Flea, diggin that Home Alone tiger handheld. lolA Japanese order came in today!Donkey Kong (Country) ReturnsSuper Donkey Kong (Country) 1,2,3Wild Trax (Stunt Race FX)Fantasy Zone 2 [Famicom]
I downloaded Five Star Wrestling for PS3. I also went to a local store and bought a bundle of loose boxes and manuals!https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11047931_10202744462171662_961323633971597578_n.jpg?oh=c1300f2fea5c382fb5a3949b0fe92f11&oe=55A04B67&__gda__=1436451853_6f06683bffc4ccb963ae24e40b6721ff
The green border on that copy of DKCR looks awesome!