Author Topic: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion  (Read 5245 times)


Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #15 on: January 06, 2016, 10:14:52 am »
Last generation, Bethesda games were a mess on the PS3.  This generation, Fallout 4 actually runs better on the PS4 with less framerate dips and hiccups.  I agree that Metal Gear always seemed to be home on a PlayStation console.

Where I found installs, updates, etc. a PITA on the PS3, I don't take much issue on the PS4.  If it's a game that isn't online or I'm not jumping straight into the multiplayer portion, I can start playing in about a minute and the update will install in the background.  I did this with Black Ops III.  Started the single player, hit ok that I understood I couldn't use multiplayer until the update was applied and was immediately playing.  When I wanted to go online, I simply exited the game, then restarted it.  The update was applied and I was jumping into team deathmatch. 

I don't have much experience with an Xbox One for testing out the multimedia features, but I believe what you are saying and that's cool.  I bought my gaming console for the primary purpose of gaming and in that regard, the PS4 is unrivaled.  IMO of course.   ;D
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2016, 11:58:45 am »
My experience with Fallout on XB1 wasn't bad, it crashed all of twice, which doesn't bother me that much, because 2 crashes in 200hrs compared to Fallout NV or Fallout 3 with crashes almost hourly on any platform, significantly higher crash rate on PS3 and PC.  Potentially lower on PC if you have the right patches and mods installed to prevent the crashes.  Higher again if you have any mods installed that aren't specifically existent to fix crash issues.  I never noticed any frame rate dips or stuttering on XB1, and I don't regret purchasing it for XB1.

I do recall the forced installs on PS3 being frustrating because you literally can't do anything while it's installing a game, at least on the new consoles you can load up another game or Netflix or something to kill time.

I don't know if it's because I'm a hoarder or because I genuinely care about media capabilities, but my PS3 hasn't seen much of any use since purchase other than media capabilities, if the 360 played blurays I probably wouldn't have purchased a ps3.

All that being said, the number of hours I've put into my XB1 dwarfs the shit out of the hours I've played on PS4. 

PS4 titles I bought and played:
WatchDogs (Picked this platform because of the exclusive missions)
Need for Speed Rivals (I actually bought this for both platforms for some reason, but picked PS4 over XB1 because it launched exclusively for PS4 first)
Metal Gear Solid Phantom Pain (probably put in over 100 hours)
inFamous Second Son (Relatively short game, at least felt shorter than the previous installments)

XB1 titles I bought and played:
Fallout 4 (well over 100 hours)
Rise of the Tomb Raider (not sure how many hours, but it is a great game, definitely worth the purchase)
Forza Horizon 2 (I put a lot of hours into this game and I'm still nowhere near 100%)
Rare Replay (obvious must have)
Dead Rising 3 (this game is worlds above the first title in the series, the only other DR game I've played.  1 of 2 games I think sold people on the system)
Sunset Overdrive (Really fun silly Infamous type game.  The other game that I think sold people on the system)
Dragon Age Inquisition (Right Trigger Simulator 2014)
Far Cry 4 (I don't know what to say about this game, it's been too long, it was fun and I think I may have 100% complete the game)
Wolfenstein The New Order (This game surprised me with how good it was, I even went back and played it multiple times, which is super uncommon for me)
Ryse: Son of Rome (Pretty decent game, I wouldn't pay much for it because it's short, but it's worth a playthrough, definitely not a system seller)

Mind you, most of those XB1 games weren't exclusives.  But between Infamous Second Son and Sunset Overdrive/Dead Rising 3/Rise of the Tomb Raider/Forza Horizon 2, XB1 was my personal choice for exclusives.  Had all 3 third party titles there been non-exclusive (i.e. Infamous Second Son V. Forza Horizon 2), I'd probably pick PS4.  In terms of exclusive titles, nothing really interests me PS4 wise, but I do tend to lean PS4 for multiplatform titles.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 12:56:02 pm by ctracy87 »


Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2016, 12:51:38 pm »
In terms of exclusive titles, nothing really interests my PS4 wise.

