Author Topic: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition  (Read 49098 times)


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #165 on: July 20, 2015, 08:34:38 am »
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem

Game 18 - Mega Man 2 (PS2)

Finally beat this game! It wasn't so bad once you get the pattern and know how to go through the bosses, but it does take a lot of trial end error to find out which weapon works on which boss. My plan is to go through all of the classic Mega Man games on the Anniversary collection, so now it's on to Mega Man 3!

Mega Man 3!! That's my favorite one of the traditional MM titles. I hope you enjoy it.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #166 on: July 20, 2015, 08:44:11 am »

Game 18 - Mega Man 2 (PS2)

Finally beat this game! It wasn't so bad once you get the pattern and know how to go through the bosses, but it does take a lot of trial end error to find out which weapon works on which boss. My plan is to go through all of the classic Mega Man games on the Anniversary collection, so now it's on to Mega Man 3!

Mega Man 3!! That's my favorite one of the traditional MM titles. I hope you enjoy it.

Yeah I'm enjoying it a lot! The music is amazing as always but I think 3 has better overall music (opening, stage select, game over, weapon upgrades, etc.) Some of the weapons (top spin) are not the greatest though. :(

I've beaten Top Man, Magnet Man, Snake Man, Shadow Man and Spark Man. I'm trying to beat Hard Man now.
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2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #167 on: July 20, 2015, 02:34:01 pm »
01. Peggle 2 - PS4 - Story Mode finished on 1/2/15
I am a Peggle fiend, it's one of my guilty pleasures. There's just something mesmerizing about watching that little ball bounce around on the pegs. :P

02. Far Cry 4 - PS4 - Platinum'd on 1/18/15
My GOTY for last year, and after thoroughly finishing it I stand by that. Great game. :)

03. New Super Mario Bros. 2 - 3DS - Finished on 1/23/15
Eh, it's a 2D Mario. Fun, but the latest Rayman games are the kings of 2D platformers as far as I'm concerned.

04. Deathsmiles - 360 - 1/29/15
SHMUP w/ a ridiculously insane story. Was pretty short to blow through w/ unlimited lives - without them I wouldn't have had a prayer, some of the later levels are insanely difficult.

05. Rogue Legacy - PS4
Fantastic game, I enjoyed every minute of it! Finished with a time of 24:22, but I may mess around with it a little more - we'll see. Perfect difficulty curve balanced with a great feeling of progression. NOT A ROGUE-LIKE THO!!! :P

06. The Order: 1886 - PS4
Gameplay was average on this one - not bad, but hardly inspired. The lycan fights were not fun IMO, and that's both the standard ones and the boss fight ones. Gunplay felt good minus an iffy cover system, but they should have been much more experimental with their weapons - the phosphor gun and lightning gun were fun, but I wanted more like that. That said, the game is gorgeous and it has an excellent story with great voice acting and some insanely good facial animation. I've talked to some who didn't like the story, so just be aware that this is very much setting up a franchise and they are not going to answer every question or address every point/relationship by the end of the game. Overall, I'd say the game was good, not great. But it's a very promising start to a franchise.  One more thing, if you're going for the plat (which is very easy to get) follow a collectible guide as you play. Collectibles are handled very poorly - only one of the 4 types are tracked and they aren't removed from the game when you find them, so if you miss some it's hard to figure out exactly which ones you missed.

07. Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Cury God - I have to say I really enjoyed this game. Very light-hearted breezy rogue-like. Great characters, very funny and the dungeon crawling gameplay was fun except for a few nit-picks. My main issue is that Kuu, your companion that follows you around the dungeons, learns his abilities randomly after the first dungeon. Being a rogue-like, he of course forgets them all when you leave a dungeon which would be ok except for the random part. Since only a few of his abilities are actually useful (he's generally useless as a fighting companion since he does minimal damage and really just gets in the way more than anything) you end up getting pointless abilities far more often than the ones you really need. What you want is his ability to carry 8 items, which is the only way to expand your inventory, his ability to identify items you pickup & his ability to let you combine items while in a dungeon (otherwise, you can only do this in town). I never got the combine ability after the first tutorial dungeon and I rarely got the other two.

The only other minor negative I'll point out is that the goals for the plat are absolutely ridiculous. Not in a "wow, that's hard" kind of way, but in a "that's an insane amount of time to invest in this game" way. As an example, after I beat the game (not having played the bonus dungeon that opens up after the credits roll) I had killed just shy of 1,500 monsters according to the in-game records. There is a trophy for killing 10,000 monsters. :o :P

08. Tennis in the Face - This was a surprisingly fun little puzzle game! I picked it up in the PSN Flash Sale last weekend for under a buck, and I definitely got my money's worth. You & the enemies are in fixed positions on a one-screen board. Your goal is to knock out all of the enemies w/ tennis balls, using as few as possible. To do so you have to angle the ball & use a fair bit of brains to figure out how to get the job done. There were a ton of levels - probably in the neighborhood of 100 - but the game still went relatively fast. I'd say I put in around 5 hours this week to gold all of the levels & get all of the trophies.

