Today, as I was re-checking my collection I realised that my jewel case of GTA Vice City for PC comes in a "big box" with inserts and all sort of stuff that I don't have. So I'm on Ebay, looking for a big-box release of Vice City to replace my "loose" copy, and then come across one only 500 km away from me (I live in Canada so here that's not that much). I ask the guy if he has all the inserts and stuff and to take a picture of the box if possible. Then I get this reply:
Yep, my mom takes the pictures for me and she used my templete for used and not sealed.
So, the game was sealed 2 minutes ago.
I opened it and everything is there. The jewel case is obviously sealed. It has the tourist guide and the map. Everything including the registration card.
I should not have opened it but I just wanted to be sure for you.
Have a look at the attached picture too.Attached with this message, is this picture:

Yo, THAT KID OPENED A SEALED VICE CITY BIG BOX, THEN DROPPED THE CONTENTS ON THE FLOOR, AND JUST WENT "well f* it!" AND TOOK A PICTURE OF IT! I was laughing my ass off! I replied saying that I'll take it anyway, and proceeded to pay the item at full price. Obviously he's just a kid who doesn't know what he's doing, so I'm not mad at him, I just think it's really funny XD
That's what happens when people take my advice too literally when I ask for more pictures! Have a nice evening from Canada!