Author Topic: New Nintendo 3DS system editions launched  (Read 1288 times)


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Re: New Nintendo 3DS system editions launched
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 06:42:32 pm »
Weird that it took this long for them to release the normal sized version of the system or to release it at all.


Re: New Nintendo 3DS system editions launched
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2015, 08:41:20 pm »
I've had my original blue 3DS since launch and has gotten beat up a bit. I think now would finally be the time for me to upgrade.


Re: New Nintendo 3DS system editions launched
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2015, 11:08:42 pm »
Finally, a standard sized New 3DS for North America. :D Awesome bundle too, I think I'll have to pick one of those up eventually. :) Hopefully Nintendo makes enough of these and they don't immediately sell out.
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Re: New Nintendo 3DS system editions launched
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2015, 07:01:52 am »
I've had my original blue 3DS since launch and has gotten beat up a bit. I think now would finally be the time for me to upgrade.

That's what I've had too; I sold mine to a friend so I could get an upgrade. These special editions look really cool! I like the detail on the Animal Crossing one  :). I was thinking about getting the XL though.
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Re: New Nintendo 3DS system editions launched
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2015, 08:52:26 am »
I've always had the standard-sized Nintendo handhelds.  I picked up the New 3DS XL and honestly, I don't see myself going back to a smaller model.  Everything is spaced out more because of the larger screen size and I find it more comfortable to hold for longer periods without my hands cramping.  And as I've gotten older, I have to hold these things closer to my face to see them well...LOL.  The screen size of the XL is spot-on for me.

I'm happy for all the gamers who have been waiting on the standard-size New 3DS that you will finally be able to get one.  It boggles the mind why Nintendo didn't make the faceplates interchangeable on the XL model as well, but you guys will now be able to import a buttload of different ones if you like.

Don't believe for a minute though that Nintendo of America was holding out for a special edition before releasing the standard model.  Sales haven't been up to Nintendo's expectations and they are doing this to sell more units.  I guess that's what happens when you only make one whole game specifically for your "New" system and your tv ads blow.   ::)
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Re: New Nintendo 3DS system editions launched
« Reply #6 on: September 03, 2015, 12:22:54 am »
I have no idea why they are making all of these awful decisions (this one comes almost a year too late) No physical for Fatal Frame, Animal Crossing games that require amiibo figures or cards that no one will be able to get, New Nintendo 3DS getting a smaller version AFTER the XL? Not to mention if you own Xenoblade Chronicles on the Wii, there is no point to own it at all. With little to nothing coming out next year, what's Nintendo's draw moving forward?
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