Projector slides? Two of these games happen to be launch titles for the Sega Saturn, seeing as there's an image of the console maybe it was being used for commercial means, maybe like a display kiosk for the console's games. Just throwing out ideas...
Looks like 2121/02 is missing, I wonder what game that could have been
How did you get hold of these?
Some collector got rid of his random Nintendo sega non game collectibles for really cheap prices.
they were a couple 2-3 euro's each
Also bought a black gamecube box with all the contents inlay and plastics in excellent shape for 7,50 and a memory card 259 MB box with inlay's and unused stickers for 3
Unfortunately I missed out on the posters wich were 20 Large ninendo sized ones for only 7,50 Some really neat ones including F zero etc.
The sega saturn photo's Seem cool to have for that cheap.
More of a side deal since I managed to complete my zelda cdi collection for nothing this week was pretty lucky.
That aside the missing one could be night into dreams but I don't know