I have two questions about the soundtracks category... well in fact the first question is a bit more general :
If an item is part of a bundle, let's take as an exemple the OST of
Ar Tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel that came with the game on PS3, that OST can have is own entry in the database ? I took that OST as an exemple since
it really have is own entry, i think i have seen items in others category too (especially in accessory like controllers) so that doesn't only applies to soundtracks. I wouldn't mind if that was the case, i find it more easier that way to know what we really have in our collections especially since people often sell these items separately, like this morning in a flea market i've seen someone trying to sell the little artbook that came with the limited edition of Alone in the Dark... if that guy was selling the OST instead of the artbook i would have bought it without any hesitation because i didn't remember it came with the limited edition too

but is VGC have a rule about those items ?
And my second question is about digital soundtracks, there is already a few of them in the soundtrack category (like the
digital soundtrack of Bloodborne or the
Void Invaders soundtrack on Steam) but are they really accepted in the database ? and if so would it be better for them that have their own category ? I ask that before i start to add any of them because i would literally flood the Soundtrack category with them (i have more than 300 of them on Humble Bundle, more or less an hundred on Groupees, a few of them as download from Collector or Special Editions... and Lord Gaben only know how much on Steam

)... or maybe it would be better if i find an alternative to take care of those ? I really don't mind either way, i just ask what would be better for the database