Author Topic: Nintendo Files Patent for New Games Console; Will Not Include Optical Disk Drive  (Read 4986 times)


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Companies file patents all the time that they don't use for years, decades, or even ever. If that were true, we would all have Walt Disney dolphin phones, but we don't. They just file patents in the event they decide to pursue that idea or to make money from when someone else tries to do so.

We have no idea what this is yet. A console that is digital only is 99% likely to be a no-go for me, and just as likely to fail miserably. I sincerely doubt this is Nintendo's next console.

Also the idea of them moving to cartridges of some sort seems highly unlikely, considering that alienated them so badly with the N64 vs. Playstation. SquareEnix has expressed interest in porting Final Fantasy XV to the NX (whatever that may be, new console or not), and if that is supposed to be this digital only console, or cartridge based console, then that just doesn't make sense. No way is Final Fantasy XV fitting on a cartridge, and that's something SE would have known in advance of making that statement.
« Last Edit: August 24, 2015, 03:06:12 pm by haloofthesun »


I really doubt they will produce actual cartridges anymore. Compared to the 90ies they'd now be able to cram insane amounts of data in a little N64 cart sized plastic box (probably even more than on bluray or whatever), but the production is way too complicated and cost intensive to be a sensible format to use today. If they would use a physical format that is not an optical disk it's maybe going to be a special SD card type similar to Nintendo DS's. I sure hope it's not digital only as well but as haloofthesun said, after all it's all just speculation about a patent file.
I can you only chance
You need spell your soul
To the horrid spooky devil
That's a voyage to Hell



Wii U is already my last Nintendo console. I feel completely burned by it. Yeah, there are fun games on it. But it's nearly been a year since I've bought anything for my Wii U. In the meantime, I'm watching all kinds of awesome stuff coming out on Xbox One and PS4.

For curiosity's sake, what is some awesome stuff that came out on Xbox or PS4? I haven't seen a single game I couldn't' live without come to these platforms. Well, not one that I couldn't just get for PC instead.


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Wii U is already my last Nintendo console. I feel completely burned by it. Yeah, there are fun games on it. But it's nearly been a year since I've bought anything for my Wii U. In the meantime, I'm watching all kinds of awesome stuff coming out on Xbox One and PS4.

For curiosity's sake, what is some awesome stuff that came out on Xbox or PS4? I haven't seen a single game I couldn't' live without come to these platforms. Well, not one that I couldn't just get for PC instead.

Rare Collection, Ryse of Rome, Halo 5, Batman: Arkham Knight, Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Axiom Verge, Dead Rising 3, No Man's Sky, etc.

And PC does nothing for me. I'm a console gamer, always have been, always will be. I prefer a controller, and I like the ease of popping in a game and playing. No need to worry about having the right 3D card, enough RAM, a compatible video card, a compatible version of windows, etc., etc.
« Last Edit: August 25, 2015, 07:54:45 pm by burningdoom »


Wii U is already my last Nintendo console. I feel completely burned by it. Yeah, there are fun games on it. But it's nearly been a year since I've bought anything for my Wii U. In the meantime, I'm watching all kinds of awesome stuff coming out on Xbox One and PS4.

For curiosity's sake, what is some awesome stuff that came out on Xbox or PS4? I haven't seen a single game I couldn't' live without come to these platforms. Well, not one that I couldn't just get for PC instead.

Rare Collection, Ryse of Rome, Halo 5, Batman: Arkham Knight, Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Axiom Verge, Dead Rising 3, No Man's Sky, etc.

And PC does nothing for me. I'm a console gamer, always have been, always will be. I prefer a controller, and I like the ease of popping in a game and playing. No need to worry about having the right 3D card, enough RAM, a compatible video card, a compatible version of windows, etc., etc.
I think that Axiom Verge will be getting a Wii U port in the near future from what I've heard from an interview with one of the creators.


PRO Supporter

Wii U is already my last Nintendo console. I feel completely burned by it. Yeah, there are fun games on it. But it's nearly been a year since I've bought anything for my Wii U. In the meantime, I'm watching all kinds of awesome stuff coming out on Xbox One and PS4.

For curiosity's sake, what is some awesome stuff that came out on Xbox or PS4? I haven't seen a single game I couldn't' live without come to these platforms. Well, not one that I couldn't just get for PC instead.

Rare Collection, Ryse of Rome, Halo 5, Batman: Arkham Knight, Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Axiom Verge, Dead Rising 3, No Man's Sky, etc.

