Author Topic: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?  (Read 1851 times)


Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« on: November 18, 2015, 03:13:43 pm »
Note:  The following commentary is not endorsed nor reflects the opinions of VGC and is not directed at my fellow members.  Reflections below are from sites like NeoGAF and N4G.  Consider this satire...but with a twinge of truth to it.

On a daily basis, I read comments from people online complaining about the amount of content they get in their video game purchase.  "Boo-hoo! This campaign is too short!  There aren't enough maps included for the multiplayer!  Boo-Hoo!"

And really?  I get pretty sick of it.  What does $60 buy these days?  These same people are perfectly fine paying $20 for a ticket to a 3D movie.  They have no qualms about spending $25 for a Blu-Ray movie.  They also don't mind dropping an average of $20 for a half-way decent meal at a restaurant.  What does that get you?  Two hours average in a theater?  A two hour movie at home?  An overpriced meal that is just going to turn into smelly brown mush in less than 24 hours?  So why complain when a game has a campaign that "only" lasts 6-8 hours for $60? 

I also find it pretty amusing when people on other sites and reviewers make comments like "Black Ops III has a throwaway campaign (for example)."  Really?  While maybe not the highest of high-brow cerebral entertainment, it certainly is entertaining and as good if not better than the ridiculous popcorn munching, summer blockbuster tripe that these same people throw $20 away on per ticket plus another $20 for a tub of greasy popcorn and a flat soda. 

Then, we have my personal favorite:  The preorder cancelling guys.  You know those guys.  Just this past week, I've seen dozens upon dozens of people posting how they have cancelled their preorder for Xenoblade Chronicles X on the Wii U.  Nintendo has committed the most unforgivable sin of localization for this game.  They have removed....the booby slider.  Yes, the booby slider.  For those not in the know, XCX (for short) lets you customize your female characters cup size.  The righteous crusaders against video game censorship who never had any intention of buying this game let alone preordering it have laid down the gauntlet.  They are cancelling those imaginary preorders and telling us with all of the vitrol and spittle they can muster to show their disapproval.    Where is your righteous indignation about the missing "man package" slider?  You go guys!
« Last Edit: November 18, 2015, 03:17:46 pm by gf78 »
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Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #1 on: November 18, 2015, 04:41:44 pm »
I had a feeling Neogaf would be mentioned when I read the title.

IMO, while there are things at times I can understand people being slightly annoyed over, it seems to me that these days (especially on certain sites mentioned) people just like moaning and whining for the sake of it.


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Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #2 on: November 18, 2015, 04:45:58 pm »
It's the internet. People complain about everything.

Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #3 on: November 18, 2015, 06:51:19 pm »
I agree and disagree with this lol I disagree about people acting entitled when they feel a game doesn't have enough content to justify its price.  Battlefront is a pretty obvious one, having removed it's usual campaign setup, in favor of multiplayer only and some token horde/co-op modes.  Looking deeper into Battlefront, the two main modes I really want to play, only have 4 playable maps out of the ones available, making it so out of 12 maps, I'm not gonna play 8 of them as often unless I play some of the less interesting modes.  Then you see that there will be 16 more maps coming out as DLC over the next year and it's hard not to be disappointed when you see the game still being full price.  People can justify prices of everything all they want, but I don't think it's bad to look at a game for wanting in content when you can compare it to other games that have much more for the same price.

The Call of Duty whining is dumb though.  I don't like CoD anymore, but it has a proper story mode, multiplayer, and zombies, like always.  It's fine.

I agree about the whining with "censorship".  There are situations where censorship of a game can be fine, especially when bringing a game over to a country that is both obsessed with sex, but also very puritanical about it in some sort of weird combination. On the hand, planting your flag on optional endgame bikini's for young teens (Fatal Frame V) and boob size with costume changes (Xenoblade) is fighting a fight that serves no purpose, even if the localization choice is a little dumb.  Funny enough, the "censorship" of costumes in Xenoblade actually made them better lol

Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2015, 08:21:52 am »
HAHA, I wish games had a male package slider, that would be hilarious.

That aside, I think it's stupid that NoA censors shit here, Something got removed in Fatal Frame V and I found that frustrating, but I didn't buy that game anyway because they won't release a physical copy in the US, which is another frustrating thing NoA does.

The removal of a feature so mundane shouldn't make or break your decision to buy a title.  I did cancel my preorder for XCX, but I did that because I decided that I'd rather have that money to buy Xmas gifts or pay bills or anything else for that matter, the fact that XCX isn't a Gamestop reprint $100 over charge exclusive, I can probably pick it up in a sale later on.

Saints Row V better have a male package slider or I'm cancelling my imaginary preorder...

Who am I kidding, shut up and take my money.

I look at a game like CoD or Battlefront and I know those games are multiplayer primarily, I don't do multiplayer, so I don't buy the games.  I certainly wouldn't buy either of those games and be butthurt that the campaign was short or it sucked, that's not the selling point with those games, not anymore.  Last CoD game I played was MW2, and from what I recall, I enjoyed the campaign, the whole betrayal/revenge thing was pretty cool.

