Author Topic: Sorting Errors?  (Read 955 times)


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Sorting Errors?
« on: August 05, 2014, 12:19:37 am »
I found a few sort errors when inspecting my collection on the site today they are listed as follows.

ROTK series
 - For me IX is listed before VIII, I understand this is because of alphabetical sorting however it would be nice if there was a way to recognize roman numerals, just a thought.

Sly Cooper Series

Sly 1 is listed after Sly 2 and 3 because Sly 1 doesn't have a number in its name, another problem similar to above and I dont know how to fix it but i just thought i'd bring it to attention, maybe use sorting characters that aren't visible? I dont know.

Re: Sorting Errors?
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2014, 09:51:46 am »
I'm not sure if there is anything we can do about these. The database engine we use sorts 0-9 and then A-Z and treats all characters by the same.


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Re: Sorting Errors?
« Reply #2 on: August 05, 2014, 11:12:04 am »
Is there any way to sort it by a hidden character or alternate name and maybe use numbers in the place of roman numerals for those ones? Just an idea if possible, I know I'm probably not the only one this bugs, obviously this is such a small bug on the website but it's really the only one that has bugged me.

Re: Sorting Errors?
« Reply #3 on: August 05, 2014, 11:39:44 am »
Is there any way to sort it by a hidden character or alternate name and maybe use numbers in the place of roman numerals for those ones? Just an idea if possible, I know I'm probably not the only one this bugs, obviously this is such a small bug on the website but it's really the only one that has bugged me.

We could definitely sort on an alt-name but that would require an alt-name to set on all 60,000+ items. I can look into it a bit more but won't make any promises. I'm just glad that this is the ONLY bug that bothered you. :)


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Re: Sorting Errors?
« Reply #4 on: August 05, 2014, 11:53:01 am »
Is there any way to sort it by a hidden character or alternate name and maybe use numbers in the place of roman numerals for those ones? Just an idea if possible, I know I'm probably not the only one this bugs, obviously this is such a small bug on the website but it's really the only one that has bugged me.

We could definitely sort on an alt-name but that would require an alt-name to set on all 60,000+ items. I can look into it a bit more but won't make any promises. I'm just glad that this is the ONLY bug that bothered you. :)

Definitely understandable that it's wayyy on the back burner unless someone comes up with a clever solution. Hey if you need a database monkey to copy names over I'm sure a few of us would be willing ;)