Author Topic: Canadian Dreamcast Games  (Read 1207 times)


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Canadian Dreamcast Games
« on: March 02, 2015, 02:51:50 am »
I haven't collected many Canadian games over the years so I'm hoping to rely on the gaming genius of the community!

I recently came across a sealed Dreamcast game that is from Canada. It appears to be the exact same game that was released in USA except with a English/French instruction manual shrinkwrapped in with the game. The instruction manual was on the back of the case and had the back artwork printed on it. So when viewing the instruction manual the very back page was the artwork for the back of the game.

So my questions are:

1. Is this a legitimate sealed game?
2. If so, was this common practice for Canadian Dreamcast releases?

I'll try to get some pictures uploaded in case someone is curious to see it.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: Canadian Dreamcast Games
« Reply #1 on: March 02, 2015, 07:35:52 am »
I don't have any Dreamcast games, but I can tell you that in Canada, particularly back in the 6th console generation and a little earlier (mostly with disc-based games in my experience) this is common. I've bought plenty of PS2, PSP, and some GameCube games with the English/French manuals stuck to the back of the sealed game. That being said, not every sealed game I've ever bought from back then has done this (and I've lived in Canada my whole life).

To directly answer your questions:
1. Yes
2. Probably, but I don't know about Dreamcast games specifically.
« Last Edit: March 02, 2015, 07:40:12 am by abe »
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Re: Canadian Dreamcast Games
« Reply #2 on: March 02, 2015, 09:35:23 am »
I appreciate the response! From what I can tell the game looks legit so I think your answer applies to what I saw.

I don't have any Dreamcast games, but I can tell you that in Canada, particularly back in the 6th console generation and a little earlier (mostly with disc-based games in my experience) this is common. I've bought plenty of PS2, PSP, and some GameCube games with the English/French manuals stuck to the back of the sealed game. That being said, not every sealed game I've ever bought from back then has done this (and I've lived in Canada my whole life).

To directly answer your questions:
1. Yes
2. Probably, but I don't know about Dreamcast games specifically.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: Canadian Dreamcast Games
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2015, 02:21:28 pm »
Quebec has a law where everything has to have French text because that's their language or some nonsense. So many companies shrinkwrapped a French manual to save cash, they could just throw a normal US edition and be done with it. Microsoft did this with Xbox games in Latin America (though there isn't any law that required it as far as I know.) This is also why there's so many European PC games in Canada. Just import the French version, who's gonna notice? :P

PS2 / PS3 games have separate versions, with the Canadian versions either having a manual in two languages or -two separate manuals- and packaging with French in 'em. Nintendo seems to bundle English / French / Spanish in a single manual from what I've seen.