Author Topic: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!  (Read 2751 times)


Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« on: March 19, 2015, 04:13:39 pm »
I've been hearing for what seems like forever that mobile phones are going to replace dedicated gaming systems.  That the days of console games are nearly over.  That "mobile devices" are becoming so much more powerful each passing day.  Well, I say horse$hit to all that!

Console gaming has come on stronger than ever!  While Nintendo is experiencing woes because of their own missteps, Microsoft is selling Xbox One consoles at a faster rate than the Xbox 360.  Sony has blown away everyone's expectations with sales of the PlayStation 4 outpacing those of the PS2....which is the best selling console of all time.

Despite all the "analysts" and their predictions, the fact is there is no way gaming on a cell phone or tablet can give gamers the experience that sitting down in front of a television screen or computer monitor can.  If the simple fact of how well these consoles are doing isn't enough proof, one only needs to see the Oculus Rift and Project Morpheus on their way.

It's true that mobile gaming has taken a big bite out of the sales for dedicated handheld systems.  I think while unfortunate, this is natural given their similar nature.  But sales of the 3DS line remain decent nonetheless because the experiences of playing games like Mario 3D Land, Zelda and others can't be mimicked on a touch-screen only device. 

As well, a lot of the popularity of mobile games and their "big sales numbers" boil down to the fact that they (for the most part) are cheaply priced games.  Angry Birds can sell a bazillion copies because its both a simple game and it's priced around two bucks or on Android devices, for free.  On the flip-side, we have IAP titles that try to milk you for money at every turn under the guise of being a free-to-play game. 

So what do you guys think?  Do you believe that mobile devices will eventually make consoles completely obsolete?  Or do you believe like I do that there is plenty of room in this world for both and that console/PC gaming will never die?
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
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Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2015, 04:29:27 pm »
I found this the other day, most of the more current analysis I've found seems to say PC is going to be on top for the foreseeable future.  This one doesn't look very good for handheld sales though.


Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2015, 04:38:51 pm »
I can't see it happening. Smart phones just aren't what people want to game on. I know for one, I don't want to play all 150 hours of Dragon Age Inquisition on my small iPhone 5 screen with a touch screen.
Smart phones games are meant to be simple, and quick which is why they're on our phones.

Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2015, 04:55:46 pm »
Handhelds might end up struggling, but they will never replace anything.  They simply can't.  Phones aren't powerful enough and they don't have the right controls.  I barely like playing 3DS games cause of screen size and limitations, let alone playing with a touch screen lol Smart phones and tablets are fine for simple gaming experiences.  Your Angry Birds, Candy Crush, maybe stuff like Hearthstone and other game types, but you can't play an FPS on it or have good enough controls to handle a game like Ori and the Blind Forest.


Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2015, 10:34:04 pm »
The main problem preventing mobile games from replacing system is mostly due to the business and the controls. For business purposes, the mobile market is pretty overblown with very simplistic games, with many FTP and microtransaction options fight for the top 25 in games on both iOS and Android. Companies that go into FTP models will usually make many games near impossible to complete without spending money( Zenonia, etc.) There are so many competitors in that market, that many good games for phones will get ignored and sell terribly compared to other counterparts. The other problem is that touchscreen controls still haven't been able to supersede a keyboard/controller in usefulness, and they make playing some of these games already harder to play, in addition with the tiny screen. I think that the PC market is going to keep being on top for sales and revenue for at least the next 5 years ,if not more.

Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #5 on: March 20, 2015, 02:02:12 am »
I cant honestly say if mobile gaming will completely replace console gaming however I do think this console generation will be the last, there really is no point in selling a 300, 400 hell even 500 dollar device when there are other easier cheaper alternatives. The pc of course is one and perhaps tablet or mobile as well

Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2015, 03:45:01 am »
I cant honestly say if mobile gaming will completely replace console gaming however I do think this console generation will be the last, there really is no point in selling a 300, 400 hell even 500 dollar device when there are other easier cheaper alternatives. The pc of course is one and perhaps tablet or mobile as well

It's hardly the last console generation.  Both the Xbox One and PS4 are doing fantastically well.  The problem is, mobile gaming is garbage.  Most of the popular games are quicky little things you play when you are bored.  Barely any of them have substance to them, they don't have good controls, and they aren't powerful systems.  On the other end, PC gaming is an expensive hobby to have.  Forget 300 to 500, if you are wanting to play the big PC games for the next 2 to 3ish years, you are spending at least 1000 bucks.  1500 to 2000 or more if you want to make that last longer.

