Author Topic: edit made  (Read 963 times)


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edit made
« on: October 04, 2015, 08:51:12 am »
Not sure why this was denied, but the barcode was on this game was.

Strangely enough, i changed the front picture also, as i dont think it was een existing one because its missing ELSPA/PEGI, etc. But that looks like it was denied, but approved in my messages. (Bug?)

But when a aprover doesnt like what he see's, should't you denie everything? This move by allowing some changes creates ghost items. Better to ask who made the edits to create a new item.


Re: edit made
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2015, 09:21:00 am »
I am the one who denied the code bar, since usually they are 12 digits and this was 13 digits. However this could be my mistake, since I saw that there were many other edits with 13 digits, so I let the other barcode edits untouched for now and wanted to ask about if Europe and Japan have 13 digits. Do they?

As for the cover, if it says it was approved, you might have to refresh the page by holding ctrl+F5 (this clears the page's cache).  :)

I'm not sure I understand your last point. It would be counter productive to deny a right change just because another change was wrong, that's why each information is treated separately.


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Re: edit made
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2015, 10:21:45 am »
Might be easier to give you a site:

And may i say, this is the first time ctrl F5 worked for me. Not sure why, but it usually wants to print if i use it  ???

But my other point is, if i make a change, they all are from the same item. But the same named item can have other barcode's, catalogue numbers, etc. So if 1 gets denied, they all should be denied. I even seen other publisher and developer's on the same game, but different version.


Re: edit made
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2015, 05:48:12 pm »
Thanks for the link! Sorry for the problem, now that I'm aware of this it'll be okay next time. You can resubmit the barcode, if you want to.

I think I see what you mean now, however games are not linked together, even if they share a part or totality of their name. They are each treated as individual and different items, which is actually what they are. Each different entry has most likely a different barcode and game number.  Though they usually would share the same developer and publisher, it's otherwise too inconsistent to be automated.