Imagine a globe. And instead of earth being in the center of the universe. The universe is in the center of the earth (sphere). Earth is the mother sphere. We are on the outer edge of a huge sphere which acts as the encasing for all of existence. The outer layer if you will. The sun, Moon and other planets as well as the vast galaxy and all that exists was never around us but rather the center of our planet. the planet we inhabit now isnt really a planet but rather just a piece of the big full Earth. As we ascend we really plummet deeper towards the core. The universe is actually a planet's core. The mother planet birthed all other planets and life. The creator of the universe is the universe itself.
So when we look at the sun we look at vast space inside of our globe. we are on an outer edge. We only think that the galaxy is the outside of our planet but it is more believable to assume we are part of the housing of the galaxy rather than a small piece of it. This would make it more understandable why the galaxy exists. It is because we are the galaxy. For example earth is not a small flea on a dog but rather a dog with many fleas on it. And perception is what makes us believe either or. What we call earth now acts as a Continent if you will for the mother planet. Millions of planets all form the outer edge of the mother planet and the inside is the universe or core. outside of that is nothing.
This really gives us more purpose as we don't feel so meaningless and small. really we are the whole of everything and the universe harbors inside US.
As for the fact that when we venture into space we see earth on the horizon, that is the main fact that for lack of a better term "mother" earth is so massive, the portion we see is only one part of the outer layer, the one we inhabit. millions of miles else where we would find other spherical land masses (planets) that form the outer layer of earth which is the whole mother planet. it is hard to explain but I have to keep thinking to finalize my theory. Something to think about anyway.