Usually the hold charges for preorders last a few days, it isn't all that bad. But yeah this preorder experience from Toys R Us has been terrible and they tempted me with the B1G40%. I really wasn't going to get them all but then I had so few gaps, it seemed worth it at the time.
I'm pretty close to done, I'll wait until Nintendo decides to reprint, I won't hold my breathe but It seems reasonable to believe with the high demand they just have to reprint. I just wish I had more confidence in Nintendo to reprint.
Wish I had more Diddy, My single Diddy is still in transit, so who knows if it's even a Diddy it came from Toys R Us after all. I didn't prepare for this type of situation. I doubt most people did, I'll check the stores nearby but I doubt there will be anything left, those places have already been ravaged.