I know this is a tangent from the main topic, but I gotta say that I get kinda PO'ed when I see fast food workers on TV protesting that they don't make a high enough wage and wanting $15 an hour.
I work in a maximum security prison armed only with a can of pepper spray. Staff are outnumbered a
minimum of 30:1 offender/staff. I am expected to protect my fellow staff, the offenders and the public. I make under $14 an hour and I've been doing this going on
NINETEEN YEARS.On the other hand, fast food workers consistently
F*CK UP MY ORDER even if it's a simple #4 on the McD's menu that only takes one button press to do. No customizing. No substitutes. Nothing. And they want $15 an hour to f*ck up my order?
ADDENDUM: I am in no way disparaging every person working in the food industry as my mom is retired from the food industry. I'm sure that some people actually care about their job and do it to the best of their ability. I wouldn't want to be accused of calling all black people gang-bangers again.