Author Topic: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!  (Read 10630 times)

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #15 on: November 13, 2015, 06:26:44 pm »
I was a big pc gamer in the 90's, perhaps early 2000's. The reason I moved from consoles to PC wasn't power or frame rate, it was the kind, or genre, of games that appealed to me were more common on PC's. Things like space sims, strategy games, and graphical adventure games were more abundant and deeper games than a standard console super mario style platform game, which was the most popular genre at the time and a type of game I abhorred (still do) or a Zelda style RPG. Tie Fighter, Ancient Art of War, and Full Throttle were a lot more fun for me than anything that was coming out on consoles in the 90's.

Don't get me wrong, I love my SNES, Genesis, and TG-16 but a huge part of my gaming heritage was in the form of a nondescript beige tower full of fantastic 90's pc titles - something that is a current collection focus for me right now as well. Sure it's fun to pop in a cart and play right away but there's something nostalgic about fiddling with autoexec.bat files :)


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #16 on: November 13, 2015, 06:31:09 pm »
PC is a piece of shit you go through so many loops to play a game and get it running, that comes outdated in a few years or breaks.

The atari 7800 controller is more reliable than PC gaming. Only reason anyone should care today is the indie scene and the reliability of publishing.

Master race? The platform is dying. It's only big in 3rd world countries with this DOTA crap. Steam the last big frontier and it seems its trying to separate itself with the steam box and Micros windows anti gamer platform becoming more aggressive every year. Hell collecting for PC became worthless a decade and a half ago. Only people still supporting it are just these trendy trendies mostly who love themselves so much that they gotta scream in front of a camera doing lame lets plays and recording over reactions for money and little kiddies. No thanks.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2015, 06:49:04 pm by dreama1 »


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #17 on: November 13, 2015, 07:48:14 pm »
I'm hoping this topic didnt start because I said Fallout 4 looks pretty good on my PC on the other thread.

All hail Steam Sales

I'm against digital games but... man sometimes gabe gets to me.
"Hard work betrays none, but dreams betray many." ( Hachiman Hikigaya)
"People say nothing's impossible, but I do nothing everyday." (Winnie The Pooh)

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #18 on: November 13, 2015, 09:05:17 pm »

Did someone say flame warz?!

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #19 on: November 13, 2015, 09:31:29 pm »
I only recently got into PC gaming, I actually just threw a 970 ftw, i7 4790 and a new power supply in my syber steam machine. PC gaming is really nice but I usually tend to lean more towards consoles. I couldn't afford to throw down 600 to 1000 dollars on a pc, in the past and in certain cases it is a better experience. I actually just got a steam controller and really like it too, but I'm more comfortable with a controller in hand than a mouse and keyboard anyway. Consoles, however, get some fantastic exclusives, like you mentioned, uncharted, Metroid, halo stuff like that. Honestly, I don't really understand the big time arguments between both of them, it's just gaming, any argument over video games is pretty petty. I'm lucky enough to afford all of them, but as a child I was perfectly happy with a snes up to about 99, 2000 when I pretty much had to make the switch to ps1. Gaming is fun no matter what it is on


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #20 on: November 13, 2015, 11:00:25 pm »
I always thought this whole argument was silly. There are pros and cons of each platform, and people should be able to choose whatever they're most comfortable with. Choose one, choose neither, choose both. It cracks me up that a one-off joke by Yahtzee is being used unironically years after he made it. Gamers are a very strange people. Tiger Handhelds are clearly the superior platform.
Always looking to buy Drakengard, Nier, and Siren collector's items.


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #21 on: November 13, 2015, 11:23:25 pm »
Yeah I'm sick of elitist assholes. But this pic is what it should be...

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #22 on: November 14, 2015, 10:12:49 am »
I think it's pointless to compare, because it all come downs to what kind of games you like to play, as clearly shown by your not-at-all-biased post.

"PC gamers claim that "all the best games come to PC."  This is completely false.  Taste aside, where are the critically-acclaimed, award-winning games like Mario or Zelda on the PC?"
Last I heard, Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Unreal Tournament, XCOM and Might and Magic Heroes, are exactly those things.

They are two different entities, ffs.

