GAME 26 - Mad Max (PC) - 32 Hours FINISHED
Mad Max turned out to be basically the good game I expected, but is kept from being a great game, because it's 2015. I think Max is good, the car combat is good, the story and characters are all right for Mad Max, but the open world has all been done before pretty much. Far Cry 3 and Far Cry 4 did it better, it's basically Shadow of Mordor with cars, it doesn't do enough to impress inbetween story missions. The combat is straight up Mordor/Arkham, but it's less exciting as just normal Max, so it gets repetitive a lot quicker. One can always expect a more grindy side aspect to open world games, but by like halfway through the game and you've gotten all the important side stuff, you don't really want to do the rest. I enjoyed most of my time in the game, but it's not something I could recommend at full price and you gotta love open world games like this I think if you really want to enjoy it.