Author Topic: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot  (Read 9111 times)


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #15 on: April 03, 2015, 06:11:57 pm »
I voted for Klonoa.  :D


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #16 on: April 03, 2015, 09:01:20 pm »
oh my, another one for Klonoa!? Could this pick up some steam???  You know what, it's worth a shot.  WAHOO!


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #17 on: April 03, 2015, 09:02:16 pm »
Artsy Omni, lend us your power!!!


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #18 on: April 03, 2015, 09:33:54 pm »
That's a third for Klonoa, this is the only real character who I hold a personal attachment to, the only character who I would true adore to see make the smash bros scene. 

Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #19 on: April 03, 2015, 10:05:34 pm »

Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #20 on: April 04, 2015, 01:01:56 am »
In a poll from I think Reddit, not sure where exactly, it looks like Shovel Knight is one of the top contenders.  Hoping more new characters, especially Banjo and Kazooie, start knocking out old characters.  I'd rather DLC be about new guys than just dragging in people from the last game.


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #21 on: April 04, 2015, 01:24:51 pm »
Bayonetta anyone? Probably too mature for a Smash audience but it is a Nintendo exclusive. Sega & Platinum Games seem to have a good relationship with Nintendo too.

I would be down with some Bayonetta. WayForward has also started a big push to get people to vote for Shantate. She has been in games since back on the GBC if I'm not mistaken. I mean, who wouldn't want a belly-dancing genie in the game  ;)

The word around the net is, a lot of people are throwing their votes to bring back characters from past games. So Snake, Wolf and Roy, among others, are getting tons of votes. While I have no problem adding them back into the game, I would prefer to see someone new. Of course, my opinion might be jaded because I never really used Wolf or Roy very much. We already got 4 Fire Emblem characters in the game and Fox and Falco are enough Star Fox characters for me. Also, I really don't want ANOTHER Pokemon. With Mewtwo already being added as DLC, I think we got Pokemon covered pretty well LOL!

Give me Simon! Give me Bayonetta! Hell, give me Banjo Kazooie! Just give me someone new!

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Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #22 on: April 04, 2015, 02:28:15 pm »
Bayonetta anyone? Probably too mature for a Smash audience but it is a Nintendo exclusive. Sega & Platinum Games seem to have a good relationship with Nintendo too.

I would be down with some Bayonetta. WayForward has also started a big push to get people to vote for Shantate. She has been in games since back on the GBC if I'm not mistaken. I mean, who wouldn't want a belly-dancing genie in the game  ;)

The word around the net is, a lot of people are throwing their votes to bring back characters from past games. So Snake, Wolf and Roy, among others, are getting tons of votes. While I have no problem adding them back into the game, I would prefer to see someone new. Of course, my opinion might be jaded because I never really used Wolf or Roy very much. We already got 4 Fire Emblem characters in the game and Fox and Falco are enough Star Fox characters for me. Also, I really don't want ANOTHER Pokemon. With Mewtwo already being added as DLC, I think we got Pokemon covered pretty well LOL!

Give me Simon! Give me Bayonetta! Hell, give me Banjo Kazooie! Just give me someone new!

Yeah if the returning characters were more unique, perhaps they'd be warranted, but I don't think there's really a reason to have Lucas when there is a Ness or to have Wolf when there is Falco and Starfox.  I know they have their unique variations, but I don't think it's really unique enough to warrant them coming back.  Get fresh new faces in there! Far more exciting.


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2015, 03:11:25 pm »
The word around the net is, a lot of people are throwing their votes to bring back characters from past games. So Snake, Wolf and Roy, among others, are getting tons of votes. While I have no problem adding them back into the game, I would prefer to see someone new. Of course, my opinion might be jaded because I never really used Wolf or Roy very much. We already got 4 Fire Emblem characters in the game and Fox and Falco are enough Star Fox characters for me. Also, I really don't want ANOTHER Pokemon. With Mewtwo already being added as DLC, I think we got Pokemon covered pretty well LOL!

I understand what you mean, by the looks of things, both Mewtwo and Lucas have not been changed up too much.  So I fail to see how Roy stands any possible chance, How does Lucina not make Roy seem a little bit obsolete?  New characters are exciting, new characters are hype.  remember how everyone was ecstatic when Mega Man was announced, did people act the same way when Lucario was confirmed to coming back.  No, people were just getting butt-hurt over Mewtwo... and Ridley.  If they were to introduce just one more returning character, I would choose Wolf.  I feel like Star Fox got a bit of a raw deal in this smash iteration.  Fox's voice is crippled beyond recognition, Falco has been nerfed pretty harshly and yet still very similar to Fox. 

But Wolf was diversified  between the two, each attack animation was different  with different properties, represent a much more savage character (like a Wolf).  His specials were similar but didn't quite work the same as either Fox or Falco. Wolf truely was the only cut character which I believed to be a disservice to the Star Fox franchise as well as the Smash Bros roster, but Wolf's absence is still a bit of a mystery to me, why was he cut?  He was a "Clone" which was arguably a "Clone" at all, really I believe that. 

"OOHH He's the same proportions, Wolf must be a shameless clone"
How on earth are Marth and Lucina clones? They speak 2 different languages, that isn't in there genes. 

The term 'clone' in the smash bros roster is a label which gets thrown around willey nilley, at what point does a character become there own entity.  Is Luigi still consider a clone? Semi-clone? (oohhh, that's a fancy term)  He still has a bunch of moves which look pretty damn familiar to me. 
« Last Edit: April 04, 2015, 03:31:37 pm by indenton »


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2015, 03:29:56 pm »
Yeah if the returning characters were more unique, perhaps they'd be warranted, but I don't think there's really a reason to have Lucas when there is a Ness or to have Wolf when there is Falco and Starfox.  I know they have their unique variations, but I don't think it's really unique enough to warrant them coming back.  Get fresh new faces in there! Far more exciting.

As someone who enjoyed playing Lucas in Brawl, I couldn't quite get used to Ness since they have a bunch of different hit boxes and kill moves, but there special are pretty straight forward variations.  I'm willing to admit that I played Lucas because he was just easier to play as.  Competitively however, Lucas wasn't very good at all.  In smash 3DS/Wii U, Ness feels a lot better, being a better player in general made me feel right at home with Ness.  So this made up for the absence of Lucas in my eyes, I just think that Nintendo further avoidance of Mother 3 rubbed off on people in the wrong way "Poor Lucas, now Ness is alone again".  He was one of the first smash characters I began playing as in Brawl so I do have a soft spot for Lucas. 

Meanwhile Fox sounds like a child and Falco has a bunch of end lag on EVERYTHING! Plus, his voice doesn't sound all that cool anymore either.  That didn't make up for Wolf's removal in my eyes. 


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2015, 10:00:51 pm »
I just voted for Professor Layton. He's the first character that came to my mind for some reason.
I haven't played any of the game but have only heard great things about them. I guess he'd be sort of cool... lol


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #26 on: April 05, 2015, 10:00:08 am »
Found this on Twitter. Why hasn't Nintendo made this a character?


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Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #27 on: April 09, 2015, 05:11:57 am »
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Assassin's Creed: Black Flag


Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2015, 08:03:28 pm »
I voted for Pauline from the original Donkey Kong. Don't you want to see her battle it out with Peach??

Re: Smash Bros. Fighter Ballot
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2015, 09:28:39 pm »
Pretty hard to name just one....
While they're working with Namco, I'd like to see Nightmare from Soul Caliber.
or maybe Rayman.