Before I start, I have to comment on this. I find this to be impossible. :) The exclusives on the PS4 are overwhelming to the point where Xbox really should just give up the game and go back to software. That is when gaming will truly be on top. The few exclusives that Xbox has would be made to play on the PS4 and everyone will have one gaming system (other than a Nintendo which will never change).

With that said, Im just going to throw this out there for my 2 cents. I have 3 PS4's and 1 Xbox One. Im looking to trade my One for another PS4.

Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2016, 01:11:46 pm »
In terms of exclusive titles, nothing really interests me PS4 wise.

Before I start, I have to comment on this. I find this to be impossible. :) The exclusives on the PS4 are overwhelming to the point where Xbox really should just give up the game and go back to software. That is when gaming will truly be on top. The few exclusives that Xbox has would be made to play on the PS4 and everyone will have one gaming system (other than a Nintendo which will never change).

With that said, Im just going to throw this out there for my 2 cents. I have 3 PS4's and 1 Xbox One. Im looking to trade my One for another PS4.
Ugh, that typo bothered me too much.

Don't get me wrong, there aren't many XB1 exclusives that interest me either.  I'm not counting remakes or re-releases (i.e. God of War, Gears of War, Last of Us, etc.).  Though I do want the Nathan Drake collection as I've never played the franchise, but again, it's just a re-release.

Infamous Second son interested me.  Halo does not interest me.  Bloodbourne doesn't interest me.  I bought Dragon Quest for PS4, but I've never played a Dragon Quest game, so I have no invested interest in the series.  I just went through the list of PS4 exclusive games and Xb1 exclusive games, mind you I don't care if it was released on PC, I'm probably not buying it for PC under any circumstances (Fallout being the exception).

PS4 has Infamous and Detroit Become Human.  My wife would probably love Until Dawn, but we haven't bought it yet.  I'd say Ni No Kuni 2, but I haven't played the first one.  I'd say Nier 2, but again, haven't played the first one.  I want to count the untitled Hideo Kojima game, but I'd like SOME sort of info before counting that, if it turns out to be an RTS game, I might not care.  There are a lot of games coming out or already out for PS4 that I'd maybe love to play, but they are sequels in franchises that I already own the previous installments of that I have made no effort whatsoever to attempt to start playing that franchise.  And I buy those games out of bargain bins or B2G1 sales.  I think I own all of the Ratchet and Clank games, but I've only played half of the first game, doesn't help that my PS3 doesn't work, so even if I wanted to play these games, I can't.

Xb1 has Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Forza Horizon 2, and Crackdown 3.  Honorable mention, Rise of the Tomb Raider, if it weren't timed exclusive, I'd full on count it, but if they were released simultaneously, I'd buy it for PS4.  Also, because I backed it on Kickstarter and it's allegedly Xb1 exclusive, SUPERHOT.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 02:22:09 pm by ctracy87 »


Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #19 on: January 06, 2016, 01:59:13 pm »
Ugh, that typo bothered me too much.

Don't get me wrong, there aren't many XB1 exclusives that interest me either.  I'm not counting remakes or re-releases (i.e. God of War, Gears of War, Last of Us, etc.).  Though I do want the Nathan Drake collection as I've never played the franchise, but again, it's just a re-release.

Infamous Second son interested me.  Halo does not interest me.  Bloodbourne doesn't interest me.  I bought Dragon Quest for PS4, but I've never played a Dragon Quest game, so I have no invested interest in the series.  I just went through the list of PS4 exclusive games and Xb1 exclusive games, mind you I don't care if it was released on PC, I'm probably not buying it for PC under any circumstances (Fallout being the exception).