I don't know, I say live and let live, if they want to complain let them complain, when it's folks spewing bile and hate trying to convince you that you are bad for liking it, then shit on them.  I generally try to ignore those folks.
« Last Edit: November 19, 2015, 08:30:13 am by ctracy87 »


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Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2015, 09:41:04 am »

I look at a game like CoD or Battlefront and I know those games are multiplayer primarily, I don't do multiplayer, so I don't buy the games.  I certainly wouldn't buy either of those games and be butthurt that the campaign was short or it sucked, that's not the selling point with those games, not anymore.  Last CoD game I played was MW2, and from what I recall, I enjoyed the campaign, the whole betrayal/revenge thing was pretty cool.

Battlefront does a good job with the bots.  It's nearly the same experience without a 14 year old telling you that he's banging your mom and that you're gay.


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Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2015, 10:14:28 am »
HAHA, I wish games had a male package slider, that would be hilarious.

Saints row the third/4 have one


Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2015, 10:52:16 am »
Lol, it just like SF5 when people complained and protested because capcom altered R.mika butt slapping super and cammy's underside intro.
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Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2015, 11:01:14 am »
Lol, it just like SF5 when people complained and protested because capcom altered R.mika butt slapping super and cammy's underside intro.

LMAO...I forgot about this!  Must be my old age....

I need to cancel my preorder.  Screw that cool statue of Ryu and the fact that I have enjoyed every single Street Fighter game before!  If R. Mika isn't slappin' dat ass and I can't see a gratuitous beaver shot of Cammy's undercarriage, I'm not buying!   :P
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Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2015, 11:02:34 am »
Battlefront does a good job with the bots.  It's nearly the same experience without a 14 year old telling you that he's banging your mom and that you're gay.

Where is the fun in that?  Next you'll tell me the bots aren't camping out in the bushes either!
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
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Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2015, 11:27:40 am »

I look at a game like CoD or Battlefront and I know those games are multiplayer primarily, I don't do multiplayer, so I don't buy the games.  I certainly wouldn't buy either of those games and be butthurt that the campaign was short or it sucked, that's not the selling point with those games, not anymore.  Last CoD game I played was MW2, and from what I recall, I enjoyed the campaign, the whole betrayal/revenge thing was pretty cool.

Battlefront does a good job with the bots.  It's nearly the same experience without a 14 year old telling you that he's banging your mom and that you're gay.
I genuinely enjoyed playing Battlefront with a buddy of mine when I was younger, it's not an option any more, so it's not the same for me.  It's a good reason why I enjoyed Timesplitters, the bots.

HAHA, I wish games had a male package slider, that would be hilarious.

Saints row the third/4 have one
And look at me, I specifically called out Saints Row in my post too.  I always play with a female character, so coincidentally I missed that feature entirely.  Not surprised one bit either, this furthers my point that when Volition releases a game, they have my money.


Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2015, 11:36:37 am »
I look at a game like CoD or Battlefront and I know those games are multiplayer primarily, I don't do multiplayer, so I don't buy the games.  I certainly wouldn't buy either of those games and be butthurt that the campaign was short or it sucked, that's not the selling point with those games, not anymore.  Last CoD game I played was MW2, and from what I recall, I enjoyed the campaign, the whole betrayal/revenge thing was pretty cool.

Since you mentioned it, I've always liked the stories in Call of Duty.  I guess I'm some dumb guy who wouldn't know a good story if it slapped me in the face according to how people criticize the stories online, but I find them to be pretty exciting.  The storyline in Black Ops III was very sci-fi and raised a lot of questions about the convergence of man and technology.  Last year's Advanced Warfare had a great story too IMO and I can't wait to play the sequel.  Ironically, the Infinity Ward developed Ghosts has been my least favorite Call of Duty storyline.  I say Ironically because it was Infinity Ward that invented this series to begin with and made it the sales jugger-nog that it is. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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Re: Crusaders of Justice or Entitled Whiners?
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2015, 12:14:29 pm »
I look at a game like CoD or Battlefront and I know those games are multiplayer primarily, I don't do multiplayer, so I don't buy the games.  I certainly wouldn't buy either of those games and be butthurt that the campaign was short or it sucked, that's not the selling point with those games, not anymore.  Last CoD game I played was MW2, and from what I recall, I enjoyed the campaign, the whole betrayal/revenge thing was pretty cool.

Since you mentioned it, I've always liked the stories in Call of Duty.  I guess I'm some dumb guy who wouldn't know a good story if it slapped me in the face according to how people criticize the stories online, but I find them to be pretty exciting.  The storyline in Black Ops III was very sci-fi and raised a lot of questions about the convergence of man and technology.  Last year's Advanced Warfare had a great story too IMO and I can't wait to play the sequel.  Ironically, the Infinity Ward developed Ghosts has been my least favorite Call of Duty storyline.  I say Ironically because it was Infinity Ward that invented this series to begin with and made it the sales jugger-nog that it is.
To be fair, MW2 was the last true Infinity Ward CoD game, that was when West and Zampella, and many other employees, left the company.