Pickups of the week were pretty good; missed out on a few games due to people stealing discs( eternal darkness and dark cloud 2 sadly), but I got these:
Resident Evil: Director's Cut ( 2CD case w/ RE2 demo,PS1, no manual)- $2
Pokemon Battle Revolution ( Wii, CIB)- $2
NBA Jam (PS3, CIB) -$3
Silent Hill 2 (PS2, CIB)- $3
Silent Hill 4: The Room (PS2, no manual)- $3
Xenosaga Episode I (PS2, CIB) -$3
Super Mario Sunshine, GC, disc only inside of Paper Mario GC case+ manual)- $3
BRE Software had a sale w/ the 20% off, and a extra discount for combined shipping. So got these manuals for $20
DS: Contact, Fire Emblem Shadow Dragon
GC: Geist, Mario Power Tennis, Mario Superstar Baseball, DK Jungle Beat, Alien Hominid, and TimeSplitters Future Perfect
PS2: Castle Shikigami 2
Just Dance 2015 ( Wii U, sealed)- $5.98