I figured I would ask before creating a new entry. I picked up a used Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood from GS today and while trying to add it, I found that there's like half a dozen different entries for the game to choose from. My copy doesn't seem to match any of the ones listed as the picture on mine is slightly different.
I found an image of it on Amazon...
http://www.amazon.com/Assassins-Creed-Brotherhood-Game-Exclusive-Content/dp/B00BI1G91OThe idea kicked around in my head that it deserves its own entry except for one detail. Where the UPC is on the back (which doesn't come up on an Amazon search) is a red box over the bar-code that says "Not For Resale". I'm wondering if the copy I have was part of a Limited Edition. The bar-code on my copy is 008888396253. Unfortunately none of the entries for Collector's Editions have bar-code information listed for me to match up with. I'm hesitant to add the game as I imagine it was never sold new by itself. I've half a mind to take it back up to GS and swap it for a different copy when I pick up Overwatch tomorrow.

Anyone happen to have the CE of this game that can verify the UPC for me?

EDIT: ARGH...what a confusing pain in the arse this is!

Besides AC: Brotherhood, I also picked up Assassin's Creed II and III. Of course my copy of ACII doesn't have the exact matching info as the PS3 NA entry, my bar-code is completely different. I thought that maybe the wrong bar-code was listed as the Item Number is the Amazon ASIN number but before I went to modify I noticed the Box back art had the UPC that was listed so I left the entry alone. With ACIII, I thought I found the one I needed but again...information was not lining up.