Author Topic: A few questions  (Read 843 times)

A few questions
« on: October 24, 2015, 04:08:30 pm »
Hello fellow gamers, i'm just a little frenchie that was having some questions before starting to add my collection (well most of them have already been answered by the Style Guide, thanks for them ;) but i still have a few more).

My first question is based on the OST, i'm glad that you accept them on the site by the way, i wanted to add the two OST that i have for .Hack//G.U. but after a search i found an OST for .Hack//Legend of the Twilight on the site, it's an OST for an Anime not for a game, are Anime or Movie OST accepted too (because i have a few more OST for all .Hack// anime series so i was wondering) ?

My second question is for the different edition of the same game, like i said i'm french so of the games that i own i mostly have the french editions, most of the time it doesn't really matter because the cover is the same (same art, same name, only the language on the backcover and the barcode is different) but some games have a different name, for an exemple i will use Dragon Quest VIII, the french edition is called Dragon Quest - L'odyssée du Roi Maudit, should i create an new entry for games that have a different barcode (but the site will have a lot of duplicate :-\ ), only create a new entry if the game have a different name (or a different cover) or should i just add the EU version with the english name (that is already on the site) to my collection (i don't mind any of these but what will be better for the site) ?

And... that's all for now, ho yes one more thing, i apologize for my poor grammar :-[


Re: A few questions
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 04:39:01 pm »
Hello and welcome to the community! :)

For your first question, we only accept soundtracks (or anything in general for that matter) that are video games related, so the entry that you're speaking of for an anime OST should be revised and probably removed. Could you please link it here?

As for your second question, we want to offer users a database that represents them and their collection, including their variations, so you should add your French covers to the database if you want to :) We have a few Europeans around who regularly create entries specifically for covers of different languages, they are labeled with the abbreviation for the language name as such : "[FR]", for example, for French. If you want to see how the entries look, you can do a simple search for them.

I hope that helped, and don't hesitate if you have any other questions!

Re: A few questions
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2015, 04:49:47 pm »
Thank you for the answers (and for the welcome too ;D ), as for the link for the anime OST it's this one :

I will just add OST related to games and only add games that have a different name or a different cover then, again thank you.