PS4 has Infamous and Detroit Become Human.  My wife would probably love Until Dawn, but we haven't bought it yet.  I'd say Ni No Kuni 2, but I haven't played the first one.  I'd say Nier 2, but again, haven't played the first one.  I want to count the untitled Hideo Kojima game, but I'd like SOME sort of info before counting that, if it turns out to be an RTS game, I might not care.  There are a lot of games coming out or already out for PS4 that I'd maybe love to play, but they are sequels in franchises that I already own the previous installments of that I have made no effort whatsoever to attempt to start playing that franchise.  And I buy those games out of bargain bins or B2G1 sales.  I think I own all of the Ratchet and Clank games, but I've only played half of the first game, doesn't help that my PS3 doesn't work, so even if I wanted to play these games, I can't.

Xb1 has Rare Replay, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Forza Horizon 2, and Crackdown 3.  Honorable mention, Rise of the Tomb Raider, if it weren't timed exclusive, I'd full on count it, but if they were released simultaneously, I'd buy it for PS4.  Also, because I backed it on Kickstarter and it's allegedly Xb1 exclusive, SUPERHOT.

If you don't want to count remakes, better take Rare Replay off that list.   ;)

In any event, I have to agree with Soera.  PS4 is home to so, so many exclusives out now with many more to come.  Infamous Second Son and the stand-alone add-on First Light.  Bloodborne, Akiba's Trip, Dragon Quest Heroes, DriveClub, Final Fantasy XIV and XIV Heavensward.  Guilty Gear Xrd Sign, Street Fighter V, Uncharted 4, J-Stars Victory Vs. +, Killzone, Knack and the Last of Us.  The Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection, God of War III Remastered, LittleBigPlanet 3, Order 1886 and Stick It To The Man.  The Talos Principle, Tearaway Unfolded and Until Dawn.  Horizon Zero Dawn and Gran Turismo are coming.  The games you mentioned coming as well.  Kingdom Hearts 2.8.  The Only current-gen version of Injustice Gods Among Us.

Play DriveClub today and I would put it up against most other racers any day of the week. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #20 on: January 06, 2016, 02:21:48 pm »
Ugh, that typo bothered me too much.

Don't get me wrong, there aren't many XB1 exclusives that interest me either.  I'm not counting remakes or re-releases (i.e. God of War, Gears of War, Last of Us, etc.).  Though I do want the Nathan Drake collection as I've never played the franchise, but again, it's just a re-release.

Infamous Second son interested me.  Halo does not interest me.  Bloodbourne doesn't interest me.  I bought Dragon Quest for PS4, but I've never played a Dragon Quest game, so I have no invested interest in the series.  I just went through the list of PS4 exclusive games and Xb1 exclusive games, mind you I don't care if it was released on PC, I'm probably not buying it for PC under any circumstances (Fallout being the exception).

PS4 has Infamous and Detroit Become Human.  My wife would probably love Until Dawn, but we haven't bought it yet.  I'd say Ni No Kuni 2, but I haven't played the first one.  I'd say Nier 2, but again, haven't played the first one.  I want to count the untitled Hideo Kojima game, but I'd like SOME sort of info before counting that, if it turns out to be an RTS game, I might not care.  There are a lot of games coming out or already out for PS4 that I'd maybe love to play, but they are sequels in franchises that I already own the previous installments of that I have made no effort whatsoever to attempt to start playing that franchise.  And I buy those games out of bargain bins or B2G1 sales.  I think I own all of the Ratchet and Clank games, but I've only played half of the first game, doesn't help that my PS3 doesn't work, so even if I wanted to play these games, I can't.

Xb1 has Rare Replay, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Forza Horizon 2, and Crackdown 3.  Honorable mention, Rise of the Tomb Raider, if it weren't timed exclusive, I'd full on count it, but if they were released simultaneously, I'd buy it for PS4.  Also, because I backed it on Kickstarter and it's allegedly Xb1 exclusive, SUPERHOT.

If you don't want to count remakes, better take Rare Replay off that list.   ;)
Oh Snap, touche.

Injustice was on Wii U... that's current gen... right?

