Author Topic: PS Vita Memory Card Issues  (Read 1792 times)


PS Vita Memory Card Issues
« on: July 10, 2015, 10:51:34 pm »
Sooo... my Vita has been acting up lately and I'm not sure why. :-\ I've been frequently getting an error message from my Vita after putting it on standby for a while telling me not to remove the memory card while the system is on. After the message is shown, the system restarts itself, but if I put it on standby again I'll get the same error message. Of course, I haven't removed it or touched it at all while it's turned on. The only temporary fix I've found is to turn the system on without the memory card, then turn it off and reinsert the memory card and turn it on again to rebuild the system's database. After that, I don't see the error message again for a while. Recently, the fix doesn't seem to last long before I start getting the error message again.

Have any of you here had similar troubles with your PS Vita? I'm really hoping that there's a more long term solution that I'm not aware of so I don't have to replace it or send it in for repairs. :'(

If you're wondering what I'm having issues with, I'm using a 1000 model PS Vita and a 32GB memory card.
Currently playing: Persona 5 (PS4)


Re: PS Vita Memory Card Issues
« Reply #1 on: July 11, 2015, 12:35:12 am »
2000 model here.

No Problems here with my Vita.

Your best bet is to format the memory card or get a spare memory card to test for a 1 week or so. To check if it the memory card or the vita itself.
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