Author Topic: The game that made you buy a console  (Read 2423 times)


Re: The game that made you buy a console
« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2015, 07:20:34 pm »
Tbh, never bought a console for a specific game. Always just bought the console, and picked out some games second.

Re: The game that made you buy a console
« Reply #16 on: May 23, 2015, 08:09:45 am »
If I ever found one cheap enough, I'd be willing to buy a Sega CD just to play Silpheed. Love that game.


Re: The game that made you buy a console
« Reply #17 on: May 23, 2015, 10:59:50 am »
The Metal gear solid IV 80GB PS3 for the same game...


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Re: The game that made you buy a console
« Reply #18 on: May 23, 2015, 07:51:33 pm »
Atari 2600 - Pitfall, Pitfall II
Colecovision - Donkey Kong, Chuck Norris Superkicks
NES - Super Mario Bros.
Sega Master System - Double Dragon and Ninja Gaiden
SNES - Star Fox, Star Fox II, Super Mario All Stars
N64 - Nothing. It was gifted to me. Only ever played Star Wars Episode One Racer
GB - Super Mario Land
Genesis - Sonic and Streets of Rage
GameCube - Resident Evil Zero & Resident Evil 1 remake
Wii - Metroid Prime Trilogy
WiiU - Mario Maker & Xenoblade Chronicles X
PS2 - Kingdom Hearts
PS3 - Linux & Blu Ray (not kidding. that one kinda didn't work out for me...)
XBox - Homebrew
Dreamcast - Homebrew
3DO - Night Trap & Daedalus Encounter
Phillips CDI - Burn Cycle
Sega CD - Nothing. I never intend to own a Sega CD proper. I do own Double Switch but I play it on my xbox.
Turbo grafx 16 - Bonk
PSP - FF7 Crisis Core (I actually bought a second PSP for this game when the first model came out that supported TV out.
Game Gear - Sonic, Streets of rage, and the Master System Converter.

XBox 360 - Nothing. XNA Studio development tools almost pulled me in but the failure rate on these things was too high for too long.
Xbox One - I just learned Shovel Knight for xbone has an exclusive battle toads level and it is an awesome love letter to the NES original. This honestly almost swayed me. The sequel to Tomb Raider being a timed exclusive is also tempting. But honestly not as much as battle toads. :)
PS4 - Infamous First Light and Second Son, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition are tempting. But I'm waiting for the TR sequel to hit PS4. Even then. I dunno. Not really pumped about current gen.
« Last Edit: May 23, 2015, 07:57:45 pm by dashv »