Author Topic: Anime/Manga/Etc...  (Read 132607 times)

Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #360 on: April 06, 2017, 06:04:04 am »
I love anime, my favorite are Noragami, Attack on Titans, Tokyo Ghoul and Parasite


Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #361 on: April 07, 2017, 05:22:02 pm »

How tragic, Mr. Matsuyama composed one of my favorite Anime OSTs of all time. I hum the original Gundam OST all the time, really sad to see the man go in such a way. May he rest well.


Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #362 on: April 21, 2017, 02:23:29 pm »
Have been watching the first episodes of at least six series from this season where two of them became immediately my favorites am talking about Re:Creators just because of Celestia Yupitilia (my new waifu), nah am kidding the Plot here is practically none but the story is quite interesting, won't gonna give any spoilers but the first two episodes were fun enough to make me decide to follow this one, the other Anime started to enjoy and that is currently at it's third episode is the second season of the all mighty Saitama, well a naughty one in the series Souryo to Majiwaru Shikiyoku no Yoru ni... am very proud that managed to get the uncensored version with an awesome quality, about this can't share any Gifs cause is practically a Hentai novel  ;D

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy


Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #363 on: May 06, 2017, 12:46:38 pm »
Wasn't expecting to have many series to follow/enjoy this season but am glad that I was wrong, recently I started to watch another two series being the first Shingeki no Bahamut: Virgin Soul for this one did a a little search because a friend told me that this was released time ago and he wasn't wrong, previous and different versions of this Anime were released before but I didn't care and started to watch it, am glad of this cause Nina Drango is awesome, am currently at the episode three even when the four was released recently but have been kinda busy these days and really don't want to watch all of them in a row.

The other one is Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka Gaiden: Sword Oratoria being honest didn't saw the first season cause it didn't took my attention but this prequel for some unknown reason took it, so decided to give it a try and is not that bad, it seems that after this one ends I'll continue with the first season, the plot here is also minimum and the story even when most of the times I don't understand what the hell are they talking is pretty good, am in love with the animation and with the Hiryute twins, guess that don't need to say which one of the two is my favorite.

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #364 on: May 13, 2017, 12:08:00 am »
Kado: The Right Answer might definitely be the most interesting anime of the season.  It starts similar to what you would get out of like The Day The Earth Stood Still or the more recent Arrival in terms of scifi, but introduces some cool concepts and I really wonder where it'll be taken to by the end.  Also one of the better looking CGI shows of this style, I think mostly because it's not an action show, being all dialogue related.

Shinawa is great though.  Her and the negotiators friend are sorta the more light hearted elements of the show.


Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #365 on: June 02, 2017, 01:43:30 pm »
These past week I added another two series to the list of those that started to watch from this season, being the first one Renai Boukun totally love the parody that they are doing with the Kiss Note, the story might be nonsense but gotta love the characters specially my beloved Akane Hiyama, she has become my favorite Waifu not only form this season but for the whole year, am already at the episode seven were of course the beach episode was my favorite  this far ;D

The other one is Granblue Fantasy The Animation and damn I really love it , the animation, colors, characters, story the fight scenes are so well done, love everything from this one am currently at episode eight and really need to make some free time to watch the most recent episode, I heard that there will be a game for the PS4 and am thinking pretty seriously to purchase one just to play it, wouldn't mind if Nintendo decided to use Gran at their latest Super Smash Bros game  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #366 on: August 28, 2017, 04:54:11 pm »
Finally got Anime Strike on Amazon as I was tired of missing what seemed like the only good new shows this season and watched through what was available for Made in Abyss and I'm a couple episodes into Re: Creators.

Made in Abyss is great, it's a fantastic setting with a great and cute art style to it all.  It's also a story with a dark tone to it, which kinda makes events contrast with that cute art and the fact that they involve kids.

RE:Creators is also good, reminded me of the Fate series abit, just with anime/game characters instead of historical figures.  It's also more fun and kinda light-hearted than Fate, which is a more serious show, but I dig this one.

I think there's one or two other shows I wanted to watch on Anime Strike which are said to be good, such as Princess Principals and I think there was one more, but these two have been worth it so far.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2017, 04:55:51 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #367 on: August 28, 2017, 09:51:57 pm »

RE:Creators is also good, reminded me of the Fate series abit, just with anime/game characters instead of historical figures.  It's also more fun and kinda light-hearted than Fate, which is a more serious show, but I dig this one.

Glad to know that am not the only one at the forum that is currently watching Anime, specially Re:Creators, just saw episode 18 a couple of minutes ago  :'(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #368 on: August 29, 2017, 12:06:38 am »

RE:Creators is also good, reminded me of the Fate series abit, just with anime/game characters instead of historical figures.  It's also more fun and kinda light-hearted than Fate, which is a more serious show, but I dig this one.