I like Forza Horizon because it feels like what Need For Speed should be.  I've never been a big fan of driver sims.  Gran Turismo 3 I liked, but I just didn't dig GT4, so I don't know.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2016, 02:24:41 pm by ctracy87 »


Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #21 on: January 06, 2016, 02:51:28 pm »
Oh Snap, touche.

Injustice was on Wii U... that's current gen... right?

I like Forza Horizon because it feels like what Need For Speed should be.  I've never been a big fan of driver sims.  Gran Turismo 3 I liked, but I just didn't dig GT4, so I don't know.

LOL.   :P  As for the Wii U version...I guess technically the Wii U is a current gen system because of the timeframe it is being sold in, but it has decidedly last-gen parts in it.  And I guess I should have spelled out "Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition" which includes all the DLC bundled in.  So I'm still technically right on that one!
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us

Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #22 on: January 06, 2016, 03:09:29 pm »
Oh Snap, touche.

Injustice was on Wii U... that's current gen... right?

I like Forza Horizon because it feels like what Need For Speed should be.  I've never been a big fan of driver sims.  Gran Turismo 3 I liked, but I just didn't dig GT4, so I don't know.

LOL.   :P  As for the Wii U version...I guess technically the Wii U is a current gen system because of the timeframe it is being sold in, but it has decidedly last-gen parts in it.  And I guess I should have spelled out "Injustice Gods Among Us Ultimate Edition" which includes all the DLC bundled in.  So I'm still technically right on that one!
Wii U wasn't Ultimate Edition, what a rip off.


Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2016, 04:27:45 pm »
Ugh, that typo bothered me too much.

Don't get me wrong, there aren't many XB1 exclusives that interest me either.  I'm not counting remakes or re-releases (i.e. God of War, Gears of War, Last of Us, etc.).  Though I do want the Nathan Drake collection as I've never played the franchise, but again, it's just a re-release.

Infamous Second son interested me.  Halo does not interest me.  Bloodbourne doesn't interest me.  I bought Dragon Quest for PS4, but I've never played a Dragon Quest game, so I have no invested interest in the series.  I just went through the list of PS4 exclusive games and Xb1 exclusive games, mind you I don't care if it was released on PC, I'm probably not buying it for PC under any circumstances (Fallout being the exception).

PS4 has Infamous and Detroit Become Human.  My wife would probably love Until Dawn, but we haven't bought it yet.  I'd say Ni No Kuni 2, but I haven't played the first one.  I'd say Nier 2, but again, haven't played the first one.  I want to count the untitled Hideo Kojima game, but I'd like SOME sort of info before counting that, if it turns out to be an RTS game, I might not care.  There are a lot of games coming out or already out for PS4 that I'd maybe love to play, but they are sequels in franchises that I already own the previous installments of that I have made no effort whatsoever to attempt to start playing that franchise.  And I buy those games out of bargain bins or B2G1 sales.  I think I own all of the Ratchet and Clank games, but I've only played half of the first game, doesn't help that my PS3 doesn't work, so even if I wanted to play these games, I can't.

Xb1 has Rare Replay, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Forza Horizon 2, and Crackdown 3.  Honorable mention, Rise of the Tomb Raider, if it weren't timed exclusive, I'd full on count it, but if they were released simultaneously, I'd buy it for PS4.  Also, because I backed it on Kickstarter and it's allegedly Xb1 exclusive, SUPERHOT.

If you don't want to count remakes, better take Rare Replay off that list.   ;)
Oh Snap, touche.

Injustice was on Wii U... that's current gen... right?

I like Forza Horizon because it feels like what Need For Speed should be.  I've never been a big fan of driver sims.  Gran Turismo 3 I liked, but I just didn't dig GT4, so I don't know.

Drive Club isn't a sim. I thought it was at first too, but then I played it and realized it's much more in line with something like the Dirt series handling-wise.
"When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed
if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the
desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis

Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2016, 05:10:51 pm »
Ugh, that typo bothered me too much.

