Save yourself some money, and FOMO, by not buying this from LRG. You can get it from Amazon JP for cheaper than LRG or Play Asia, (esp when you factor in shipping), and you can do it when it suits your budget, since it’s not actually a limited production device, like LRG would have you believe. The games are the same, and the western release doesn’t offer any new English translations of the ROMs except for the box itself.
LRG’s manufactured FOMO needs to GTFO.
I don't disagree with that last sentence at all.

I actually did look this up on and the savings is like $10-15. That's probably a big deal to some I'm sure but there's the worry of customs, my shipment arriving via boat/snail mail, and the reputation of the seller who I'd be completely on the dark on. I haven't played around with enough but I imagine it's like ours where there's independent sellers using the service. At least with LRG I know they're capable, the product will already be on this side of the pond, and they're pretty decent at packaging stuff.
But yeah, their "OMGZ DON'T MISS OUT" mantra needed to die yesterday.