Author Topic: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels  (Read 20834 times)


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2014, 07:22:29 pm »
TheCompletionist is pretty underrated he actually knows his shit.

Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2014, 07:28:18 pm »
I used to like AlphaOmegaSin until I realized that most of his videos are him complaining about stuff that everybody already complains about everywhere else on the internet.  :-\

I absolutely hate that guy. Just a bunch of curse filled rants with no real substance. I don't see the popularity AT ALL. I don't think I've ever actually finished one of his videos since he can't seem to come up with adjectives that don't appear on George Carlin's 7 words list. He's like AVGN without an ounce of charm.


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2014, 09:11:16 pm »
I used to like AlphaOmegaSin until I realized that most of his videos are him complaining about stuff that everybody already complains about everywhere else on the internet.  :-\

I absolutely hate that guy. Just a bunch of curse filled rants with no real substance. I don't see the popularity AT ALL. I don't think I've ever actually finished one of his videos since he can't seem to come up with adjectives that don't appear on George Carlin's 7 words list. He's like AVGN without an ounce of charm.

I second this. I find his videos really unpleasant and I've never been able to finish one either.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


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Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2014, 09:15:15 pm »
I used to like AlphaOmegaSin until I realized that most of his videos are him complaining about stuff that everybody already complains about everywhere else on the internet.  :-\

I absolutely hate that guy. Just a bunch of curse filled rants with no real substance. I don't see the popularity AT ALL. I don't think I've ever actually finished one of his videos since he can't seem to come up with adjectives that don't appear on George Carlin's 7 words list. He's like AVGN without an ounce of charm.

I second this. I find his videos really unpleasant and I've never been able to finish one either.



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Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2014, 09:34:30 pm »
I like Alpha.  He's another one that's pretty cool to talk to in person. I like his videos. I'm not really affected by language. I think he's pretty funny.  The stuff he rants about is his opinion. Not everyone's going to like it.


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Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2014, 10:24:14 pm »
SomeCallMeJohnny/ Super Gaming bros - Reviews and one of the few Let's play channels I actually enjoy and find very funny
BrainScratchComms - Another Let's play channel I enjoy
Andrew Eisen - very funny Nintendo fan
JHMDF - Garage sale finds and an interesting look at resellers
Geeks Podcast - people talking about video games and other things like movies and Comic
L1Games - Kind of part of the reason I got into collecting games talks about his store, and some of local conventions around him, and rarely talks about stuff he gets, also occasionally about game Politices
The Completionist- Do I need to explain this one?

Who Cares? it's not going to change anyones opinion on what someone consider overrated or underrated. At least when someonetalks about a channel they think is underrated someone might find a new channel they enjoy

If I had to critic a channel... Game Sack's videos tend to overstay there welcome, but their content is pretty good.

Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #21 on: November 28, 2014, 09:54:14 am »


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #22 on: November 28, 2014, 03:11:59 pm »
I am pretty sure Gamester 81 is a cool guy but UGH!!! HIS VOICE!!!! CAN'T STAND IT!!! But if there is one thing I an agree on is Markiplier's Voice!


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #23 on: November 28, 2014, 03:47:48 pm »
I do not watch any game reviewers at all. If I have time to watch people playing games, I have time to actually play a game. :o


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #24 on: November 28, 2014, 07:07:45 pm »
A really underrated youtube is "SeeJayAre"

He has a massive game collection and does a lot of yard sale pick up videos and unboxing videos! If you guys have a minute you should really check him out! I discovered him when he had around 2000 subscribers and now I Believe he has over 20,000. Definitely worth a look!  8)


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #25 on: November 28, 2014, 07:37:47 pm »
Most of the gaming channels I've watched over the years aren't the "top tier" ones with a lot of success. I feel like I kind of watch just regular folks who talk about their games more than anything. I've been a long time follower of channels like Ballinnick1982, TV and Lust, Stefs2Def, Dustin Kries, Benzo8686, MovieStarKitten, Petedorr. Stuff like that, and several others that had faded into obscurity by now. I enjoy watching newly formed channels, and channels with virtually no subscribers on occasion.

I used to love watching Retrocalypse back in the day, the guy had a impressive DS collection and was very informative and inspiring. Unfortunately a flood ruined his collection and he closed his channel.  :-\ There was this one guy, I think his channel is gone called "PlayaLives" or something like that, he was okay. I couldn't help but watch the video of his entire game shelf falling on him over and over. That must have sucked.

As far as overrated, I think most of them have been covered. Not a fan of SeeJayAre, or really any channel that's more collector oriented, or based on sheer size of collection. And while AVGN is overrated, I still enjoy it.
« Last Edit: November 28, 2014, 07:52:51 pm by Warmsignal »


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #26 on: November 28, 2014, 08:17:38 pm »
Most of the gaming channels I've watched over the years aren't the "top tier" ones with a lot of success. I feel like I kind of watch just regular folks who talk about their games more than anything. I've been a long time follower of channels like Ballinnick1982, TV and Lust, Stefs2Def, Dustin Kries, Benzo8686, MovieStarKitten, Petedorr. Stuff like that, and several others that had faded into obscurity by now. I enjoy watching newly formed channels, and channels with virtually no subscribers on occasion.

