In modern game's cases, a lot of them no longer come with manuals.
This is how I feel.
...It boggles my mind how people will just throw there boxes or manuals away without a second thought.... It drives me crazy.
Dude, ikr??? While it makes it easier to buy a 'complete' game, it really sucks that there's no manual.

Even though I don't really read them anymore, it just feels nice to have a big, hefty manual included with the game (that's one reason why I like Disgaea... even though it's only so big because it's printed in 2 or 3 languages, you can't deny the visual pleasure of a hefty manual in the box <3 ).
AND YES OHMYGOSH THAT DRIVES ME CRAZY AS WELL. STORY TIME.So my friend and I were in his car, and He picked up a copy of Pokemon X at GameStop. We're in the car, he takes out the cart...
... and basically throws away the case and manual.I think I might've actually said something to him.

All I could think was "seriously? Why would you do that???" A perfectly new case and manual, ready to go to a
friggin' trash bin. No joke.
I was going to keep it, but decided not to; in retrospective, I should have. And the sad thing is, this happens ALL the time; most DS/3DS games in places like GameStop (or, at least, a good portion) are missing
everything. Rustles my jimmies. As was jokingly (? lol) said at the stream, games deserve better.

Plus, if you go to trade it in or resell it, the value goes down! It just doesn't make any sense (hell, stuff it in a shoebox! The cases aren't that big).
As for the other replies, thanks to everyone for giving your opinions! Maybe I'll be a little more open to buying incomplete games from now on (why I usually hate to is because GameStop charges you the same price no matter what it does or doesn't come with). I should note that I don't count things like health/safety manuals as complete, either, because those are a dime a dozen. xP