Author Topic: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare  (Read 2272 times)


Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« on: June 14, 2016, 11:03:48 am »
I really, really don't get it.  The new Call of Duty has generated the biggest group of haters I think I have ever seen.  And...I just don't get it.  Whether you love or hate Call of Duty, this game doesn't look bad.  I've actually been more impressed since I've seen the Sony E3 conference.  It looks pretty damn good IMO.  So what is it?  The futuristic setting?  Everyone seemed fine when Titanfall went with that type of environment.  Same for Destiny.  I've seen more than a couple hundred comments online how this game "Is a slap in the face of every Call of Duty fan."  How so?  Again, take them or leave them but this game doesn't look bad and will assuredly play the same as other Call of Duty titles.  So where is this big imaginary slap coming from?

The only thing I can figure is it's butthurt Xbox gamers.  Mad because Call of Duty is getting top billing on a PlayStation console now other than an Xbox console.  Early map packs and now an exclusive window on the Modern Warfare remaster.  But even that only accounts for some of the hate parade.

So what do you guys think?  Is it because the game is in space?  Is it because Activision has "betrayed" Xbox fans?  Or is it just because it's cool to jump on a haterade bandwagon?
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Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #1 on: June 14, 2016, 11:10:39 am »
Actually, everyone I know was really impressed by IW and are generally interested in trying it when it comes out. My bf was really excited by the remaster of MW as well. Usually he didn't get excited about CoD anymore because he felt it lost its way over time, but the trailer looked so good, he had to give respect.
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Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #2 on: June 14, 2016, 11:45:01 am »
Im in the hate camp, i want to be leader too!

When i saw the trailer, I was like ugh

But i am more of a historic shooter fan.....
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Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #3 on: June 14, 2016, 11:49:29 am »
Im in the hate camp, i want to be leader too!

When i saw the trailer, I was like ugh

But i am more of a historic shooter fan.....

If you have a specific reason for disliking a game, it's cool.  You said it right there, you are more into the historic shooters.  And that's great.  But there is a complete smear campaign going on for this game online.  It's just ridiculous.  Again, Call of Duty:  Not for everybody.  I'm not a big fan of niche Japanese games, but I don't bash them because they aren't my cup of tea.
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Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #4 on: June 14, 2016, 11:58:17 am »
Franchise fatigue plays a big part I think.  The game actually surprised me at E3 with the gameplay reveal.  I'm not gonna buy it, but that's a very much different game than usual for Call of Duty.  I didn't even think the reveal was Call of Duty till he jump out of his space jet and the shooter gameplay very clearly became Call of Duty.


Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #5 on: June 14, 2016, 12:02:09 pm »
I was watching the Sony press conference on YouTube last night and saw the footage of a futuristic first person space shooter. I thought it was something akin to the Mass Effect series or some sort and was kinda bewildered when it flashed the COD logo at the end. It certainly looked nice but I didn't get the vibe that it was a COD game, probably because I've only sparingly played games in the series and only own a few of them that I either got for free or paid close to nothing for (COD: Ghosts for $1 @ TRU on Black Friday  ;)).

I couldn't care less which system it's a premier title for. I figured it would be prominent on both systems and if anything Activision would be one of the first to take MS up on their cross platform initiative to allow PS4 players to play against their XBONE counterparts. That's not likely to happen I'm sure as I bet Sony doesn't want to give up its front runner status just yet. Maybe if they were lagging behind in sales I'd see them being more lenient but it would seem that they have a clear lead at the moment.

The only thing that really bothers me is the yearly regurgitation of the franchise. Also, that subtitle of "Infinite Warfare" is just so Godawful! It sounds like they chucked a pile of word plates into a room chock full of dudebros buzzed up on Mt. Dew and full of Doritos and told them to come up with the next subtitle. Obvious choices like COD: Warfare Warfare were rejected as were similar sounding titles to previous entries like COD: Warfare Advanced so some genius dudebro was like "Hey man...what if like Warfare could go on forever? Wouldn't that be like cool? It could be like COD: Forever Warfare! No wait...I got it! How bout like...COD: Infinity Warfare! You know like Infinity Ward is making it so it could be Infinite Warfare!!!" And it stuck.  :o  ::)  :P


Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #6 on: June 14, 2016, 12:57:54 pm »
I was watching the Sony press conference on YouTube last night and saw the footage of a futuristic first person space shooter. I thought it was something akin to the Mass Effect series or some sort and was kinda bewildered when it flashed the COD logo at the end. It certainly looked nice but I didn't get the vibe that it was a COD game, probably because I've only sparingly played games in the series and only own a few of them that I either got for free or paid close to nothing for (COD: Ghosts for $1 @ TRU on Black Friday  ;)).

I couldn't care less which system it's a premier title for. I figured it would be prominent on both systems and if anything Activision would be one of the first to take MS up on their cross platform initiative to allow PS4 players to play against their XBONE counterparts. That's not likely to happen I'm sure as I bet Sony doesn't want to give up its front runner status just yet. Maybe if they were lagging behind in sales I'd see them being more lenient but it would seem that they have a clear lead at the moment.

