Some great choices! I still think that Die Hard is a fun game collection though. It includes the only rail shooter so far that I've ever enjoyed/completed.
I see that you have Final Fantasy Tactics in your collection. Do you know the Vandal Hearts series? The first one is a really good (though mighty raw) tactical RPG arcade by Konami. A successor came out in 2000 which was way more fleshed out on all accounts but had a different, super weird chess like round system and ultimately felt like a chore to complete to me. But I could recommend the first one to everyone into the tactical RPG genre.
Thanks. If I saw Die Hard for cheap some place I would probably pick it up. This is just more or less my "hit list" for stuff to get. Don't recall at the moment if I put Vandal Hearts I and II on my wish list, but they are definitely something I will keep an eye out for.
It takes some time to accept that people are constantly hacking away at thin air due to the goofy combat in VH2 but otherwise I think it is okay. After all it kept me occupied for 60+ hours so it should have some redeeming qualities (like the weapon collectathon and I liked the often critized story/characters tbh)!
Just noticed Gex 3, this one got me so mad that I accidently smashed the case in rage (controller sharpshooting!) because a bug kept me from completing the game. It happens so if you try out the alternate costume codes you can unlock in special stages in the beginning that you can't complete a mission near the end because the guy you are supposed to rescue just won't be there anymore and you never know that you fucked this up until you get to this part. The latter half I think is pretty tough and lenghty so that was a major bummer it was all in vain (I still think that 2 & 3 are good platformers though).
Good luck on your quest to buy those games! I know it's painful as I had to buy back a major part of my SNES collection because I made the cool decision to trade them in for small change when I was young. Why I sold Castlevania IV for like 5 deutsch marks (2,50€) I will never understand.