Author Topic: Refurbished NES issues  (Read 2238 times)


Refurbished NES issues
« on: October 01, 2015, 03:42:18 pm »
I just bought a 'refurbished' NES from eBay, this is literally the first NES console I've come into contact with, so as per usual of me buying cool things, some stupid problem arises that gets me frustrated.  So this refurbished NES has a new 72-pin connector as you do, the seller noted that the cartridge fit would be much tighter than usual.  I get what he means by that but this is just ridiculous.  Just in case it makes a difference, this is a PAL/EU system. 

I psychical can't push the cartridge in anymore than this, I don't want to put much more pressure on it because I feel like the thing is gonna shatter.  Am I doing something wrong here?? Could this anything to do with the replaced connector?

This is the best shot I could get of the connector with having to open up the system, I've google the pin connector, but I think it would be best to get an opinion from someone who has a NES.  What better place than to ask my Friends over at VGCollect


Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #1 on: October 01, 2015, 04:32:22 pm »
Last year or so I purchased one with the 72 pins from a local gaming store and you are right when its new you can barely insert and remove a cartridge from them. What I did to loosen it up was to just insert a cart and leave it over night It loosened it up enough that I could remove the game without struggling as much, either that or you can take a cheap cart and just constantly insert and remove the cart to loosen the pins. reason I say cheap is just in case it wears down the connectors. So in other words it will loosen by itself from normal use.

I much prefer top loaders than the original but I currently do not actually own one (just use a friends ;))
« Last Edit: October 01, 2015, 04:35:48 pm by rayne315 »
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Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2015, 08:23:34 pm »
Last year or so I purchased one with the 72 pins from a local gaming store and you are right when its new you can barely insert and remove a cartridge from them. What I did to loosen it up was to just insert a cart and leave it over night It loosened it up enough that I could remove the game without struggling as much, either that or you can take a cheap cart and just constantly insert and remove the cart to loosen the pins. reason I say cheap is just in case it wears down the connectors. So in other words it will loosen by itself from normal use.

I much prefer top loaders than the original but I currently do not actually own one (just use a friends ;))

The problem is that I can't insert the cartridge in enough that I can press it down and actually play, what I've shown in the photo is the farther I can push the game into the slot.  So I don't even know if the damn console or any of the games work yet.  I need to open up the system to see what's going on. 

Thanks for taking the time to help me out here. 


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Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2015, 09:08:19 pm »
Both my NES need new/cleaned 72 pins, I bought a new one (should have listen to turf on this one) thing was tight as hell. I was pissed. Still am pissed. so i gotta get them clean.
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Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #4 on: October 02, 2015, 09:28:17 am »
There are a lot of cheap 72-pin connectors flooding out of China.  Some work ok, some are junk.  That's why you can buy them off eBay for a couple of bucks with free shipping. 

I would say use a cheap cart and force it in all the way.  See if it works and just leave the cartridge in overnight.  It should loosen the pins up a bit.
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Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #5 on: October 02, 2015, 02:51:48 pm »
Alright so I've partially disassembled the system to get a better look, here's a couple of shots of what I've found: 

As I mentioned, I simply can't get the cartridge in enough to press it down to play.  Please trust me on this, I'm applying even more pressure than before, I'll cut my hand on the shattered casing before that cartridge moves an extra half-inch, it won't budge. 

Here's a best shot I could get of the pin connector without further disassembly

Here I was trying to point out the amount of space left to the edges, for when the cartridge is fully inserted.  Is this a dodgy connector or something?


Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #6 on: October 02, 2015, 03:56:15 pm »
Sounds like a faulty connector for sure.  The seller obviously didn't test his "refurbished" NES unit or he/she would have known the cartridge will not slide in.

Your choice now is do you send it back, or do you just buy a new 72-pin connector and replace it yourself?
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Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #7 on: October 02, 2015, 04:37:42 pm »
Sounds like a faulty connector for sure.  The seller obviously didn't test his "refurbished" NES unit or he/she would have known the cartridge will not slide in.

Your choice now is do you send it back, or do you just buy a new 72-pin connector and replace it yourself?

I suspected that would be the case, but thanks for the second opinion, time to send a couple of emails. 


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Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #8 on: October 02, 2015, 04:50:47 pm »
Everyone in this thread does realize you dont have to push the game down to play it right? As long as it seats in the connector you can play it just fine, you don't have to close the door again. The reason so many connectors are shot and loose is because everyone did just that.

Re: Refurbished NES issues
« Reply #9 on: October 02, 2015, 11:45:26 pm »
yea, AFAIK newer 72 pin connectors don't need to have the game pushed down.