09. Bloodborne - That's right, Bloodborne is beaten! ;D I didn't do all the optional bosses, so I didn't get the "good" ending, but I'm pretty proud to have finished my first "Souls" game. Looking forward to playing some less-intense stuff for a while now. ;)  Fantastic game tho, will definitely be in my top 5 of the year.

10. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night - Played through this one, again. :P I've lost count of how many times that makes, but I think it's safe to say that it's easily the game I've played through the most times from start to finish. Soooooo good. :D

11. Dracula X Chronicles - I've actually never beaten this game before. Heck, I don't even think I've seriously played it (dabbled with it, yes). I usually don't enjoy the more "traditional" Castlevania games, but this one was a lot of fun. I got the bad ending, not sure if I want to replay it right away to go for the good ending or move to something else & come back later - leaning towards the latter.

12. Bust-A-Move Deluxe - Or as I insist on calling it, Puzzle Bobble (its Japanese name that makes MUCH more sense). This is one of my guilty pleasure games, I own several versions of it on different platforms. This one was fun, I completed VS. mode & then Classic Puzzle mode - after which the credits rolled, so I'm calling that beaten. ;) I had one complaint - you couldn't lower the volume on the music or turn it off, and it had about 4 12-second loops it played during the 300-board puzzle mode I played through. :o Needless to say, that got a LITTLE annoying.

13. Mortal Kombat X - Finished the story mode. Glad I bought this one used and I'm still within my 1 week grace period at GS, because it's going back today. I like to watch other people play this game more than I enjoy playing it myself. Never was a big MK guy, I think part of the problem is that the button inputs don't match up with the animations - you have to input the commands quickly & just watch them play out. Very unintuitive for me. Plus maybe it was just me, but I found this story mode dull compared to the one in MK9 or especially the one in Injustice. Oh well, at least they finally made Raiden bad-ass again. :P


14. Kirby Squeak Squad - 100% completed this one - great game. Just an old-school traditional Kirby game. The game isn't that challenging, besides some of the chests being tricky to find or get. But it's just a LOT of fun! Love me some Kirby! :D
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #168 on: July 24, 2015, 12:48:28 pm »
1. Shovel Knight (Steam) Beat Main Quest Completed.
2. The Walking Dead Season 2 (PS4) Completed Another amazing Telltale game. Just wish I played the first game in the series.
3. Mega Man 2 (NES) Completed Glad to finally get this one of my chest.
4. Sonic Riders (GameCube) Beat This game is terrible don't play it.
5. Metal Torrent (DSi Ware) Beat Metal Torrent is a VERY short shooter with 8 phases lasting 3 minutes each. 
6. The Playroom (PS4) Completed Very enjoyable game that needs more content. Trophy Progress 100%
7. Super Exploding Zoo (PSN) Completed Very fun puzzle game that can be completed in a few hours. First Platinum! Trophy Progress 100%
8. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition (PS4) Completed Simply put, it's Minecraft. Very fun and addictive. Trophy Progress 100%
9. Altered Beast (Genesis) Beat The Arcade version was better.
10. Altered Beast (Arcade) Beat WAY better than the Genesis version although the ending was a disappointment.
11. MouseCraft (PSN) Completed Just another mediocre puzzle game. Trophy Progress 100%
12. Rocket League (PSN) Completed Man this game is simply amazing, truly a blast to play. Trophy Progress 100%
13. Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES) Beat Don't underestimate this game. That final boss is close to impossible.

*Added Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES)

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #169 on: July 25, 2015, 02:04:07 am »
My newest review:

29. Parappa the Rapper - PS1: I could not for the life of me figure this game out! I went with the rhythm, failed. I tried hitting the buttons right before you were supposed to, failed, After you are supposed to, failed. looked up how to do it right, failed. I have heard countless people say how amazing this game is and have seen people complete it, but I can't for the life of me even beat the first stage, which is technically the training stage. Maybe something will click eventually, but I am so frustrated right now with this damn game!

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #170 on: July 25, 2015, 01:17:04 pm »
I was thinking that at the end of the year we should each compile a list of the best games we played during this challenge.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #171 on: August 04, 2015, 07:42:04 pm »
Game 19 - Mega Man 3

I really enjoyed this Mega Man title, maybe even more than MM2, though I've played MM2 so much that maybe I'm just sick of it. :P The music was excellent, and the bosses and weapons (except Top Spin, lol) were all balanced, fair and fun to play. There was no spamming of one weapon like the metal blades in the second title. There even was a little bit more of a story (for NES, that is) and I think that was pretty cool as well :)

Now I'm not sure if I want to continue with Mega Man - it would be Mega Man VI for me for some reason.. or if I want to mix it up and start Far Cry 3...
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #172 on: August 06, 2015, 10:46:39 am »
We should all do videos at the end of the year talking about all the games we accomplished or something. Maybe like a 2015 in review for VGC?


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #173 on: August 06, 2015, 10:57:48 am »
We should all do videos at the end of the year talking about all the games we accomplished or something. Maybe like a 2015 in review for VGC?

