Author Topic: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help  (Read 3399 times)

Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« on: March 09, 2015, 01:19:43 pm »
Ok, back again. Last time I posted a week or two ago for help getting my wounded Dreamcast back up and running. All is still fine and working properly, but now I have been looking into getting a better video signal for the DC. I have a lg 47" smart led with no vga input on the rear of the tv. What options do I have to bump up the video quality? The " hanzo" has been recommended by a friend, but I am basically clueless when it comes to these things. Even with said item, a vga input would be required right? Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance!!


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Re: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« Reply #1 on: March 10, 2015, 02:15:56 am »
My suggestion would be to get a VGA to HDMI adapter such as the one at the link below.

I have never used one personally because I have my Dreamcast hooked up just using VGA.

Only thing special about the Hanzo is that it can induce scanlines if you enjoy that CRT look for your older video games that have been lost now that we play on HD equipment.

I use a XG vga box that has been working for the past 7+ years (probably more - can't remember when I picked it up).
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01

Re: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« Reply #2 on: March 10, 2015, 08:20:15 pm »
Sweet thanks for the info. Scanlines aren't all that important to me, but can see why its a deal breaker for some. Could have swore I read somewhere that the Hanzo will force games to run in vga even if they aren't officially supported? I have a pretty good idea what to do and what I need now. Gotta get this stuff up and running in time for my copy of Sturmwind! Wow it looks sick!


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Re: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« Reply #3 on: March 11, 2015, 03:30:08 pm »
Sweet thanks for the info. Scanlines aren't all that important to me, but can see why its a deal breaker for some. Could have swore I read somewhere that the Hanzo will force games to run in vga even if they aren't officially supported? I have a pretty good idea what to do and what I need now. Gotta get this stuff up and running in time for my copy of Sturmwind! Wow it looks sick!

I don't own one, but I think the difference might be that the Hanzo comes with Component video output for games that don't support VGA. So the video output might be better than composite. Again I don't have it so I can't verify.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2015, 11:43:31 pm »
I know this thread is a bit old, but I can't speak highly enough about the Hanzo. It's really a great product. Unfortunately, it does only output to VGA. I'm not sure what the best way would be to go from VGA to HDMI though.

In my setup, I have a XRGB Mini Framemeister upscaler. That doesn't have a VGA in, but does accept SCART. Beharius, the same person who makes the Hanzo, now has a product out called the Toro that outputs SCART as well as VGA. Since the XRGB Mini accepts SCART, it's going to be awesome :D.

Anyways, if you're looking for either the Hanzo or any of his other products, Beharius' website is
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« Reply #5 on: July 16, 2015, 08:26:24 pm »
I'm still a little bit confused by this topic.

On the internet you can find plenty of places that sell Dreamcast RGB Scart cables, so is there any reason why you would want this Toro adapter if you're not planning to use VGA?

(Dreamcast + RGB scart cable + Framemeister = good quality... right?)


Re: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« Reply #6 on: July 16, 2015, 08:50:45 pm »
I'm still a little bit confused by this topic.

On the internet you can find plenty of places that sell Dreamcast RGB Scart cables, so is there any reason why you would want this Toro adapter if you're not planning to use VGA?

(Dreamcast + RGB scart cable + Framemeister = good quality... right?)
That's a very good question!

It all comes down to what the Dreamcast itself can support. So the Dreamcast can output at 240p, 480i, and 480p. RGB SCART by default, can't do 480p at all. 480i is the max. The difference is that 480i and lower uses a protocol called RGBS, while the VGA mode uses RGBHV. The Dreamcast will not enable RGBHV mode, and therefore 480p without what it considers a VGA box.

So conceivably you could just use an RGB Scart cable into the framemeister and it'd work fine. It just wouldn't be the best. You'd only get 240 or 480i. Most people consider 240p to be superior to 480i so really you're talking SNES video quality here lol.

So what the Toro manages to accomplish is telling the Dreamcast it's a VGA box, then combining the h and v sync to allow the RGB SCART to carry either the RGBS or RGBHV signal. One other benefit that the Hanzo/Toro offers is there is a switch that switches between the different video modes. Some games don't allow the 30hz (VGA) signal and need the 15hz signal instead. Other's, you can trick into displaying at the better resolution:

VGA Switch Trick:
Before you boot your Dreamcast disk set the switch on your VGA Box so that it is outputting to the TV.  Now proeeed to boot the Dreamcast Disk after the disk starts booting and before the dreamcast makes that chiming sound when it loads a game set the VGA Box to output to your VGA monitor.  If your timing is right your Non-VGA game should now be displaying on your VGA Monitor.  This may take a little practice to get the timing right but once you get it right you'll be tricking your Dreamcast like a pro ;-)

Even further down the rabbit hole:
Many games that don't support 480p can be patched to play 480p. Being that Dreamcast reads backed up games so easily, this is really simple to implement.
Dreamcast Compatibility list and Guide.
Currently Playing: The Witcher


Re: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« Reply #7 on: July 16, 2015, 09:49:00 pm »
Wow, that's an incredibly helpful answer.  ;D Thanks bobster, you're the best!

How bizarre that there's this resolution switch. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Dreamcast's similarities to the NAOMI boards. Either way, good stuff to know!
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 09:51:51 pm by zenimus »


Re: Dreamcast RGB/ VGA BOX/ HD help
« Reply #8 on: July 16, 2015, 10:32:36 pm »
Wow, that's an incredibly helpful answer.  ;D Thanks bobster, you're the best!

How bizarre that there's this resolution switch. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Dreamcast's similarities to the NAOMI boards. Either way, good stuff to know!
Awww you'll make a boy blush <3!

Glad to be of assistance though. I've spent a lot of time reading up/modding/using other peoples settings to get the best quality out of my retro games :D

This site is extremely helpful and the owner is super responsive if you have any questions.
Currently Playing: The Witcher