Author Topic: Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?  (Read 1539 times)

Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?
« on: August 11, 2016, 08:18:34 pm »
Which do you prefer?  :D.   I haven't tried II yet even though I have owned it for quite some time. Everytime I go to play it I always feel its best to play 1 again lol.  Kingdom Hearts 1 is top ten favorite games for me and is a masterpiece that I can play limitless times. I am going to do my first II playthrough once my HD Remix 2.5 comes in the mail :D.  My Brother says II is much better in his opinion but he admits he isn't a fan of the series.  Which do you like more?  :)


Re: Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2016, 08:43:24 pm »
I love Kingdom Hearts II. Its my favorite one of the series and all time favorite game. It's also the first game I had ever pre-ordered.


Re: Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?
« Reply #2 on: August 11, 2016, 11:25:17 pm »
Although Kingdom Hearts II pretty much improved everything that was wrong with the first game and made everything good from the first game and made it even better, I still prefer the first one as I had a lot of nostalgic memories with it. I used to play it at my cousins house all the time and was never able to get pass Destiny Islands as a kid but I still enjoyed it. I played it so much that my cousin would let me refuse to play it sometimes. Ever since then I always wanted to play Kingdom Hearts and get pass Destiny Islands. Unfortunately, It never happened until much much later, as a matter of fact it was only last year when I got it. I ended up beating that game and immanently bought Kingdom Hearts II afterwards (which I still haven't beaten to this day). But enough of my rambling, in conclusion I will always prefer Kingdom Hearts over Kingdom Hearts II.


Re: Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?
« Reply #3 on: August 12, 2016, 10:27:57 am »
KHII, love this game.


Re: Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?
« Reply #4 on: August 12, 2016, 01:45:52 pm »
Even though I love them, I've got relationship baggage attached to both games (ex-wife is super bitchduck of mental scars proportions and they were her favorite games), so until I drop that I can't bring myself to play these games again for more than like 5 minutes.

The beginning of KH II is just rancid...

Can't really choose between them, but my favorite parts in both were the Coliseum's.


Re: Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?
« Reply #5 on: August 12, 2016, 06:53:48 pm »
Definitely think KHII is the better game, it basically improved upon everything the first game did. That said, I haven't played either in a long while.
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Re: Kingdom Hearts 1 or 2?
« Reply #6 on: August 27, 2016, 07:12:17 am »
Definitely KH 1 for me.

KH1 has a bit more charm to me, the story isn't as confused and the combat feels better to me (tighter), except aerial battles.

KH2 is all around a better game, but the slow start put me off, along with the weird story and combat just seemed to me all over the place, especially those ATE events with triangle (which was a very abused gimmick), and it seemed more repetitive to me as it follows the pattern of Cutscene - fights - more cutscenes - more fights - go to another world - repeat. Also it had way too many battles, worlds did become bigger, but they filled the rooms with more battles, which became tiring to me.  Camera was a lot better.