Author Topic: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th  (Read 5145 times)


Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #30 on: August 08, 2016, 01:38:45 pm »
For those getting angry about the C&D, Nintendo commonly upholds IP law against fan projects like other Japanese companies, even though I think their approach is pretty harsh at times and that IP law should be revised. 

One other example being Victor Entertainment prohibiting Namco arcade music from the 80s-90s along other songs, from being heard in the U.S. because of Youtube Red's policies breaking IP law.

 You can still download the file as a torrent from the website, and still play the game.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2016, 01:40:35 pm by maximo310 »


Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #31 on: August 08, 2016, 02:00:18 pm »
For those getting angry about the C&D, Nintendo commonly upholds IP law against fan projects like other Japanese companies, even though I think their approach is pretty harsh at times and that IP law should be revised. 

One other example being Victor Entertainment prohibiting Namco arcade music from the 80s-90s along other songs, from being heard in the U.S. because of Youtube Red's policies breaking IP law.

 You can still download the file as a torrent from the website, and still play the game.

I don't think people would be as upset if Nintendo actually acknowledged the Metroid fans out there and the fact that the series has been around for 30 years. 

It's also like how they were having YouTube videos of their games being played taken down, because they wanted a cut of that piddly-ass amount of money.  Nintendo has stubbornly refused to get with the times.  And no matter how many apologists are out there saying they think what Nintendo does is smart, the fact of the matter is Nintendo has consistently been making less & less revenue since the N64 was launched with the exception of the Wii.  To the point now where they are steadily bleeding money since the launch of the Wii U. 

All of their actions and secrecy about the NX and statements that they didn't want the competition "copying their ideas" says one thing:  GIMMICK.  The NX is going to be a gimmick system.  When the NX launches, we will get inferior versions of Need for Speed and a couple of other games where third party developers throw some token support Nintendo's way.  It will all dry up then and again, the faithful will spend months on end waiting for the next game that Nintendo puts out.
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #32 on: August 08, 2016, 02:35:28 pm »
No, most people have always been upset when fan projects were taken down by Japanese companies because of their IP law, same thing with videos like SE region-locking DQ footage. I do agree that they have been neglecting fans, and that they really need a strong Metroid game to sell well so that they see that people are still interested in those kind of games.

They've only lost money in two years out of their 110 year existence ( 2012 and 2014), mostly because they're smart when it comes to managing their money. When it comes to their IP's, I agree that they're not good with those, especially with the way that Paper Mario has come too. Their handhelds are built cheaply and the markup is huge, especially with using  3D screens that are low res.

Once again, I don't think anyone has enough info to predict that NX will just automatically fail.  The other competitors are going to try to sell first gen gimmicky VR in 2017 along with new consoles, and then ask consumers to buy both because its " powerful" and " new". If NX is supposed to be a "gimmick" with little info on how that is supposed to be the case, then I guess stuff like PSVR should be a gimmick as well.


Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #33 on: August 08, 2016, 03:04:58 pm »
No, most people have always been upset when fan projects were taken down by Japanese companies because of their IP law, same thing with videos like SE region-locking DQ footage. I do agree that they have been neglecting fans, and that they really need a strong Metroid game to sell well so that they see that people are still interested in those kind of games.

They've only lost money in two years out of their 110 year existence ( 2012 and 2014), mostly because they're smart when it comes to managing their money. When it comes to their IP's, I agree that they're not good with those, especially with the way that Paper Mario has come too. Their handhelds are built cheaply and the markup is huge, especially with using  3D screens that are low res.

Once again, I don't think anyone has enough info to predict that NX will just automatically fail.  The other competitors are going to try to sell first gen gimmicky VR in 2017 along with new consoles, and then ask consumers to buy both because its " powerful" and " new". If NX is supposed to be a "gimmick" with little info on how that is supposed to be the case, then I guess stuff like PSVR should be a gimmick as well.

Nintendo may have only lost money in 2012 & 2014, but their profits have been in the toilet for several years now and continue to decrease.  As you pointed out - this is a company in business for 110 years.  Very recently, they have been floundering badly.  And yes, their handhelds are made like shit with junk parts & low resolution screens.

You are lumping VR in as a gimmick which is fine.  But VR is optional whereas Nintendo's entire systems are based around gimmicks.  I don't need a PSVR to play Uncharted.  I don't need Hololens to play Halo.  I don't need to shake a stick on either an Xbox or PlayStation console to make Kratos swing his blades or Master Chief blow a hole through an alien. 