Like...record a video of ourselves going through what we've played?


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #174 on: August 06, 2015, 11:11:23 am »
A video sounds interesting! I don't think I'm going to make it to 52 games though. :'( I'm shooting for halfway at 26; maybe I would still do a video even though I didn't complete the challenge, or do something like that.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #175 on: August 06, 2015, 11:36:25 am »
We should all do videos at the end of the year talking about all the games we accomplished or something. Maybe like a 2015 in review for VGC?

Like...record a video of ourselves going through what we've played?

Yeah, maybe just talking about it? Idk seems like it would be something cool to cap off the year.

Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #176 on: August 06, 2015, 09:35:25 pm »
GAME 23 - Witcher 3 (PC) - 74 Hours FINISHED
See what I put for time completion? 60 to 75 hours is a good middle run of the game.  Guaranteed if I went to do every quest and visit all the points of interests on all the maps, I'm pushing 100, maybe 125 hours.  Perhaps more.  There's a lot I could say on the game and though I had some issues with the combat, horseback riding was never completely fixed, visually nothing in particular wowed me like in its locations and such, a good number of glitches showing up as they do in many open world games, and I was never truly hooked to the story because I didn't play the original games.  Not that I can fault the game for the last part really.  Great game though.


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #177 on: August 06, 2015, 09:50:31 pm »
I think making a video to talk about the games we played this year sounds really fun :)  I'd be up for that!


Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #178 on: August 08, 2015, 08:05:31 pm »
Game 20 - Suikoden II (32 hrs 40 mins)

Overall this game had a lot of strong points and an overall refreshing twist on the RPG genre since it does a few unconventional things... I have a lot of thoughts about this game in particular, so forgive me for the longer post.

+ Like most people, I loved the scope of the game: Instead of being a "save the world" or "find true love" story, it's about the simple struggle of trying to win war and the separation of ideals, but it's told in a very compelling way. Made the game and characters feel more real and relatable. The 30 hour length also made the story not over-stay its welcome, and I was hooked to the very end. The 108 recruitable characters was also a huge bonus for me. I love trying to find them all because it

1. Allows for greater customization of your party to your own liking
2. I just like trying to find them and watch them fill up your castle, and
3. It makes for good conversation after the game is finished as well. I ended up finding 81/108 on my own.

Overall the gameplay, difficulty, graphical presentation, music and story was top-notch. It hit all the points that need to come together to make an excellent RPG.

- I do have some nitpicks. For one, the soundtrack, while very good, suffers from the same thing that Persona 4 does in that the music wasn't executed effectively enough to fill a 30+ hour game, at least to me. It isn't as bad as P4, but when the token "sad theme" or "pre-big battle theme" comes in for the 50th time, it really lost its impact in selling the moment. If this game was as long as Persona, I think it would have annoyed me even more. (It's one of my biggest gripes with Persona 4 - using an hour long soundtrack to fill a 60+ hour game :o )

I also found the big main battles to be very boring. They were almost always used to progress the story than actual fighting, and really could have used some more work/ input from the player. I found the one-on-one fights to be frustrating too, I didn't like getting a game over because I pressed the wrong button. The last thing was the ending - it just wasn't executed as well, and I thought it could have been done much differently/ expanded on better. That's all I'll say without spoiling it ;)

Obviously I'm stretching to find the faults with this game, I think at the end of the day it was a great RPG and absolutely worth the $10 on PSN
« Last Edit: August 10, 2015, 01:56:46 pm by telly »
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: 52 games in 2015 - VGCollect Edition
« Reply #179 on: August 09, 2015, 06:16:29 pm »
1. Shovel Knight (Steam) Beat Main Quest Completed. Achievement Progress 80%
2. The Walking Dead Season 2 (PS4) Completed Another amazing Telltale game. Just wish I played the first game in the series.
3. Mega Man 2 (NES) Completed Glad to finally get this one of my chest.
4. Sonic Riders (GameCube) Beat This game is terrible don't play it.
5. Metal Torrent (DSi Ware) Beat Metal Torrent is a VERY short shooter with 8 phases lasting 3 minutes each. 
6. The Playroom (PS4) Completed Very enjoyable game that needs more content. Trophy Progress 100%
7. Super Exploding Zoo (PSN) Completed Very fun puzzle game that can be completed in a few hours. First Platinum! Trophy Progress 100%
8. Minecraft: PlayStation 4 Edition (PS4) Completed Simply put, it's Minecraft. Very fun and addictive. Trophy Progress 100%
9. Altered Beast (Genesis) Beat The Arcade version was better.
10. Altered Beast (Arcade) Beat WAY better than the Genesis version although the ending was a disappointment.
11. MouseCraft (PSN) Completed Just another mediocre puzzle game. Trophy Progress 100%
12. Rocket League (PSN) Completed Man this game is simply amazing, truly a blast to play. Trophy Progress 100%
13. Little Nemo: The Dream Master (NES) Beat Don't underestimate this game. That final boss is close to impossible.
14. Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PSN) Beat Still need to beat those challenges. Trophy Progress 70%

*Added Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris (PSN)