Don't get me wrong, there aren't many XB1 exclusives that interest me either.  I'm not counting remakes or re-releases (i.e. God of War, Gears of War, Last of Us, etc.).  Though I do want the Nathan Drake collection as I've never played the franchise, but again, it's just a re-release.

Infamous Second son interested me.  Halo does not interest me.  Bloodbourne doesn't interest me.  I bought Dragon Quest for PS4, but I've never played a Dragon Quest game, so I have no invested interest in the series.  I just went through the list of PS4 exclusive games and Xb1 exclusive games, mind you I don't care if it was released on PC, I'm probably not buying it for PC under any circumstances (Fallout being the exception).

PS4 has Infamous and Detroit Become Human.  My wife would probably love Until Dawn, but we haven't bought it yet.  I'd say Ni No Kuni 2, but I haven't played the first one.  I'd say Nier 2, but again, haven't played the first one.  I want to count the untitled Hideo Kojima game, but I'd like SOME sort of info before counting that, if it turns out to be an RTS game, I might not care.  There are a lot of games coming out or already out for PS4 that I'd maybe love to play, but they are sequels in franchises that I already own the previous installments of that I have made no effort whatsoever to attempt to start playing that franchise.  And I buy those games out of bargain bins or B2G1 sales.  I think I own all of the Ratchet and Clank games, but I've only played half of the first game, doesn't help that my PS3 doesn't work, so even if I wanted to play these games, I can't.

Xb1 has Rare Replay, Sunset Overdrive, Dead Rising 3, Forza Horizon 2, and Crackdown 3.  Honorable mention, Rise of the Tomb Raider, if it weren't timed exclusive, I'd full on count it, but if they were released simultaneously, I'd buy it for PS4.  Also, because I backed it on Kickstarter and it's allegedly Xb1 exclusive, SUPERHOT.

If you don't want to count remakes, better take Rare Replay off that list.   ;)
Oh Snap, touche.

Injustice was on Wii U... that's current gen... right?

I like Forza Horizon because it feels like what Need For Speed should be.  I've never been a big fan of driver sims.  Gran Turismo 3 I liked, but I just didn't dig GT4, so I don't know.

Drive Club isn't a sim. I thought it was at first too, but then I played it and realized it's much more in line with something like the Dirt series handling-wise.
Is driveclub the game that was supposed to be free for Plus members?  It still have a free Plus version?


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Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2016, 03:25:20 am »
I honestly have never even noticed / paid it any attention until reading this thread, and I've had my PS4 since launch. I also don't have kids so I suppose that's a factor, but aren't there parental controls to make it so your kids' account can't buy anything?

Yeah, I make it prompt me for my password on purchases. But I leave my account as the default sign in so me, my wife, and my son can leverage the same save files for the games we have. For games like LBP, Lego, Etc. it'd be a major pain for each one of us to unlock everything. :) It takes a community to game in our house. ;)


Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2016, 08:31:47 am »
I honestly have never even noticed / paid it any attention until reading this thread, and I've had my PS4 since launch. I also don't have kids so I suppose that's a factor, but aren't there parental controls to make it so your kids' account can't buy anything?

Yeah, I make it prompt me for my password on purchases. But I leave my account as the default sign in so me, my wife, and my son can leverage the same save files for the games we have. For games like LBP, Lego, Etc. it'd be a major pain for each one of us to unlock everything. :) It takes a community to game in our house. ;)

I guess from what I have read in this thread, the purchase option at the bottom of the game icon bothers more than a few people.  I never pay it any mind really.  It's something Sony can easily change and I think it shows up so that if you are running a demo of the game, the option to purchase it is easy to find.  They should implement a change that if you already own the full version, that block doesn't show up.  That way it could still show the other options like DLC, etc.  But with the password option, it's really a non-issue.  Unless, your one of those parents that hands their kid an iPad with no restrictions enabled and they spend  two grand on a Jurassic Park game.   :'(
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: Xbox One vs PS4 - one man's opinion
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2016, 11:49:29 pm »
Yeah, purchases require a password.

Still annoys me.