Nintendo erroneously believes that hey have to shoehorn a gimmick or "alternate" control system into their games & systems.  They struck sales gold with the Wii because it was a fad.  So they doubled-down and made another gimmicky controller with the Wii U tablet....and kept on using the waggle wands as well.  It was a Frankenstein nightmare control scheme where one player had a tablet and the others got fucked and had to use a Wiimote.  Nintendo thought they were going to sell 100 million of these.  Really, they did.  Well, they came up about 87 million shy of their sales estimates.  So now they are once again doubling-down with another goofy fucking gimmick.  You don't need solid specs to know this:  The statements they have made that they don't want their competitors to see what they are "innovating on" says it all. 

Nintendo thinks because they can't compete in the traditional console business, they are going to move over to this hybrid system which in essence is a portable that can be docked to a tv if reports are to be believed.  What Nintendo fails to realize because I guess they don't have internet at their headquarters is that mobile gaming has increasingly become the realm of cell phones and tablets. Nintendo's handheld sales have consistently seen a decrease year over year.  They peaked with the DS with a total of 154 million systems sold.  The 3DS line has taken a beating and only managed to move under 60 million in five years.  And again, it continues to decrease. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #34 on: August 08, 2016, 07:14:02 pm »
When you say recent, that's the Q2 2016 report. There will probably be an uptick in the next two quarters from Pokemon Go and MiniNES, but their Wii U marketing has to improve.

What worries me about VR is that it will possibly have the same problem as the Wii, because of its limitations at the moment.  Even though there are developers who can make VR games ( just like how there were good Wii games that didn't abuse the waggle controls), the potential of that market to get oversaturated with low quality content is something that needs quality control.
Nintendo is going to move some Ip's to mobile gaming anyways, because despite the limitations of the platform, they can make a ton of money off of that area. But I think the area they really need to improve in is their marketing, which is the main reason why the Wii U failed, not the Gamepad.

So I holding my breath to see how the NX news will unveil itself, and then decide when to get NX. I'm planning on doing a NX exclusive+PC combo, ( similar to my current Wii U+ PC combo), since most of the multiplats I want have the best graphics and performance on PC for lower cost.


Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #35 on: August 08, 2016, 07:45:17 pm »
Nintendo did everyone a solid for Metroid's anniversary.  They said absolutely nothing about it nor acknowledged it, and ordered a cease & desist to take down the fan remake of Metroid II. 

Man, Nintendo can go suck the big green weenie.  They've really turned into a shit company.  I get protecting your intellectual property and all, but this fan work wasn't hurting a damn thing.  Where most companies would embrace something like this, Nintendo spits in gamers faces by not mentioning Metroid's anniversary or anything, then getting all legal on some of their most devoted fans who took all the time to make this game happen. 

Fuck you Nintendo.  Fuck you.

Again, I think we kind of share a brain.


Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #36 on: August 09, 2016, 09:13:22 am »
When you say recent, that's the Q2 2016 report. There will probably be an uptick in the next two quarters from Pokemon Go and MiniNES, but their Wii U marketing has to improve.

What worries me about VR is that it will possibly have the same problem as the Wii, because of its limitations at the moment.  Even though there are developers who can make VR games ( just like how there were good Wii games that didn't abuse the waggle controls), the potential of that market to get oversaturated with low quality content is something that needs quality control.
Nintendo is going to move some Ip's to mobile gaming anyways, because despite the limitations of the platform, they can make a ton of money off of that area. But I think the area they really need to improve in is their marketing, which is the main reason why the Wii U failed, not the Gamepad.

So I holding my breath to see how the NX news will unveil itself, and then decide when to get NX. I'm planning on doing a NX exclusive+PC combo, ( similar to my current Wii U+ PC combo), since most of the multiplats I want have the best graphics and performance on PC for lower cost.

I like having discussions with you Maximo.  It's always civil and it's enlightening to see your viewpoint.    :)

It's too late for Wii U marketing and Nintendo knows it.  I think that's why they don't even bother.  We are seeing some backlash against Niantic for their handling of Pokémon Go right now.  It is a runaway success, but the game has obvious problems and some of the patches they have released have angered their player base.  I hope it works out for them in the end as it will show Nintendo that moving onto other platforms can work for them. 

There are inherent limitations to VR at the moment and you are spot on with your concerns.  We will undoubtedly see a plethora of shovelware.  While Sony and Microsoft platforms are no strangers to crap titles, I'm hoping that they don't become an outlet for schlock software.  I think the Wii was a shovelware haven through no fault of Nintendo's:  It sold like gang-busters so everyone jumped in to make a quick buck.  If Nintendo was responsible in any way, it was because they allowed the trash to get certified and released. 

If by exclusive NX+PC combo you mean you aren't going to play PS4 or Xbox One games...well that's your choice but you will be missing out on some great exclusives.  But again, it's all choice and by me not buying an NX, I'm sure I'll be missing out on some great exclusives from Nintendo. 
Currently playing:  Last of Us Part II Remastered, Cyberpunk 2077 Ultimate Edition
Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
Currently Watching:  Cyberpunk Edgerunners & Last of Us


Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #37 on: August 09, 2016, 03:16:47 pm »
When you say recent, that's the Q2 2016 report. There will probably be an uptick in the next two quarters from Pokemon Go and MiniNES, but their Wii U marketing has to improve.

