We already do indicate multiple languages in titles. What is the most common release type that exists?
Example: Is it more common that an English language PEGI rated game exists or a BBFC rated game? Is there a BBFC rated version for every PEGI rated release?
No, if a PEGI rated game is released in UK then there is no BBFC rated version of that game, i don't really know how it works (i'm french after all, can't understand them
) but i've read that PEGI should have replaced BBFC for rating games years ago and yet there are still some games that are been released with a BBFC rating.
As it stands in the database already, there are more PEGI front arts in the EU category than BBFC. We definately shouldn't have a rule where we use (PEGI) on x language but not another, especially where PEGI ratings do exist.
Yes i understand your point, my thought was based on the fact that now in the EU Category we can't find in what language is a game (for an exemple look at that
Bushido Blade, what version it is ? French, English... there is a ELSPA rating right so it's English ? But wait the French version have a ELSPA rating on the back cover too so...
So yes my idea was to change the titles of all the games to indicate the language directly, and if there is no suffix then we know directly that it's an English version, but i think you're right we shouldn't have a rule exclusively for certain language.