Does anyone have any ideas for features, specs? What should Nintendo be focusing on to get this ball rolling again.
I can tell you what my
opinion is that Nintendo needs to implement on their next system. Will Nintendo actually do what needs to be done? Probably not going by their past history. But here is my idea.
1) Use common components just like the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. If Nintendo wants to ensure that 3rd parties don't
completely ignore their next system, they need to have the architecture be as similar to it's competition as possible. It makes porting easy and 3rd parties will be much more willing to make a "Nintendo version" when there isn't a large financial investment involved.
2) Standardize the online system. Friends codes, games locked to a single piece of hardware...this is all crap! Like PSN and Live, any device you purchase, you should be able to download a game you legitimately paid for to it! Transferring purchases currently is a huge PITA. When I buy a "NEW 3DS", I shouldn't have to go through a big rigamaroll standing on my head to get my digital copy of Zelda on it while simultaneously deleting it from my vanilla 3DS. You bought it, you should be able to use it on at least 3 pieces of hardware you own and are logged into with your own account.
3) Enable the damn Blu-Ray playback! Nintendo is bound & determined to save a penny per console by not paying the royalties for movie playback. Guess what will spend
pennies to make
dollars by making your next system a viable option for movie viewing!
4) Stop with the damn motion control gimmick being forced down our throats! The Wii was a resounding success. Was it because of the waggle-wand? Yes. Did it help Nintendo transition into the current generation? Nope. The reality is that the Wii was a fad. It was all over television, grannies in nursing homes playing Wii bowling. People who had no interest in games were buying the Wii....and not much else. These grannies didn't support Nintendo by buying new software. And motion control being rammed down gamers throats ran it's course several years ago. This is evident by the low sales of the Wii U and the niche support for it on the PS3/4 and Xbox's Kinect. In fact, it was such a turd for Microsoft, they unbundled it from the One. Put a standard controller in the box and make it where
every controller on the system is the same. Not player 1 using a tablet controller and the others using waggle wands.
5) For the love of all that is holy,
do not name the system Wii-something!!! I cannot stress this enough!
6) Enable remote play ala Sony's method with the New 3DS.
7) Make franchise collections as I've harped about before.

Make commercials that don't completely suck. The commercials for the New 3DS make me cringe. They are literally as bad as the old Billy May's Oxy-Clean commercials or that douche advertising Sham-Wow. I want to stab my own eyes out when I see Nintendo's commercials!