- Ren & Stimpy: Veediots! ($1)
- Toys ($1)
- Krusty's Super Fun House ($1)
- Aaahh!! Real Monsters ($1)
- Wayne Gretzky and the NHLPA All-Stars ($1)
- Jeopardy Sports Edition ($1)
- Spanky's Quest ($1)
- Bonkers ($1)
- Dennis the Menace ($1)
- Battleship ($1)
- Mickey's Ultimate Challenge ($1)
- Clayfighter ($1)
- Championship Pool ($1)
- Wings 2 Aces High ($3)
- Kirby's Avalanche ($1)
- Super Mario RPG ($1)
GENA complete boxed like new Genesis model 2 for $20
- Hard Drivin' (CIB $2.50)
- Zero Tolerance (CIB $2.50)
GBC- Army Men ($1)
- Buzz Lightyear ($1)
- NBA In the Zone ($1)
GB- The Little Mermaid ($1)
- Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening ($1)
NESAn NES console (no hookups with NES Advantage, Game Genie and 16 games for $25)
- Blades of Steel
- Amagon
- Battletoads
- Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt/Track Meet
- Defender II
- Super Mario Bros.
- Sesame Street 123
- Sesame Street Countdown
- Super Mario Bros. 3
- Ninja Gaiden
- Toki
- Dr. Mario
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III
- Ghosts'n Goblins
- Batman Returns
- Legend of Zelda
- NES Open ($2)
- Popeye ($2)
- Pac-Mania ($2)
- Arkanoid ($2)
- Super Off-Road (CIB $5)
- Pac-Man (CIB $5)
- Tecmo Super Bowl (CIB $5)
- The Black Bass (CIB $6)
- WWF Wrestlemania Steel Gage Challenge (CIB $6)
- Golgo 13 (CIB $6)
- Goonies II (CIB $6)
- Abadox (CIB $6)
INTV- Pac-Man ($2.50)
a ton of controller overlays, all for $1