Author Topic: What game is not worth a lot now, but is likely to go up in price in 15 years?  (Read 2823 times)


I'm definitely eyeing Tales of Hearts R right now... another Gamestop-exclusive, and if it goes the way of Xenoblade Chronicles... hoo-boy.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


You know all those Wii shovel wear games? Those ones, at least one of them. There will be one of them that will be worth 2K monies! Better buy them all just in case.

I honestly doubt that anything out today will go up in value in 15 years. Look at comics and cards. The modern stuff doesn't go up in value the older ones just keep their value.


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Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt


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Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt

Remember when those were 50¢ everywhere?  Times have changed. I don't even see it as much as I used to.

Speaking of, I noticed The Orange Box had a price raise at Gamestop, up to about $35 now (though you can get it cheaper on Ebay of course). I'd say that would probably retain it's value? Wish I would've kept my copy. >.<;

Pertaining to the JRPGs, Lost Odyssey and Resonance of Fate, perhaps? I've heard both are quite good. Need to pick up a copy of each sometime.

That's why I snatched the $20 copy I found when I was out of town a couple weeks ago.  Ditto with Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 which I got for $28 but GS sells for $45 I believe.  Unfortunately I didn't grab the first MUA because it was the same price as GS & I had seen it at one of my local stores, so I figured I could use a GS coupon I had to knock a little off of it.  Literally the day I went to pick it up from the local store it was at, an employee there had decided to buy it.  The really sucky part is I was *going* to go the day before, but I forgot the coupon that day.  :'(

Yeah, and there's a Spyro game on the 360 that's worth quite a bit as well. 0.o; Around the $45 area.

I used to have the first one (that came packaged with the 360), but I had traded all my 360 games in one time to buy a Vita... I've traded to GS in the past, and in a nutshell, I've learned my lesson. xD Though I'm fine with OTHER people doing it, since I go there relatively often during the summer. >3>;

It's actually been the opposite with me. xD Two different times, I've bought a game from GS and the employee has told ME that THEY wanted to try it. x'D It's probably a good thing I don't work there, I'd be snatching all kinds of good things up with an employee discount. x'D

Ended up picking up a copy of Resonance of Fate, and I think my local Gamestop has a complete Lost Odyssey. I really should pick it up. >.>;;;

As for the One Piece game, it's price went down pretty fast at GS for a used copy. I guess it flopped pretty hard?

Also, if anyone made it this far (congratulations!) I did think of something. I was at a Gamestop, and noticed in the PS3 section that there was a VERY thin, clear plastic PS3 box with cover art and a game, but it looked like something from the PSN store. If it was a loose game, they would've just used an extra black or clear box (like this - )... does anyone know what this might be? It wasn't an 'official release' box, but I also doubt it was a loose game that someone bothered to make up that nice. I should've picked it up, but I had absolutely no idea what it was. Unfortunately, I didn't take a pic, and can't remember the name.
« Last Edit: October 23, 2014, 12:55:13 pm by fauxshot »


I'm curious about what will happen with the Playstation TV, if that will be an odd little thing that people will want later down the line after Sony gives up on it.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


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Will the retro-collecting scene be as big as it is now in 15 years? I know I've seen the retro-scene blow up to huge proportions in the last few years. It seemed I used to be the only guy in town seeking out old NES, SNES, and Genesis carts back in the day. Then about 2008-2009, everybody was snatching them up. So this is just a fad for a lot of people. Once that fad wears off, hopefully some of these prices will go back down to more reasonable amounts.


Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)