And just to add, phones and tablets are not cheaper devices.  They sometimes can be and it really depends on what you are looking at, and whether or not you get a deal with a plan if your company has them, but a lot of the new and powerful phones cost hundreds of dollars.  I forgot what I bought mine for since it's on a plan, but I'm positive it's more than a PS4...5 to 600 bucks I think.  A 128gb Ipad costs 700 dollars.  And if you have a cheaper phone or tablet, you are unable to play most games.  Before my new phone I had another phone that wasn't cheap at all, but wasn't high end (200 to 300) and the sucker could barely play Angry Birds lol
« Last Edit: March 20, 2015, 06:16:38 am by kamikazekeeg »

Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #7 on: March 20, 2015, 05:43:37 am »
That's like saying that fast food will replace mom's home cooking. No they're just two different kinds of meal based on how you feel, how much time you have, etc. Mobile  or portable gaming is simply an alternative way of playing, not a replacement because yes it's nice to have a burger on the go when you don't have time but a nice home cooked meal with all the trimmings is a great way to spend Sunday evening.

Damn now I'm hungry

Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2015, 06:55:12 am »
I cant honestly say if mobile gaming will completely replace console gaming however I do think this console generation will be the last, there really is no point in selling a 300, 400 hell even 500 dollar device when there are other easier cheaper alternatives. The pc of course is one and perhaps tablet or mobile as well

It's hardly the last console generation.  Both the Xbox One and PS4 are doing fantastically well.  The problem is, mobile gaming is garbage.  Most of the popular games are quicky little things you play when you are bored.  Barely any of them have substance to them, they don't have good controls, and they aren't powerful systems.  On the other end, PC gaming is an expensive hobby to have.  Forget 300 to 500, if you are wanting to play the big PC games for the next 2 to 3ish years, you are spending at least 1000 bucks.  1500 to 2000 or more if you want to make that last longer.

And just to add, phones and tablets are not cheaper devices.  They sometimes can be and it really depends on what you are looking at, and whether or not you get a deal with a plan if your company has them, but a lot of the new and powerful phones cost hundreds of dollars.  I forgot what I bought mine for since it's on a plan, but I'm positive it's more than a PS4...5 to 600 bucks I think.  A 128gb Ipad costs 700 dollars.  And if you have a cheaper phone or tablet, you are unable to play most games.  Before my new phone I had another phone that wasn't cheap at all, but wasn't high end (200 to 300) and the sucker could barely play Angry Birds lol

More of what I meant by "cheaper" is cheaper for developers and easier for developers, It's much easier and cheaper to develop for PC and tablets to an extant than a console or worse yet multiple consoles. I've heard the argument both ways as to whether or not PC's are more expensive for the consumer, as it stands right now they meet in the middle, Console games are around sixty dollars per big title brand new release and will eventually go down in price by three to six months... unless it's Nintendo developed or published. Sure the PC as a whole hardware-wise are much more expensive, however with most games using Valve's excellent steam service games are cheaper, require little marketing and are easier and quicker to develop.
I will and always will be a console gamer Im not trying to shit on consoles however you cant really make the argument right now since Sony and Microsoft have both said they plan on keeping the PS4 and Xbox One around for at least seven to ten years it's insane to think that they will stay popular throughout their entire lifespan and not only that you will also see a decrease in price for more powerful PC and Tablet devices and accessories     

Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #9 on: March 20, 2015, 07:13:49 am »
I always thought the 7 to 10 year console cycle was nonsense talk from them.  It's very possible they'll keep the PS4 around that long, the old console tends to at least last a few years after the new is out, but no one counts those years, because the generation starts with the release of the new system.  Just doesn't seem to be that reasonable to even want to keep your console around for 7 to 10 years.  After a certain point, a console peaks and nothing more can be done with it.  A regular PC doesn't last more than a couple years, let alone the average console cycle of 5 to 6 years lol


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Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #10 on: March 20, 2015, 11:33:24 am »
Ive always thought the same thing too when people claim this. I don't wanna play games hours on end on my phone. If i wanna play a game, I am stating up a console. Not my phone.

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Re: Mobile gaming will NEVER replace console & PC gaming!
« Reply #11 on: March 20, 2015, 12:21:14 pm »
I don't think either Sony or Microsoft claimed the PS4 or Xbox One would be 7-10 year lifespans.  They did with the PS3 and 360, but I haven't heard anything like that for the current systems. 

If anything, the x86 architecture that both adopted pretty much ensures that the next systems (that WILL be coming, analysts be damned) will be backwards compatible, much in the same way that PC's maintain compatibility with older titles. 

That's not to say that these systems won't be around for 7-10 years, but I'm sure they will be replaced as the "flagship" system in 5-6.  There is always a market for people looking to buy a newer system, just not the newest.  It's why the PS3, 360 and to a lesser extend-the Wii continue to sell even with newer systems out.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us