Author Topic: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?  (Read 2689 times)

Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #15 on: February 09, 2022, 04:27:07 pm »

-3D Zelda Collection

What's funny is I own all the 3D Zelda games on at least one console, some of them I own multiple versions of. However, I'd still flip out if this was announced and buy it day one. I'm hopeless...

It's just added convenience, like I don't keep all my consoles, I have a few retro systems, but I also don't have good space for everything, so collections that compile a bunch of games on top of maybe adding extra features, are wonderful.  I'd be all for a nice 2D Zelda collection, or a 3D Collection, heck, I'd be up for just an Ocarina and Majora 3DS set just to have easy access to them and maybe some bonus improvements.


Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #16 on: February 09, 2022, 05:43:58 pm »
it ain't smash cart but 48 mario kart tracks for 25$ is not a bad deal. pretty suprised to see dlc with good prices lol

Mario striker my favourite mario sports series is finally back though that made my day  ;D
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #17 on: February 09, 2022, 05:48:04 pm »
Eh, the Direct was fine.  I didn't get too much out of it until the Mario Kart DLC, which is neat, I might grab the game again since I sold it a year or two back, and Xenoblade Chronicles 3 is cool.  I really liked Xenoblade Chronicles 2, but the trailer didn't do a lot for me.


Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #18 on: February 09, 2022, 05:52:55 pm »
I'm personally not sold on xenoblade 3 yet, seems to be a mix of xeno 2 and and xeno 1 in terms of characters. xeno 1 is more my jam compared to 2

Could be pretty sweet though. it will however always be exciting to explore the world like in every xenoblade game
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 05:54:47 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #19 on: February 09, 2022, 06:01:25 pm »
I'm personally not sold on xenoblade 3 yet, seems to be a mix of xeno 2 and and xeno 1 in terms of characters. xeno 1 is more my jam compared to 2

Could be pretty sweet though. it will however always be exciting to explore the world like in every xenoblade game

That it looked more like Xeno 1 than Xeno 2 was actually a turn off for me lol All the characters seemed really bland and uninteresting.  Sure Xeno 2 probably lays it on too heavy in being "ANIME", but it was fun.  I dabbled in Xeno 1 for a short bit, but I was playing the really garbage 3DS port, so I've never gone back to it.  I played Xenoblade Chronicles X for like 10 to 20 hours, but stopped, because the progression blockers in the story and kinda its whole structure wasn't great.  Xenoblade Chronicles 2 I had a lot of fun with, even if the Gacha Blade setup was the worst idea.  The world does look great in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 though, that could be enough for me.


Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #20 on: February 09, 2022, 06:19:32 pm »
I'm personally not sold on xenoblade 3 yet, seems to be a mix of xeno 2 and and xeno 1 in terms of characters. xeno 1 is more my jam compared to 2

Could be pretty sweet though. it will however always be exciting to explore the world like in every xenoblade game

That it looked more like Xeno 1 than Xeno 2 was actually a turn off for me lol All the characters seemed really bland and uninteresting.  Sure Xeno 2 probably lays it on too heavy in being "ANIME", but it was fun.  I dabbled in Xeno 1 for a short bit, but I was playing the really garbage 3DS port, so I've never gone back to it.  I played Xenoblade Chronicles X for like 10 to 20 hours, but stopped, because the progression blockers in the story and kinda its whole structure wasn't great.  Xenoblade Chronicles 2 I had a lot of fun with, even if the Gacha Blade setup was the worst idea.  The world does look great in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 though, that could be enough for me.

I don't hate 2 it's still good, I do however prefer 1. the characters are likable, the funny moments are subtle but good and it's story was epic. it is one of my favourite rpg's of all time. the voice acting I really enjoyed aswell in this title, wasn't to great in xeno 2 for my taste.

The story and characters are a bit to much in 2 and I do get if people prefer that kinda style, it ain't bad and it did have some over the top funny moments. I was however personally expecting something more like xeno 1. While still good it wasn't something special like xeno 1 for me.

Plus the game is pretty slow paced in the earlier parts if where talking xeno 2. The flow in terms of gameplay I prefer in xeno 1 wich just goes into the action allot earlier. I also felt that strategy was more of a thing in xenoblade 1 compared to 2 them battle systems are quite different. Also the world in xenoblade 2 felt allot smaller compared to 1 wich was a bit dissapointing.

Xenoblade x was fun, while it's story and characters are utter garbage the gameplay and exploration where amazing allot of postgame aswell it's world is pretty huge. while it wasn't a game withouth flaws it was a very cool world to explore dare I say that I enjoyed it more than xeno 1 at times. one of the few exclusives left on wii u that are worth playing.

I do hope xeno 3 gets the expansive world of xenoblade x, would be an amazing game than if they could combine good story characters and the world of xeno X.
« Last Edit: February 09, 2022, 06:37:38 pm by sworddude »
Your Stylish Sword Master!

Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #21 on: February 09, 2022, 06:49:59 pm »
I'm personally not sold on xenoblade 3 yet, seems to be a mix of xeno 2 and and xeno 1 in terms of characters. xeno 1 is more my jam compared to 2

Could be pretty sweet though. it will however always be exciting to explore the world like in every xenoblade game

That it looked more like Xeno 1 than Xeno 2 was actually a turn off for me lol All the characters seemed really bland and uninteresting.  Sure Xeno 2 probably lays it on too heavy in being "ANIME", but it was fun.  I dabbled in Xeno 1 for a short bit, but I was playing the really garbage 3DS port, so I've never gone back to it.  I played Xenoblade Chronicles X for like 10 to 20 hours, but stopped, because the progression blockers in the story and kinda its whole structure wasn't great.  Xenoblade Chronicles 2 I had a lot of fun with, even if the Gacha Blade setup was the worst idea.  The world does look great in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 though, that could be enough for me.

I don't hate 2 it's still good, I do however prefer 1. the characters are likable, the funny moments are subtle but good and it's story was epic. it is one of my favourite rpg's of all time. the voice acting I really enjoyed aswell in this title, wasn't to great in xeno 2 for my taste.

The story and characters are a bit to much in 2 and I do get if people prefer that kinda style, it ain't bad and it did have some over the top funny moments. I was however personally expecting something more like xeno 1. While still good it wasn't something special like xeno 1 for me.

Plus the game is pretty slow paced in the earlier parts if where talking xeno 2. The flow in terms of gameplay I prefer in xeno 1 wich just goes into the action allot earlier. I also felt that strategy was more of a thing in xenoblade 1 compared to 2 them battle systems are quite different. Also the world in xenoblade 2 felt allot smaller compared to 1 wich was a bit dissapointing.

Xenoblade x was fun, while it's story and characters are utter garbage the gameplay and exploration where amazing allot of postgame aswell it's world is pretty huge. while it wasn't a game withouth flaws it was a very cool world to explore dare I say that I enjoyed it more than xeno 1 at times. one of the few exclusives left on wii u that are worth playing.

I do hope xeno 3 gets the expansive world of xenoblade x, would be an amazing game than if they could combine good story characters and the world of xeno X.

The story was the best thing about Xeno X to me lol It's why I stopped playing the game, because the story was pretty exciting, but all the side content and such was incredibly grindy and boring I thought, and they had the progression blockers to keep me from moving forward if I didn't grind up my level and do some other stuff first.  Then they just added the cool mech, which I really liked, but almost felt like it broke the game with how powerful it made me.  I don't know, that was like my first serious go with the series and there were parts I liked, but Xeno 2 sold me and played a lot into my enjoyment of the Switch within that launch year next to Super Mario Odyssey and Breath of the Wild.


Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #22 on: February 09, 2022, 07:47:30 pm »
I'm surprised because I didn't expect anything from it but I thought it was pretty good, a lot of games interest me.

In the end, there are quite a few games that will increase my collection.

I'm very hype about the new Kirby and I'm waiting to see for those ones :

Klonoa Phantasy Reverie Series
SD Gundam Battle Alliance
Taiko No Tatsujin : Rythm Festival

the ones I'm less sure about but I'm going to test :

Mario Strickers Battle League
Disney Speedstorm
Live A Live

I don't need a guitar, I'm a Rockstar


Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #23 on: February 09, 2022, 07:53:45 pm »
Too many remasters and old games, but I am fine with it, I am not too interested in most new games released nowadays, anyway.

That being said, I am glad Mario Strikers came back and mostly like we remembered it, included the edgy artstyle.

Kirby looks great, and I am surprised Nintendo still has new things to do with their characters so they don't feel like they have nothing else to show.

Nintendo Switch Sports looks fun... but not paying 40$ for it, I assume a lot of people will buy it when the nostalgia for Wii Sports kicks in.

From there, I don't mind MK8 having DLCs, but I am looking forward for see the next Smash Bros and if Nintendo will actually reboot it or just make more DLCs.

Fine Nintendo Direct, I don't care about Xenoblade Chronicles 3, Splatoon 3 and Fire Emblems Warrios Three Hope's but it had content I can look forward.

My favorite announcement is that GetsufumaDen Undying Moon is now available.
I always have problems learning English, but I still love to talk a lot; I also enjoy being kind to everyone for no reason; if people can hate for no reason, then I can love; after everything I have gone through, I found a little peace.


Re: What do you think (or hope) will get revealed at the next Nintendo Direct?
« Reply #24 on: February 09, 2022, 09:05:44 pm »
Too many remasters and old games, but I am fine with it, I am not too interested in most new games released nowadays, anyway.

Interesting. I LIVE for collections and remasters/remakes on Switch. It's becoming the ultimate gaming machine!