My first impressions of the PC version.
- the game is set to 30 FPS by default. I have read there is a way to change this but haven't yet.
- I am not certain if the game detects and uses the graphics settings appropriate for the system it is running on. This is something most PC games will do, determine what settings to use.
- VSync is set to on and it can't be changed to off from within the game. I typically play games with it off, but I don't have an option to test here.
- The music is nice but really I think I must turn it off. It has enough weird sounds in it that are distracting. This happens a bit in games, especially games that are atmospheric and the music interferes.
- The ship controls are weird. There are some control issues when flying on a planet/moon. One main one is that there seems to be some floating happening, where the ship will keep trying to put the nose up, or the control to aim down does not work. It may be a design of the game, as it feels like the ship is fighting against the control input. It could also be speed related, as I can aim down if I slow the ship down.
- the FOV is a problem and I need to look into changing it. When on foot, everything seems too zoomed in. When in a ship, you can't see the sides of the instrument panel unless you are using the pulse engine (I haven't warped yet).
- naming things is cool at first. The profanity filter does recognize words in other languages. Naming things gets old after awhile. I sit there thinking, what should I name this new rock I found? I had all these great ideas, but when I am playing, I can't think of anything. I think i will now just stick to naming systems, planets and waypoints, but not the plants and animals.
- I have found one invisible wall so far. It is in the space station. You can't walk into that open space behind the landing pads.

- Graphics sometimes have texture issues or tearing when the Steam Client achievement toast is triggered.
- Journey update can interrupt gameplay, for example, it can appear when in combat or other interaction, removing the HUD until the animation disappears.
- There is no tutorial mode for learning the controls. Some of the controls are not standard for FPS, and often I am pressing the wrong buttons. People saying the game is just like Minecraft must not have played much Minecraft. I was constantly pressing E to open inventory (fortunately E doesn't do anything) when it is actually Tab that needs to be used. There are no control tooltips for in menus. For example, you can cancel menu options by using right click.
- When on a planet and in the ship, the destination icon can go off the screen. Say you are flying to some part on the map, it has the time eta numbers on it. When you are too close, this icon disappears, meaning you can no longer see how long until you get there. This results in me landing too far away from destinations constantly. Just because it goes away (meaning it is under you) is not accurate enough either, you can still overshoot it during the landing sequence.
Overall the game is just fine. I ended up playing 6 hours in one sitting.
Now my main quest is to find Copper. I have searched on 3 planets and can't find it yet.
Hint/spoiler: There was reports on the PS4 version that if you accepted your pre-order ship prior to building the hyperdrive, your new ship would not have one. I prepared for this and found something that could be a bug. The hyperdrive quest is multiple parts, you build it and then you need to get the fuel for it. For whatever reason, my starter world did not have the materials needed for the fuel portion. So I gambled and went to the space station and then claimed my pre-order ship. After I transfer my items over, I see then that it gave me the fuel (I think it is called warp cell) in the new ship inventory and completed that part of the quest.