I read the comic and it pretty much was bleh. We don't need a new series every time they come up with (what they think is) a cool storyline. They used to have those all the time. Dark Phoenix Saga? Inferno? These took place in the main series themselves. There was no need for a "new" series and trying to shock fans. And I'm not a big fan of Jesus Saiz art. It's ok....but nothing to write home about.
That's why I wish Marvel would just do away with numbering altogether and switch to a month/year format. For instance instead of saying #1, #68, #412 or whatever they can just go to June 2016. They way, every time they introduce a new story they can slap a "#1 In a Brand New Story Arc!!!" every time they decide they want to reinvent the wheel with whatever chicanery they try to come up with. The constant rebooting of series and treating issue numbering like it's shit is what drove me away from buying Marvel (not to mention the $3.99 price point across most of the line).
DC's not any better in the numbering regard. They've been talking a big game about legacy and all that nonsense but only Action and Detective got their old numbering back which is a shame because I think the Superman and Batman titles should also have their legacy numbers back as well as bringing back Adventure Comics.

Oh well, at least now that they've dialed back the New52 nonsense I'll get an Action Comics and Detective Comics #1000. The only downer is that they didn't resume the numbering where they left off and are counting the New52 volumes as part of that numbering. That crap annoyed me when they did it with Wonder Woman a few years back.