Author Topic: Can you recall or share any halirious moments when playing a game?  (Read 1178 times)


No matter how stupid it might be, what are some moments while gaming that had you cracking up? Maybe a game glitch, or an unforeseen turn of events, etc. Some stories might not seem too funny to recount, they might be more of had to be there moment, but just give it a shot I guess.

I thought of this last night when I was playing more Alias. I started the whole game over on my 360 after my OG Xbox kicked the bucket.

I was on this level where you're supposed to sneak past like 7 armed guards in a warehouse. I was tired, so I just ran for it, they saw me and gave chase. So in desperation, I climbed up on a crate hoping they couldn't shoot me up there. This was futile as they were still filling me with lead. My character did the whole hunkering over animation from being shot, and I guess in a panic I had pressed some buttons, she did this odd looking spin around and then took a swan dive off the crate straight down onto the ground pretty much on her face, in the middle of the shark pit of guards. I swear it looked so deliberate, like someone diving into a pool. Of course, they immediately finished me off. For some reason, it was just hilarious to witness. I couldn't recreate that if I tried. It sounds really dumb, but I couldn't stop laughing about it.


Re: Can you recall or share any halirious moments when playing a game?
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2016, 06:09:17 pm »
Me, my brother, and our friend, Devan, were playing Rock Band. We were playing the song "Wanted Dead Or Alive" by Bon Jovi. My brother was on guitar, Devan was on drums, and I was slappin' the bass. We were all very good at the game and would routinely get 90% or more as an ensemble. We started playing the song and we all nailed the intro, at the end of the intro there's a brief moment of silence and during that bit of time Devan took the opportunity to lean slightly and rip a huge fart. We all kept playing like nothing happened but then we all pretty much all burst out laughing at the same time. That's pretty much the funniest thing I could think of.
"I collect vidya games and vidya game accessories, I tell you what."


Re: Can you recall or share any halirious moments when playing a game?
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2016, 02:22:59 am »
<- My personal text comes to mine as a funny moment during my gaming sessions  ;D

Also people say some pretty funny stuff during online games too.
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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Re: Can you recall or share any halirious moments when playing a game?
« Reply #3 on: January 25, 2016, 08:37:40 am »
I actually have a picture of it somewhere, but I found it so hilarious at the time.

I was playing one of the Tomb Raider games, probably Underworld.  I can't recall exactly the situation, but once I find the photo I'm sure I would recall entirely.  I believe, I was in a ruin, and in the ruin was an office desk, I jumped to get on top of the desk, but Lara clung to the desk for dear life, she is like 1 in off the ground and gripping the desk.

Also, this from Dragon Age
« Last Edit: January 25, 2016, 08:47:15 am by ctracy87 »


Re: Can you recall or share any halirious moments when playing a game?
« Reply #4 on: January 25, 2016, 09:49:42 am »
Funny moments that happened while playing a game? There are so many times me and my brothers cracked up while playing Smash Brothers. I just can't recall any because they always happen. Since we started playing on the N64 through now on the Wii U, we have so many inside jokes and such that it makes each experience unique and fun. Someone on the outside looking in would be like, "These guys are crazy..."


Re: Can you recall or share any halirious moments when playing a game?
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2016, 12:15:06 pm »
One of my favorites is when my buddy Josh and I were playing Halo Reach online.  The match was getting ready to start and this asshat had his music cranked to 11.  We asked him to turn it down.  No reply.  We said "Turn it down asshole."  No reply.  We told him it was his last chance.  No reply.  We mowed that bitch down!  Respawned, mowed him down again and twin tea-bagged him. 

He turned his music down.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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Re: Can you recall or share any halirious moments when playing a game?
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2016, 01:29:16 pm »
One of my favorites is when my buddy Josh and I were playing Halo Reach online.  The match was getting ready to start and this asshat had his music cranked to 11.  We asked him to turn it down.  No reply.  We said "Turn it down asshole."  No reply.  We told him it was his last chance.  No reply.  We mowed that bitch down!  Respawned, mowed him down again and twin tea-bagged him. 
He turned his music down.

This happened in the game or real life? Either way pretty hilarious!

My moment would be - My college arcade was positioned right next to the bowling alley (in college we had a Puzzle Fighter cabinet at the student union that was heavily played). One day during lunch time and the arcade was packed a guy crossed over the line on his bowling lane. The lane was so slick he slipped and crashed hard with his bowling ball landing on him. Everyone in the arcade looked over from their games. Literally everyone totally disregarding their progress or matches. As the guy got up and was ok - everyone started laughing. Almost everyone in the arcade was shuffling for quarters to start back up because they had lost lives in the interim.
The Day That Dreams Died 01/31/01


Re: Can you recall or share any halirious moments when playing a game?
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2016, 09:43:31 pm »
Funny moments that happened while playing a game? There are so many times me and my brothers cracked up while playing Smash Brothers. I just can't recall any because they always happen. Since we started playing on the N64 through now on the Wii U, we have so many inside jokes and such that it makes each experience unique and fun. Someone on the outside looking in would be like, "These guys are crazy..."

Speaking of Smash, my friends and I in Brawl made essentially a giant box with only one tiny entrance at the top. We dubbeded it the "Brawl Box" and we would just stay in there hitting each other and bouncing off the walls until we got to %700-800 and eventually blasted out of the top. It was sooo funny to watch.  ;D
Currently Playing:
2064: Read Only Memories INTEGRAL (Switch), Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life (GC), Gauntlet Dark Legacy (GC)

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