Author Topic: Destiny Festival of the Lost  (Read 1038 times)


Destiny Festival of the Lost
« on: October 27, 2015, 10:39:44 am »
Came home to a cool surprise yesterday!

Destiny is running a special through November 9th.  The Tower is all decked out in Halloween style decorations.  You can collect candy bags and run around "trick or treating" with NPC's in the Tower.  You also earn "candy" by killing enemies or other players in PvE and PvP games.  You can cash your goodies in for weird helmets that look like Engrams and pick up some  new dance moves.  Watching a bunch of people doing the Thriller dance in sync is priceless.

But best of all, Bungie has added a new Crucible map called Cathedral of Dusk that takes place on the Dreadnaught.  This new map will be sticking around after the Halloween fun has ended, added to the normal rotation of the Crucible.

It's pretty fun and cool that Bungie did this, especially on top of how great The Taken King expansion has made the core Destiny game. 

Let me get on my soapbox for a moment if you wouldn't mind indulging me.  Destiny took a lot of flak during it's first year because of it's less than stellar handling of the story mode.  All possible praise was heaped on the multiplayer and how fluid and perfect it all felt, but the game took knocks for it's story and subsequently, received low(er) review scores.  Now, Halo 5 comes out with a story so poor, it's like 343 took a giant shit on their fans.  But apologist articles are popping up on review sites like Polygon with follow-up articles saying "Let's stop pretending Halo 5's story matters."  To me, that is not only poor journalism and bias to crucify one game-Destiny with a score of 7/10, and give another game-Halo 5 with a score of 9/10 a free pass.    End rant.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us