PC is a piece of shit you go through so many loops to play a game and get it running, that comes outdated in a few years or breaks.

Master race? The platform is dying. It's only big in 3rd world countries with this DOTA crap.

My PC is from 2012, and can still play Battlefront at maxed-out settings. I don't have to go through any loops to play a game, I just download it and play. If you're on Linux or OS X, that's definitely true though.
And the personal computer is hardly dying. Sure, the casual market has moved more towards mobile devices, but really, in that regard, consoles are more dying than PC. People are even unsure if there'll be next generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony. You really just pulled that claim straight out of your behind, sir.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 10:19:55 am by greensoap »


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #23 on: November 14, 2015, 11:03:12 am »
I think it's pointless to compare, because it all come downs to what kind of games you like to play, as clearly shown by your not-at-all-biased post.

"PC gamers claim that "all the best games come to PC."  This is completely false.  Taste aside, where are the critically-acclaimed, award-winning games like Mario or Zelda on the PC?"
Last I heard, Starcraft 2, World of Warcraft, Dota 2, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Unreal Tournament, XCOM and Might and Magic Heroes, are exactly those things.

They are two different entities, ffs.

PC is a piece of shit you go through so many loops to play a game and get it running, that comes outdated in a few years or breaks.

Master race? The platform is dying. It's only big in 3rd world countries with this DOTA crap.

My PC is from 2012, and can still play Battlefront at maxed-out settings. I don't have to go through any loops to play a game, I just download it and play. If you're on Linux or OS X, that's definitely true though.
And the personal computer is hardly dying. Sure, the casual market has moved more towards mobile devices, but really, in that regard, consoles are more dying than PC. People are even unsure if there'll be next generation consoles from Microsoft and Sony. You really just pulled that claim straight out of your behind, sir.
Not really. Only noobs who don't know the industry think we will have no playstation 5 or xbox 4. That joke got old long ago. You've had your pc for 3 years? , enjoy it well it lasts. It'll crap out in a few years with blue screen, and error messages that might as well be written in chinese. Check it's life span it's not suppose to last long, I'm presuming your not tech savvy either. So as I said enjoy it while it lasts.
« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 11:09:40 am by dreama1 »

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #24 on: November 14, 2015, 11:16:37 am »
I've primarily been a console gamer most of my life, mostly for one reason; being a PC gamer is a lot more expensive. I didn't own my first PC until 1998 and even back then for a very middle of the road PC in terms of performance it was over $1000. If I had wanted something that could run Half Life or Everquest effortlessly I would have had to drop at least another grand. While computers have dropped significantly in price over the years they still are vastly more expensive than consoles when you are comparing performance.

With all that said, I love PC gaming, but in the same way why I like Nintendo for different reason than I do Sony or Sega. The platform has a charm to it and offers different experiences than what I can find on consoles. Sure there are multiplats, but in some cases I prefer to get them on PC over console. This is especially true of simulator, RTS, WRPG, and some FPS games; would take any of these genres on the PC any day of the week.

In terms of graphics, PC because of it's capability of having literally tens of thousands of dollars in upgrade thrown into it will always have the edge over console. However, I am a firm believer that graphics are not everything and that between consoles and the PC, the difference in graphics on most multiplats are marginal across platforms. My current rig can easy do 60+ fps in 1080, but honestly it makes very little difference to me if I am playing it on a PS4 at 720p with a slightly decreased frame rate.

So yeah, that's just me, but in conclusion I think people who discredit all other platforms while claiming their preferred platform is vastly superior (fanboyism) are complete immature dickwads. Not only are you an idiot if you do this, but you are really depriving yourself of some genuinely good experiences by convincing yourself that no other platforms have anything good to offer. This includes the self professed Master Race, Nintendbots, or those douchbags who make a huge deal about the PS4 having slightly better graphics than the XBOX 1 for an upcoming game. Just enjoy gaming no matter what platform it is on.


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #25 on: November 14, 2015, 12:11:58 pm »
Like others, I stick with what I know. Grew up with game consoles primarily, so that's what I like. However, I did play simulation type games on PC so not surprisingly, I think those are best on PC. Again, maybe I'm wrong but first impressions stick. I have an Android and I don't ever want to switch to iPhone, because Android is the platform that I've learned to embrace.

