I'm going to cheat and name more than one. I like weird games. Vaguely spoilery?
D no Shokutaku. Jump into your dad's mind castle and remember that one time Dracula made you kill and eat your own mother. If it takes you more than two hours, you get sucked into your compact mirror and die.
Illbleed. Go to a killer theme park. Leave your friends to die and tear off all your clothes to get the best ending. There's also a level where Woody from Toy Story sets out to save his girlfriend, a talking sex doll marketed to children, from a demonic Sonic the Hedgehog by killing a young boy.
Haunting Ground. Sic an attack dog on a mentally disabled man. Run from a psychotic doll woman who wants to tear out your womb and may or may not have fed you your own mother's remains. Shove a clone of your father off a tower after he tries to impregnate you. Or don't. There's an ending where he succeeds.
Deadly Premonition. Solve a murder mystery with the help of the voice in your head. End the game by killing your girlfriend's womb tree and blowing up a giant transdimensional alien.
And of course...
Drakengard. Team up with a pedophile and a child-killing cannibal to defend the world from giant flying babies. Complete a stage devoted to killing child soldiers. Then die horribly because Taro Yoko hates you and everything you hold dear.
I also have a game with built-in Christmas lights that activate when you put the cartridge in the console, if that counts.