Running through my first playthrough of Skyrim (*GASP*) on Xbox360. Playing a mace & magic wielding Khajiit. Currently studying at Hogwarts...errrr...Winterhold's College!
I actually started my second playthrough a few weeks ago, also on X360 (my copy is the Greatest Hits release, which I had assumed would have some bugfixes already included, but apparently not). Haven’t played Skyrim since the first time I finished it maybe 5-6 years ago.
Previous playthrough was as a Nord one-handed/shield specialist with expertise in archery, enchanting, heavy armor, smithing, and sneaking, and not much magic at all. Wanted to change things up a little so this time I’m a high elf specializing in conjuration, alteration, light armor, enchanting, archery, and sneaking (things like archery and sneaking are just so ingrained in my playstyle it’s hard to change them). I’m only about a third of the way through the main questline but I’ve already done a few things I never experienced before, like join the Dark Brotherhood and discover the atronach forge under the College of Winterhold.