The only thing that really bothers me is the yearly regurgitation of the franchise. Also, that subtitle of "Infinite Warfare" is just so Godawful! It sounds like they chucked a pile of word plates into a room chock full of dudebros buzzed up on Mt. Dew and full of Doritos and told them to come up with the next subtitle. Obvious choices like COD: Warfare Warfare were rejected as were similar sounding titles to previous entries like COD: Warfare Advanced so some genius dudebro was like "Hey man...what if like Warfare could go on forever? Wouldn't that be like cool? It could be like COD: Forever Warfare! No wait...I got it! How bout like...COD: Infinity Warfare! You know like Infinity Ward is making it so it could be Infinite Warfare!!!" And it stuck.  :o  ::)  :P

LOL.  You get 1 bazillion bonus points for not only the dudebro reference, but mentioning Dew & Doritos and then giving  an example of dudebro-speak.   :P

Yeah, the name is dumb.  And it makes me question what the next game will be called.  I mean, where do you go from infinity?  But the game looks sharp as hell.  I'm interested in what kind of story they come up with.  Call of Duty is like your typical brain-dead summer blockbuster at the movies IMO.  Flashy, expensive, kinda cool but hokey all at the same time.  I don't think anyone would call Independence Day ID4 a highbrow example of the art of cinema.  But it was big, loud and flashy and fun.  So I come into the Call of Duty games with that viewpoint:  They are just plain, dumb fun to play.  For a while anyway.  Until the dudebros start camping and popping you through a tiny opening in a chain link fence or hiding under shit and just waiting for you to run by.  Fuckers. 
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Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #7 on: June 14, 2016, 01:28:55 pm »
Yeah, the name is dumb.  And it makes me question what the next game will be called.  I mean, where do you go from infinity?

Anyone who's ever been a third grader should know the answer to this: infinity +1. :P
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if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I
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desire to be very grown up.” ― C.S. Lewis


Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #8 on: June 14, 2016, 01:40:42 pm »
Yeah, the name is dumb.  And it makes me question what the next game will be called.  I mean, where do you go from infinity?

Anyone who's ever been a third grader should know the answer to this: infinity +1. :P

Duh!  Where is the facepalm emoticon?   :P
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Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #9 on: June 14, 2016, 01:50:39 pm »
People have hated the Call of Duty series for a long time. It's nothing new. And I think the new hate, is just a lot of that same hate coming back to the forefront since the series is again in the forefront.

Personally, I don't "hate" COD games. But I'm not fond of them either. I've never been big into military first-person shooters, in general. I've got to have a little something more to it like the sci-fi story of Halo, or the gritty action of Bethesda's Wolfenstein games.


Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #10 on: June 14, 2016, 01:52:28 pm »
Yeah, the name is dumb.  And it makes me question what the next game will be called.  I mean, where do you go from infinity?

Anyone who's ever been a third grader should know the answer to this: infinity +1. :P

Call of Duty: To Infinity Warfare...and Beyond!


Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #11 on: June 14, 2016, 02:36:12 pm »
My personal opinion is that it's a bunch of anonymous people jumping on the bandwagon.  The internet has given them an anonymous voice, (mostly) free of repercussions.  So now a billion people can get online and bitch about stuff.
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Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2016, 02:52:44 pm »
If anything, I'm glad it doesn't just look like Halo. A lot of the games that used to be military shooters seem to have just evolved into Halo lookalikes, so the fact that this one looked different and had cool gravity effects impressed me.

Definitely doesn't feel like the old CoD anymore, but still looked fun. They could've easily called it something else, but maybe they wanted to keep riding the name as long as they could.
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Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #13 on: June 14, 2016, 07:15:39 pm »
honestly like kamikazekeeg said Franchise fatigue. I know they have 3 different publishers working on different versions, but they have all become futuristic Shooters as someone who has never cared about the series they really have kinda started to blended together to me. I do know a HUGE part of the backlash is that People wanted to see a remaster of Modern Warfare and they announced that first trailer there will be, however and as far as i know this hasn't changed the ONLY way to get it is to pre-order the special edition of Infinite Warefare and from what I hear the first trailer did not make the game look good at all so you would basically be paying $80 for a remaster, so I understand why people are pissed off at the game, it's one thing to having HD compilations but to put something behind what is basically a paywall of a special Edition.

The only thing I can figure is it's butthurt Xbox gamers.  Mad because Call of Duty is getting top billing on a PlayStation console now other than an Xbox console.  Early map packs and now an exclusive window on the Modern Warfare remaster.  But even that only accounts for some of the hate parade.
is it just me or has the forum in general developed a Bias against against Xbox?


Re: Irrational Hate & Call of Duty Infinite Warfare
« Reply #14 on: June 14, 2016, 07:38:23 pm »
is it just me or has the forum in general developed a Bias against against Xbox?

Haha, I feel like a lot of gamers in general have a bias against Xbox. I loved my 360 back in the day but eventually felt like the library that Microsoft was pushing out wasn't what I personally was interested in.

They don't have any console exclusives that I'm personally interested in, so it's just not a company I'm interested in outside of being able to play video games on my computer.

But at the end of the day, any gamer who's nice and respects their fellow gamer is good in my book, no matter what system they play on. Just a shame that we can't play together between consoles  :'( (Though I totally respected Microsoft's conference yesterday and am generally feeling positive about the idea of being able to play PC games together with my Xbox One friends.)
« Last Edit: June 14, 2016, 07:39:55 pm by desocietas »
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