Mortal Kombat Gold, nothing wrong with it, people were upset it wasn't a new game, but the game wasn't just a port of Mk4, it had better physics, graphics, additional characters, a better camera, and much better audio and voice.
Singularity is another one, i don't know what people were expecting another timeshift? (which was terrible btw) so not sure about that one either.
Megaman 8 is another, it's technically-objective wise, the best and most modern Megaman game we have gotten and will probably get for the foreseeable future despite it being basically more of the same game with a few coding and voice(debatable) issues (and also very easy)
Last would be Crash Wrath of Cortex, it was basically an expanded Crash 3 with more varied levels, better graphics and controls, and tons of bonuses. load times varied by system so should have never been the general concern, more of the same is nonsense, and I see no repetition either. At least not one some reviewers imply.