And PC does nothing for me. I'm a console gamer, always have been, always will be. I prefer a controller, and I like the ease of popping in a game and playing. No need to worry about having the right 3D card, enough RAM, a compatible video card, a compatible version of windows, etc., etc.
I think that Axiom Verge will be getting a Wii U port in the near future from an interview with one of the creators.


Rare Collection, Ryse of Rome, Halo 5, Batman: Arkham Knight, Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Axiom Verge, Dead Rising 3, No Man's Sky, etc.

Well Rome, Batman, Witcher 3, Axiom Verge, Dead Rising 3, and No Man's Sky are on PC.  There aren't a ton of really good console exclusives yet for either PS4 or Xbone.  It's why I'm waiting till next year to get a PS4.


D R A G O N  Q U E S T  H E R O E S !!!!


Most of the sources I have seen say Nintendo is making a return to cartridges. However, they won't be the cartridges like in the 90's. Like what has already been mentioned, it's going to be more like an SD size cartridge, very similar to the 3DS and Vita. Some think they are doing this because the system is suppose to have a main terminal and a portable unit. Sounds like the goal is to allow you to play your games on the go, come home, and finish playing on your TV. If this is the case, Nintendo needs a good format for games. Disc doesn't really fit the bill unless they are going to try the whole UMD thing or something similar (which I would prefer them not). SD cards are a better answer and they can store a lot of info.

Also, they can save money on packaging because they can ship their games in smaller cases much like 3DS and Vita. Of course, we may no longer get manuals, but anyone who collects Vita games is already used to that :P

See news, reviews and more at Nintendo Frontier!


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It's still so early in it's development phase that all of his is just heresay and theories anyways. At this point, Nintendo could still scrap every idea they have and start-over again.

It's still so early in it's development phase that all of his is just heresay and theories anyways. At this point, Nintendo could still scrap every idea they have and start-over again.

If the outlook of a 2016 release is happening, then the system is mostly already all planned out and far too deep in development to throw it out.


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You Know what Screw it 3DS TV I'm Calling it.


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It's still so early in it's development phase that all of his is just heresay and theories anyways. At this point, Nintendo could still scrap every idea they have and start-over again.

If the outlook of a 2016 release is happening, then the system is mostly already all planned out and far too deep in development to throw it out.

And who said that was happening? All this article says is that Nintendo filed a patent.

If Nintendo has been clear about anything about the NX, it's that they aren't being clear about anything about it. They've said this is basically nothing more than ideas being bounced around in more than one interview. That they have no hardware or software to show off yet, and that they don't even have a ballpark release date yet. I also find it hard to believe a 2016 release date when Nintendo has been adamant that Zelda U will be a Wii U game, and we already know for a fact the release date for that got pushed back to 2016.

And who said that was happening? All this article says is that Nintendo filed a patent.

If Nintendo has been clear about anything about the NX, it's that they aren't being clear about anything about it. They've said this is basically nothing more than ideas being bounced around in more than one interview. That they have no hardware or software to show off yet, and that they don't even have a ballpark release date yet. I also find it hard to believe a 2016 release date when Nintendo has been adamant that Zelda U will be a Wii U game, and we already know for a fact the release date for that got pushed back to 2016.

Not from the article, just the conjecture that's been going on for awhile that the NX has a good chance of releasing fall of 2016, mostly due to them not having really any games announced for the Wii U yet.  I'm sure the Wii U will get Zelda, but I wouldn't be surprised if they pull a Twilight Princess with it, the Wii U getting a good version of it, but the NX version packing more of a punch and utilizing whatever features that system might have.

I mean, if we look at E3 2014 and what they were showing off for 2015, we had Yoshi's Wooly World, Mario Maker, the new Zelda which got moved to 2016, Splatoon, Xenoblade Chronicles, and that tiny tease of Star Fox. What did E3 2015 have for next year? Nothing.  That Hyrule Warriors port for the 3DS...Think that was mostly it. Heck, one of their new additions to the lineup this year is just bundle deal of two games that came out 2 to 3 years ago, which I'm cool with cause those games are pricey still to get separately, so this makes them abit cheaper lol


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I've been thinking about this.  I am very against download only.  I like to physically own my games.  With that said, I came up with a way that I might be ok with download only. 

If I can own the game and put it on my SD card, flash drive, or hdd; I think I'm ok.  If I can play this on my Nintendo NX years down the road or without online checks or anything like that.  It'll be like me supplying the materials to have a physical copy. 

Now, do I think that will happen?  I doubt it.  It would be encourage piracy I think.  Who knows. It's just a thought.