I occasionally get into these conversations with PC fanatics. So they have the latest technical specs, that's fine. I don't really notice. People look at Fallout 4 and say "oh my god, that graphics engine is so dated". I'm like, really? I haven't noticed much of a difference in photo realism over past the 10 years anyway. It all looks the same to me. Then again, I'm not a big fan of photo-realism as a graphical style. If they see a modern shooter running at 30fps they're always complaining it doesn't run well. Really? You need 60fps to enjoy the game? Why?

I'm simply not as awe-struck by gaming or video tech as some others are. I've owned an HDTV for years and I still watch standard def. I'm not going to notice if the hair on someone's face is not well defined. This is one reason why Nintendo consoles are just fine by me, they're inexpensive and not cutting edge. The other reason is the games, more specifically, the style of games they produce are more to my liking. I've become increasingly disinterested in the landscape of modern franchises and games that focus on epicness, be it graphics, story, soundtrack. That's me. I don't want to play an interactive movie, it's just not what I enjoy so much. I enjoy games that rely on the good old fashioned principles of gameplay, primarily. I might consider it a bonus if the game is colorful and pleasant to look at.

For my money, Nintendo still delivers with consistency what is essentially the same things that I grew up on. So I'm just fine with my Wii U, and 3DS. Whatever day indie devs decide to wake up and put their products on a physical shelf, I'll be on board with that too. But the latest gaming tech in all it's glory, just isn't even on my radar at this point.

Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #26 on: November 14, 2015, 02:59:24 pm »
You've had your pc for 3 years? , enjoy it well it lasts. It'll crap out in a few years with blue screen, and error messages that might as well be written in chinese. Check it's life span it's not suppose to last long, I'm presuming your not tech savvy either. So as I said enjoy it while it lasts.

You could change "PC" to "XBox One" or "PS4" and it would also be true.

« Last Edit: November 14, 2015, 03:02:07 pm by atarileaf »


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #27 on: November 14, 2015, 03:17:10 pm »
I appreciate that *almost* everyone is being really friendly and civil in this topic that can often devolve into namecalling and baseless logic.

I just wanted to say that I'm happy to hear about anyone enjoying video games, whether it's on mobile, handheld, console, or PC.  And let's not forget pinball and other arcade machines <3

Not everyone can afford what other people may be "best" and it really comes down to the person's individual preferences. I'm not big on games for the XBox One, but I'm not going to call Xbox One owners "noobs" or other names just because they like the system and the library it has. I'm glad they're getting backwards compatibility and look forward to what is in store for them.

I game on both PC and console and love both. They both have their pros and cons, and I take that into consideration when deciding which platform to pick for a multi-platform title.

Anyway, just wanted to say thanks to those who are discussing this peacefully. And I should mention that I am one of those people who streams and records lets plays and am surprised to be called "trendy" or whatever. I stream for the same reason that I come here - to meet and chat with other fellow game lovers. I'm sorry if you think it's stupid or whatever, but considering what else is happening in the world, I don't think it's all that awful.
Currently playing:
FFXIV (PC), The Witcher (PC), Monster Hunter World: Iceborne (PS4)


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #28 on: November 14, 2015, 04:34:44 pm »
You've had your pc for 3 years? , enjoy it well it lasts. It'll crap out in a few years with blue screen, and error messages that might as well be written in chinese. Check it's life span it's not suppose to last long, I'm presuming your not tech savvy either. So as I said enjoy it while it lasts.

You could change "PC" to "XBox One" or "PS4" and it would also be true.
You own an atari don't you? Still working isn't it?


Re: Console Peasants versus PC Master Race: Why the Peasants Win!
« Reply #29 on: November 14, 2015, 04:59:51 pm »
You've had your pc for 3 years? , enjoy it well it lasts. It'll crap out in a few years with blue screen, and error messages that might as well be written in chinese. Check it's life span it's not suppose to last long, I'm presuming your not tech savvy either. So as I said enjoy it while it lasts.

You could change "PC" to "XBox One" or "PS4" and it would also be true.
You own an atari don't you? Still working isn't it? My ps2 still working. Since the late 90s I must of went through at least 5 computers.