I used to love watching Retrocalypse back in the day, the guy had a impressive DS collection and was very informative and inspiring. Unfortunately a flood ruined his collection and he closed his channel.  :-\ There was this one guy, I think his channel is gone called "PlayaLives" or something like that, he was okay. I couldn't help but watch the video of his entire game shelf falling on him over and over. That must have sucked.

As far as overrated, I think most of them have been covered. Not a fan of SeeJayAre, or really any channel that's more collector oriented, or based on sheer size of collection. And while AVGN is overrated, I still enjoy it.

Shame on your for not like SeeAreJay ..! Aha
I feel like I'm in the same position as you, I like to watch videos with not as much as a following because It seems like they're making the video for actually enjoyment where others don't


Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #27 on: November 29, 2014, 04:47:31 am »
I used to like AlphaOmegaSin until I realized that most of his videos are him complaining about stuff that everybody already complains about everywhere else on the internet.  :-\

I absolutely hate that guy. Just a bunch of curse filled rants with no real substance. I don't see the popularity AT ALL. I don't think I've ever actually finished one of his videos since he can't seem to come up with adjectives that don't appear on George Carlin's 7 words list. He's like AVGN without an ounce of charm.

I second this. I find his videos really unpleasant and I've never been able to finish one either.


Pretty much sums up why I don't care for him either.

I *do* like Happy Console Gamer & feel pretty much the opposite of bikingjahuty on him. He has a lot of knowledge on a lot of obscure consoles & older RPGs especially, and I get the impressions he's played quite a bit. He just comes across as really down-to-earth to me. Maybe it helps that he's about my age?  I also enjoy MetalJesusRocks for pretty much the same reasons.

I'm a big fan of The Completionist, and I've also picked up a few other good channels by watching him - some of his guests & other channels under the same "umbrella" - PeanutButterGamer & JohnTron especially. Both are really funny guys.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #28 on: November 29, 2014, 11:54:05 am »
I used to like AlphaOmegaSin until I realized that most of his videos are him complaining about stuff that everybody already complains about everywhere else on the internet.  :-\

I absolutely hate that guy. Just a bunch of curse filled rants with no real substance. I don't see the popularity AT ALL. I don't think I've ever actually finished one of his videos since he can't seem to come up with adjectives that don't appear on George Carlin's 7 words list. He's like AVGN without an ounce of charm.

I actually really like AlphaOmegaSin! I've been watching his videos since before he hit 10k subs and I've always enjoys his perspective as well as his delivery on most issues. He seems like a really cool guy too, and his rants, while a dime a dozen on youtube, are entertaining because of his unique delivery style of the issues. I attribute his channels success to this, definitely keeps me subscribing to him.

Another channel I need to throw in my overrated channel category is JonTronn. My issue with him is similar to my issues with Pro Jared; I just find him incredibly obnoxious and annoying. While this is not his fault, he ale remind me of a friend my brother had when we were growing up (who also happened to really like games and his name was Jon) who was the most obnoxious, dishonest, and douschy gamer I've ever known. So yeah, a little transference going on there, but it's part of why I can't stand his channel.

And some really interesting perspectives on here. We're obviously not going to all agree on what is overrated and underrated, but the purpose of this thread was to get people's thoughts and feelings regarding many of the youtube channels we've watched. I definitely watch a lot more channels on youtube, but the other ones I feel are not overrated or underrated, but just right.

Re: Overrated and Underrated Video Game Youtube Channels
« Reply #29 on: November 29, 2014, 12:05:42 pm »
-->(*Inserted Shameless Advertisement Here*) <--- In all seriousness I think Trophy Hunters Gaming and Did You Know Gaming are a couple missing from the list. Also I can disagree on Adam Koralik. I really like his channel.  Maybe it's because I've been watching his videos for a long time and have gotten used to the "OMG DREAMCAST!!!" style he has. Also does anybody watch The Completionist?

P.S. --> <-- (*You Won't Regret It*)

My main problem with Adam isn't his love of Sega (the Dreamcast in also my favorite console of all time), but it's the flip side of that which is his blatant hatred of Sony. He cannot talk about Sony, and especially the PS2, without saying a bunch of negative things about them which have little to no basis in reality, and his defense for his opinions are paper thin. Unlike most other fanboys, at least he tries defending his bitterness towards Sony, even though his positions on the subject are indefensible. He definitely never let go of the fact the the PS2 was a huge factor, maybe even the biggest factor in the demise of the Dreamcast, and it seems to have fueled his dislike of the console ever since. I'm not saying he has to like PS2 or Sony's other game consoles, but being a fanboy about it just makes him look like an asshole. My opinion of course.