What worries me about VR is that it will possibly have the same problem as the Wii, because of its limitations at the moment.  Even though there are developers who can make VR games ( just like how there were good Wii games that didn't abuse the waggle controls), the potential of that market to get oversaturated with low quality content is something that needs quality control.
Nintendo is going to move some Ip's to mobile gaming anyways, because despite the limitations of the platform, they can make a ton of money off of that area. But I think the area they really need to improve in is their marketing, which is the main reason why the Wii U failed, not the Gamepad.

So I holding my breath to see how the NX news will unveil itself, and then decide when to get NX. I'm planning on doing a NX exclusive+PC combo, ( similar to my current Wii U+ PC combo), since most of the multiplats I want have the best graphics and performance on PC for lower cost.

I like having discussions with you Maximo.  It's always civil and it's enlightening to see your viewpoint.    :)

It's too late for Wii U marketing and Nintendo knows it.  I think that's why they don't even bother.  We are seeing some backlash against Niantic for their handling of Pokémon Go right now.  It is a runaway success, but the game has obvious problems and some of the patches they have released have angered their player base.  I hope it works out for them in the end as it will show Nintendo that moving onto other platforms can work for them. 

There are inherent limitations to VR at the moment and you are spot on with your concerns.  We will undoubtedly see a plethora of shovelware.  While Sony and Microsoft platforms are no strangers to crap titles, I'm hoping that they don't become an outlet for schlock software.  I think the Wii was a shovelware haven through no fault of Nintendo's:  It sold like gang-busters so everyone jumped in to make a quick buck.  If Nintendo was responsible in any way, it was because they allowed the trash to get certified and released. 

If by exclusive NX+PC combo you mean you aren't going to play PS4 or Xbox One games...well that's your choice but you will be missing out on some great exclusives.  But again, it's all choice and by me not buying an NX, I'm sure I'll be missing out on some great exclusives from Nintendo.

I think I can totally agree with you that their marketing is absolutely horrible. They managed to have decent marketing during the beginning of the Wii's and DS lifecycle, what happened!? But they are slow to listen to fans on their ends. Having played Pokemon Go for the last month, the recent changes have made it harder to catch, acquire, and beat Pokemon, and it seems like a step back in multiple ways. I'm probably gonna quit by the end of the month if they don't add in trainer battles or necessary features.

I hope so for VR as well, but I remember that I didn't buy too much for the Wii for a few years because it felt like it was being surrounded by shovelware. It wasn't till about 2012 where I did some research from videos and on this website and found that there are a great amount of hidden gems on the system. It's too bad that some of those games got very little marketing, while some of the shovelware titles from Ubisoft got lots of marketing ( and was the start of the Just Dance series).

The NX+PC combo is tenative right now; I was considering getting a PS4 but with all of the news of the Neo, I was thinking about waiting a bit for it to come out and see if its like a new 3DS situation or if lots of developers shift to developing for the console.

And thanks for discussing this; I may come off as a bit hotheaded at times, but this is fun.


Re: Metroid's 30th Anniversary is Aug. 5th
« Reply #38 on: August 09, 2016, 03:53:44 pm »
I think I can totally agree with you that their marketing is absolutely horrible. They managed to have decent marketing during the beginning of the Wii's and DS lifecycle, what happened!? But they are slow to listen to fans on their ends. Having played Pokemon Go for the last month, the recent changes have made it harder to catch, acquire, and beat Pokemon, and it seems like a step back in multiple ways. I'm probably gonna quit by the end of the month if they don't add in trainer battles or necessary features.

I hope so for VR as well, but I remember that I didn't buy too much for the Wii for a few years because it felt like it was being surrounded by shovelware. It wasn't till about 2012 where I did some research from videos and on this website and found that there are a great amount of hidden gems on the system. It's too bad that some of those games got very little marketing, while some of the shovelware titles from Ubisoft got lots of marketing ( and was the start of the Just Dance series).

The NX+PC combo is tenative right now; I was considering getting a PS4 but with all of the news of the Neo, I was thinking about waiting a bit for it to come out and see if its like a new 3DS situation or if lots of developers shift to developing for the console.

And thanks for discussing this; I may come off as a bit hotheaded at times, but this is fun.

LOL...we can all be a bit hotheaded at times.  There has been more than one thread closed around here that I had a hand in!

I don't blame you for waiting on news of the Neo.  It only makes sense if you haven't taken the plunge at this point. 
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Currently listening to:  Iron Maiden & Ghost
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