Author Topic: The Nintendo "NX"  (Read 32310 times)


Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #210 on: June 23, 2016, 09:35:46 am »
I don't think 500 bucks is really all that ridiculous.  New phones go for over that every year.  The PS4 launched at 400 bucks and that didn't have anything particularly special going on for it, but then to go ramp up the hardware and to play games at 4k? 500 dollar is absolutely a reasonable price for it, especially since they are basically treating the Neo and Scorpio as the next console generation come early.  I'm fine with being wrong on it, I just think people should expect a serious price for some serious hardware.  This is basically on the level of the PS3, which also launched at 500 bucks and I believe they were taking a pretty big loss for the hardware still at that price unless this whole thing is  just so they can push 4k tv's.

Personally, $500 is ridiculous IMO, especially for a company like Nintendo who's consumer confidence is at an all-time low.  The PS3 launched for $500~$600 and didn't sell well.  That's why they dropped the price pretty fast.  And that was Sony, riding an incredible high from the runaway PS2.  Nintendo is heading in from a pitiful low. 

Neo and Scorpio are unique in that while they are newer, more powerful systems - they are 100% compatible with the "vanilla" PS4 and Xbox One.  They are not required to play new games, they just play them in 4K resolution.  So for those who want to have the "latest & greatest" or the most powerful system, these are systems for them.  But those playing on standard PS4's and 'bones are still able to play all the latest games.  This won't be true for the NX.

If Nintendo goes with anything other than a standard x86 architecture that is highly similar to the PS4 and Xbox One, they can forget 3rd party support. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


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Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #211 on: June 23, 2016, 02:05:12 pm »
Yeah, $500 is a lot of money. That's half a grand. That is a big deal. A lot people have families to take care of or live on budgets. $500 for an entertainment purchase is a big deal, especially if you paid $300-$400 for the original model just a couple years earlier.

Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #212 on: June 23, 2016, 03:30:06 pm »
Personally, $500 is ridiculous IMO, especially for a company like Nintendo who's consumer confidence is at an all-time low.  The PS3 launched for $500~$600 and didn't sell well.  That's why they dropped the price pretty fast.  And that was Sony, riding an incredible high from the runaway PS2.  Nintendo is heading in from a pitiful low. 

Neo and Scorpio are unique in that while they are newer, more powerful systems - they are 100% compatible with the "vanilla" PS4 and Xbox One.  They are not required to play new games, they just play them in 4K resolution.  So for those who want to have the "latest & greatest" or the most powerful system, these are systems for them.  But those playing on standard PS4's and 'bones are still able to play all the latest games.  This won't be true for the NX.

If Nintendo goes with anything other than a standard x86 architecture that is highly similar to the PS4 and Xbox One, they can forget 3rd party support.

That 500 bucks was in regard to the Neo and Scorpio, not the NX.  I'm sure the NX will be around 400 bucks, maybe less depending on what kind of system it turns out to be, whether it's also a mobile handheld unit or not.  Nintendo definitely has to price their system right since they are trying to compete in a crazily changing market.  The new 4K systems though are a big hardware leap and very much an example of a luxury item, so 500 is hardly unrealistic to think they will reach.  At minimum, 450, but they tend to have alternate bundles for systems with different HDD sizes and such, which would easily bring them up to 500 and would usually be the preferable option.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2016, 03:32:23 pm by kamikazekeeg »


Re: The Nintendo "NX"
« Reply #213 on: June 28, 2016, 03:52:54 am »
i want to say "fuck nintendo i ain't even gonna touch this shit"
the wii u is a fucking sore disappointment to me, and even tho there are games i want, i can't afford them because the price tags never go down
and i don't have a certain system update to, ehmm, you know
and i hate doing 'ehm you know', i don't EVER, i'm just too broke.

i WANT to say that
but in reality, if they said

nx launching with new animal crossing ala new leaf not HHD or AF.

i'd be all over that shit like a pesky fly.
AC is my nintendo system seller at this point. i can honestly take it or leave it on the rest and after their censorship left and right and my wii u basically never being used and the price tags and all kinds of shit, my faith in ninten isn't too high.
but slap an animal crossing on there, slap it with an AC print/design and package them together and well, i'm sold >.>;;

if i'm an NPC, i want to be the secret boss in a low tier niche JRPG.