Glad to know that am not the only one at the forum that is currently watching Anime, specially Re:Creators, just saw episode 18 a couple of minutes ago  :'(

lol Things just quieted down abit since last season as the only good stuff that was new was on Anime Strike and I only use Crunchyroll or Netflix.  Other than that, I mostly have just been keeping up with Dragon Ball Super and My Hero Academia.  Still need to finish Little Witch Academia on Netflix and you just reminded me that Re:Creators is a show from the previous season and I have 14 episodes to watch there lol


Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #369 on: August 29, 2017, 12:43:35 am »
Wow, I finally watched some recent animes after like 8 months of nothing. I really been out of this loop.
Just binge watched some of these for now
- Gamers!
- Isekai wa Smartphone to Tomo ni [Already been reading the manga way before this came out]
- Knight's & Magic [Already been reading the manga way before this came out]
- Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)


Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #370 on: August 29, 2017, 02:24:57 pm »
Still need to finish Little Witch Academia on Netflix and you just reminded me that Re:Creators is a show from the previous season and I have 14 episodes to watch there lol

Being honest I wasn't expecting to enjoy that many series this season, only wanted to follow Hajimete no Gal but am currently seeing seven from this season and three from the past one, take my advice and make yourself some free time to give it a try to Youkoso Jitsuryoku Shijou Shugi no Kyoushitsu e and Kakegurui, these two are my favorites right now  8)

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #371 on: September 17, 2017, 03:39:10 am »

Re:Creators is finished and I'm glad I went to watch it.  It was pretty good overall with some solid action and characters.  Ending had me getting misty eyed a little bit, but then again, I can be a bit of a softy lol


Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #372 on: September 23, 2017, 11:33:21 am »
Re:Creators is finished and I'm glad I went to watch it.  It was pretty good overall with some solid action and characters.  Ending had me getting misty eyed a little bit, but then again, I can be a bit of a softy lol

Just as I did with One Punch Man I saved the last four episodes of Re: Creator for a special day and that day finally came, just saw the episode 22 a couple of minutes ago and almost cried when Yuuya Mirokuji and Shou Hakua said goodbye to Yatouji Ryou, these two badass really cared about his God/Creator and it seems at least for me that they saw him like a father anyway since Meteora wasn't able to return to her world just wonder if there is any chance even a little one that we can have a second season of this one  :'(

I don't want to be horny anymore, I just want to be happy

Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #373 on: September 23, 2017, 04:48:22 pm »
I'm good if there's no second season, because it basically ended everything pretty perfectly, though I'm sure they could always figure out a way to make another season work.

I also got around to watching Princess Principal since there aren't too many other shows to watch on Anime Strike and that's also a good one.  The alternate history world is interesting, the steampunk designs are great, the main characters are cute and enjoyable with their own backstories that get explored abit...Still got 4 episodes to watch, but I was pretty into watching it the whole time.

Re: Anime/Manga/Etc...
« Reply #374 on: October 01, 2017, 01:55:46 am »
The Summer season is over and there were a few really good ones.  Re:Creators was an interesting idea that turned out to be generally pretty enjoyable with some fun characters.  It never really hit like Fate series level to me, which is what it kinda feels like, but still pretty good.  This one had my favorite opening song too.

Princess Principal was better than I was exacting as the idea didn't seem special, but the art, setting, and characters made it worth it.  No too mention some of the episodes went a few places that I wasn't quite expecting.  It also had a really catching opening theme.

Made in Abyss might be my favorite.  It's horrifically dark, made all the worse by this being children and it doesn't shy away from much of anything and I hear it's only going to get more intense based on the manga, which it's like "I want to watch, but someone please save these children!".  Aside from the traumatic horror going on, the characters are cute, the animations is wonderful, and and I love the story going on.  It's real hard to watch sometimes, but I really want to see where it goes.

That was about it for new anime.  Didn't watch anything else really.

Next season looks like some good stuff though.  Food Wars is back for a third season, Black Clover sounded like One Piece, but with wizards (Or I guess just most Shonen shows), Blood Blockade Battlefront is back for a second season and I hope there is a refresher as I don't remember how that show ended because I remember it being abit nuts, Dies Irae sounds like a possibly interesting idea, and there's a hot springs inn show called Konohana Kitan sounds like it could be dose of cute and chill I like to have every season if possible.  Not a bad selection for the season.

Oh and Girls Last Tour is another coming and seems right up my alley, being a post-apocalyptic setting that's mostly just about two girls traveling around an empty Tokyo together.  I'm not entirely sure what the show is about, but that setup is good for me.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 07:15:50 am by kamikazekeeg »